Inamori International Military Ethics Thesis Prize

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The Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence awards an annual prize for the best thesis in military ethics to promote active involvement in the study and application of military ethics, including:

  • Just War Theory; 

  • the Conduct of War; 

  • the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC); 

  • International Humanitarian Law (IHL); and 

  • other related fields that include the study of human rights issues in the context of armed conflict. 

In an effort to foster global discussion of pressing issues in military ethics and improve the accessibility of the field in languages other than English, the Inamori Center publishes the winning theses, in print and online, in multiple languages.

Two winners will be chosen for the Inamori International Thesis Prize in Military Ethics in 2022. The Inamori Center will publish the first place winning thesis and an abstract of the second place winning thesis in multiple languages as a special volume of . The  were published in English, French, and Spanish. 

This Inamori thesis prize complements a similar award available to Europeans and Israelis offered by the esteemed  (International Society for Military Ethics, European Chapter) organization. 

The Prize:

Both Inamori International Thesis Prize in Military Ethics winners will also have the opportunity to give a presentation on their winning thesis at the annual . The 2022 conference is anticipated to be in person at Ludovika University in Budapest, Hungary. The first place winner will receive up to $2,000 in travel funding from the Inamori Center to attend the conference. In addition, both winners receive a $500 prize.

The first prize consists of:

  • the opportunity to present on their thesis at Euro-ISME’s annual conference;
  • travel funding up to $2000;
  • prize money of $500;
  • the opportunity to publish the thesis; and
  • a commemorative award.

The second prize consists of:

  • the opportunity to present on their thesis at Euro-ISME’s annual conference;
  • prize money of $500;
  • the opportunity to publish an abstract of the thesis; and
  • a commemorative award.

Applications are encouraged from:

Non-European/Israeli students, either military or civilian, in a graduate or professional-level program (including law or medical students, etc.) studying for their degree at any accredited college or university or military service academy or war college (or similar). European and Israeli students are not eligible, but instead are strongly encouraged to submit to the annual .

Requirements for Thesis:

  • Submissions should be a single document in PDF format in English and a minimum of 7,000 words and a maximum of 12,500 words (approximately 25-50 pages, double-spaced). To submit in a language other than English, please contact

  • Each submission must contain:

    • author name, contact information, and, if applicable, rank and branch of the of the military;

    • contact information of the higher education or military institution for which the thesis was written; and

    • a statement on the year when the thesis was successfully completed.

  • Only theses written at the level of a master’s degree, equivalent, or higher are eligible. The thesis submitted must have been written for a graduate or professional-level program either in the current academic year (2021-22) or during one of the three previous academic years (2018-19 through 2020-21). Older theses will not be considered.

  • A submission on any topic of ethical concern to the military will be considered, including but not limited to military ethics, war studies, security studies, cyber warfare, military history, and other corollary topics. There must be a strong ethical theme/argument in the thesis for it to be considered for the prizes.

The Jury

The jury will consist of external experts from the fields such as military ethics, philosophy, law, and history, offering a combination of field experience (the practitioner’s perspective) and academia (the theoretical perspective). 

Deadline for Submission: February 15, 2022

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