Clinical Trials

Is a Cancer Clinical Trial Right for You?

Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. Often, a clinical trial might be the last treatment resort for a cancer patient when all other therapies have failed. Cancer clinical trials help doctors discover new and better ways to prevent, find, and treat cancer. Many trials have been started right here at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center (Case CCC).

People often make the mistake of thinking that some people in a clinical trial do not get treated at all. This is false. Everyone receives either the standard of care—meaning the highest level of care the doctors can provide at the time—or the trial, which is sometimes called an intervention. All trials are examined by experts to ensure safety before being tested on human patients. Learn more about clinical trials on our Clinical Trial FAQs page.

Making Clinical Trials Accessible

More Information

To learn more about your clinical trial options, please contact:

UH Seidman Cancer Center
Call: 1.800.641.2422

Cleveland Clinic
Call: 1.866.223.8100

National Cancer Institute
Call: 1.800.4.CANCER (1.800.422.6237)