Military Ethics Resources

June 29, 2021: Shannon E French - On 'The Code of the Warrior' and Ethics of War

June 28, 2021: Biased Data, Killer Robots, and Other Issues in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

July 7, 2020 - Interview: The Code of the Warrior - The Art of Manliness Podcast

January 20, 2020 - Panel Discussion: "The US-Iran Crisis" hosted by Michael Scharf in a broadcast of "Talking Foreign Policy"


October 24, 2019: Military Medical Ethics: Battlefield Care for Compatriots, Host-Nation Nationals, and Captured Persons

Flyer provides a brief description of the military medical ethics event being held at 1:00pm on 10/14/2019 in Tink room 280F.

March 28, 2019: McCain Conference - The FutureofMilitaryValues LtGeneralChrisMillerandDr. ShannonFrench  


April 1, 2019: War, International Law & Legitimacy

Whetham lecture on April 1, 2019 - War, Intl Law and Legitimacy


August 30, 2018: Ethics and Contemporary Conflict: Can the Just War Tradition still contribute anything useful to our understanding?

David Whetham flyer for talk at the Inamori Center

December 27, 2017: Dr. French's Appearance on The Dead Prussian: A Podcast about War and Warfare

The host of The Dead Prussian podcast, Mick Cook, speaks with Dr. Shannon French about her current research, her book , and a discussion of the "importance of ethical codes to warrior cultures and how it assists societies in dealing with the impact of war."



November 1, 2017 : If Aristotle Waged Cyber Warfare

If Aristotle Waged Cyber Warfare, While US cyber security experts have nervously awaited a "cyber Armageddon" our adversaries have top-toed up behind us, engaging in "state-sponsored hacktivism." How do we discern new norms of responsible behavior in this environment where adversaries now interfere now interfere in elections and copy and steal millions of private personnel records? As always, Aristotle offers some useful advice. Dr. George R. Lucas, Jr. is the CRWRU Visiting Distinguished Inamori Scholar.

Dehumanizing the Enemy - The Intersection of Neuroethics and Military Ethics

French, Shannon and Jack, Anthony. “Dehumanizing the Enemy - The Intersection of Neuroethics and Military Ethics.”&Բ;Responsibilities to Protect: Perspective in Theory and Practice. Ed. David Whetham and Bradley J. Strawser. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2015, 169-195. 

October 27, 2010 -  International Peace and War Summit: "The Ethics of War in the 21st Century: Law, Policy, and Practice"
