June 29, 2021: Shannon E French - On 'The Code of the Warrior' and Ethics of War
June 28, 2021: Biased Data, Killer Robots, and Other Issues in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
July 7, 2020 - Interview: The Code of the Warrior - The Art of Manliness Podcast
January 20, 2020 - Panel Discussion: "The US-Iran Crisis" hosted by Michael Scharf in a broadcast of "Talking Foreign Policy"
October 24, 2019: Military Medical Ethics: Battlefield Care for Compatriots, Host-Nation Nationals, and Captured Persons
March 28, 2019: McCain Conference - The FutureofMilitaryValues LtGeneralChrisMillerandDr. ShannonFrench
April 1, 2019: War, International Law & Legitimacy
August 30, 2018: Ethics and Contemporary Conflict: Can the Just War Tradition still contribute anything useful to our understanding?
December 27, 2017: Dr. French's Appearance on The Dead Prussian: A Podcast about War and Warfare
The host of The Dead Prussian podcast, Mick Cook, speaks with Dr. Shannon French about her current research, her book , and a discussion of the "importance of ethical codes to warrior cultures and how it assists societies in dealing with the impact of war."
November 1, 2017 : If Aristotle Waged Cyber Warfare
Dehumanizing the Enemy - The Intersection of Neuroethics and Military Ethics
French, Shannon and Jack, Anthony. “Dehumanizing the Enemy - The Intersection of Neuroethics and Military Ethics.”&Բ;Responsibilities to Protect: Perspective in Theory and Practice. Ed. David Whetham and Bradley J. Strawser. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2015, 169-195.