Alzheimer disease, also called Alzheimer's disease or AD, is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. Symptoms worsen over time and make daily tasks harder.
There is no cure, but research like ours hopes to find some of the genetic and social
determinants of health so that the symptoms of AD can be delayed and treated.
The Haines Lab at ǿմý (ǿմý) is conducting Alzheimer research looking at the genetics of families. It is also part of an international genetics research project looking at diverse ancestry.
The family studies are looking for:
- Anyone over 50 with at least 1 living relative who has memory problems (like dementia) or AD
- Anyone under 60 diagnosed with “early-onset” memory problems (sometimes called “early-onset dementia” or “early-onset AD”)
For our part in the diverse ancestry study (DAWN at ǿմý) we are looking for
- African Americans with memory loss (like dementia) or AD
- African Americans 60+ who do not have memory loss
Joining and sharing these studies will help researchers around the country in the fight
against AD. If you qualify to participate, you will do a two-hour interview on your memory, health, and family history. We will then do a small blood draw. This can be done in the comfort of your home, or you can meet with us on campus. At the end, you’ll get a gift card in appreciation!
For more details or to join this study, please call 1-216-368-0800.