Aloen L. Townsend appointed to University Budget Committee

headshot of Aloen L. Townsend

Aloen L. Townsend, the Ralph S. and Dorothy P. Schmitt Professor of Social Work, has been appointed to the University Budget Committee (UBC) as the Mandel School's faculty representative. Her term begins immediately and continues through June 30, 2024.

Townsend succeeds Craig Zullig, Associate Dean of Finance and Administration, who served as the school's interim representative and succeeded Mark L. Joseph, the Leona Bevis/Marguerite Haynam Associate Professor in Community Development, who was appointed chair of the UBC on July 1, 2020.

The UBC serves as an advisory body to the Provost and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and is charged with oversight of the budgeting and forecasting model(s) and related processes, assumptions and activities. UBC takes a university view, as opposed to a school or unit viewpoint, in its deliberations and recommendations. The Provost, in consultation with the CFO and chair of the Faculty Senate Finance Committee, appoints members to UBC based on expertise and commitment.

This story appeared in  on Jan. 14, 2022.