About the Primary Care Provider Attestation

About the Primary Care Provider Attestation

In addition to the required Health Risk Assessment, the Primary Care Provider Attestation is one of the three options (along with Tobacco Attestation and Biometric Screening; participants choose at least two of the three activities to complete) that are offered for faculty and staff who want to earn the Monthly Wellness Incentive

The Primary Care Provider Attestation form can be found on the Wellness Tile within  between September 1 and November 30 annually. New hires to the university should complete the paper form included in their orientation packet.

Primary Care Provider (PCP) Attestation
Numerous benefits are associated with having a primary care provider (PCP). Not only do regular visits with a PCP encourage preventive exam compliance (e.g., colonoscopy, mammograms, etc.), but they also lead to increased rates of necessary immunizations. Recent data analysis from our annual Health Risk Assessment (HRA) process indicates that our faculty and staff compliance with screening exams and immunizations is not as strong as other higher education benchmark groups. 

The PCP Attestation Form requires you to honestly attest that you have a primary care provider and you have had or will have a primary care visit during the calendar year.