
Image of woman in walking down an on old, but colorful, street in Guatemala, carrying bags in left arm and many bags on top of head

Community Based Child Welfare in Guatemala (SASS 375D/575)  

Student in Guatemala

3 credits

Develop an international perspective in social work, and learn about child welfare from a community development perspective in a low-resource Central American country. Understand the socio-political factors that influence child welfare programs in the nongovernmental sector in Guatemala. Experience living, learning and traveling in a small-group setting while studying child welfare issues, social services and indigenous community practice.

Enhance your Spanish-speaking skills with one-on-one Spanish lessons every morning. In the afternoon, explore the roles of the helping professions in child welfare via agency visits, lectures and collaborations with Guatemalan professionals. Participants will develop a learning activity and administer the program to Guatemalan children as part of an after-school program.

The study abroad trip to Guatemala reaffirmed for me why I chose to join the social work profession. It was inspiring and encouraging to spend a week in another country and to learn from the people who live there along with my classmates. I am so happy I had this opportunity, and I cannot wait to draw on my experiences in Guatemala for years to come.
—Meghan Kusina, social work student, Guatemala 2017

For more information, please contact Dr. David B. Miller.