Rakesh Niraj

Associate Professor
Design & Innovation
Weatherhead School of Management

Rakesh Niraj, PhD, associate professor of marketing in the Department of Design and Innovation, focuses his research on both analytical and empirical modeling of marketing strategy in such areas as customer relationship management (CRM), retailing and social media marketing. Niraj’s ongoing research explores success factors of biotech innovations, impact of customer trust on continued patronage in highly dynamic electronic retailing space and customer evolution across multiple channels in buying from a multi-channel retailer.

Since joining the faculty at Weatherhead School of Management in 2009, Niraj’s courses have included Marketing Analytics for Supply Chain Managers, Measuring Marketing Performance, Customer Relationship Management, and Marketing Metrics.

Niraj has extensive publications in numerous peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Marketing Science, International Journal of Marketing Research, Decision Support Systems, and Journal of Marketing Research. He has received several awards for his publications including the MSI/H. Paul Root Best Paper Award for most significant contribution to the advancement of marketing practice.

Niraj has widely presented his work both in the U.S. and abroad, including the European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, American Marketing Association Educator’s Conference, North American Society for Marketing Education in India, and at universities such as University of California, Irvine, Kent State University and Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton. Professionally, Niraj has been an editorial review board member of the Journal of Marketing and is a current editorial board member of the Journal of Business Research. He received both his PhD and MSBA from Washington University in St. Louis.

Initially Appointed: 2009


Washington University in St. Louis
Master of Science in Business Analytics
Washington University in St. Louis
Master of Business Administration
Indian Institute of Management
University of Delhi

Teaching Information

Teaching Interests

  • Marketing Management
  • Marketing Metrics
  • Marketing Models

Courses Taught

  • Managerial Marketing I
  • Managerial Marketing II

Office Hours

Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 to 5 PM

Research Information

Research Interests

  • Retailing and Distribution
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Consumer Choice Models
  • Text Analytics

Awards and Honors

  • Best Paper in Track Award
    5th Asia Pacific International Conference
  • Outstanding Article Award - Winner
    Journal of Business to Business Marketing
  • 2011 Best Paper Award - Honorable Mention
    Decision Sciences Institute
  • Highly Commended Paper Award - Customer Profitability Implications of Customer Satisfaction Programs
    Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
  • Recognition as Professor of Excellence
    Delta Sigma Pi - University of Southern California
  • MSI / H. Paul Root Award for Best Paper in advancement of Marketing Practiced, Published by the Journal of Marketing in 2001
    AMA - Journal of Marketing
  • Institute Fellowship
    Indian Institute of Management

External Appointments

  • Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Business Research, 2016 - Present
  • Committee Member, General Education Requirement (GER) Implementation Subcommittee of FSCUE, 2018 - 2020
  • Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee, 2014
  • Committee Member, Faculty Council, 2014 - 2017
  • Committee Chair, Core group on developing MSM in Business Analytics, 2014 - 2015
  • Committee Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Education, 2012 - 2017
  • Leading the efforts to improve the undergraduate program, Undergraduate program affairs, 2011 - 2012
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Marketing, Chicago, IL, 2007 - 2008
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing, 2001 - Present


  • Gallan, A. , Niraj, R. , Singh, A. (2022).
    Beyond HCAHPS: Analysis of Patients’ Comments Provides and Expanded View of Hospital Experiences (vol. 9, issue 1, pp. 159-168)  Patient Experience Journal
  • Wang, P. , Niraj, R. , Sun, L. , Zhang, L. , Gui, W. (2021).
    Reference Points in Consumer Choice Models: A Review and Future Research Agenda   Hoboken, NJ:  International Journal of Consumer Studies
  • Mark, T. , Bulla, J. , Niraj, R. , Bulla, I. (2019).
    Catalogue as a tool for reinforcing habits: Empirical evidence from a multichannel retailer   Elsevier: International Journal of Research in Marketing
  • Wang, P. , Chung, J. , Niraj, R. , Sun, L. (2019).
    Incorporating reference products into modeling consumer choice decision: A mixtures-of-experts model  (vol. 119, pp. 85-95)  Decision Support Systems
  • Jaiswal, A. , Niraj, R. , Agarwal, M. , Park, C. (2018).
    The Effect of Relationship and Transactional Characteristics on Customer Retention in Emerging Online Markets Article (vol. 92, issue November, pp. 25-35)  Amsterdam: Journal of Business Research
  • Niraj, R. , Narasimhan, C. (2016).
    Examining Incentives to Share Demand Information with Your Channel Partner  (vol. 14, issue 3)  International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
  • Niraj, R. , Siddarth, S. (2013).
    Price Customization and Within Chain Data Do Not Mix!  (vol. 48, issue 1/2, pp. 360-379) European Journal of Marketing
  • Niraj, R. , Mark, T. , Dawar, N. (2012).
    Uncovering Customer Profitability Segments for Business Customers  (vol. 19, issue 1, pp. 1-32)  London, England: Journal of Business to Business Marketing
  • Niraj, R. , Janakiraman, R. (2011). In Asoo J. Vakharia (Ed.)
    The Impact of Social Contagion on What to Buy, How to Buy and Where to Buy: Evidence from High-Tech Durable Goods Market  (vol. 42, issue 4, pp. 889-919) Atlanta, GA: Decision Sciences
  • Niraj, R. , Tellis, G. J., Yin, E. (2011).
    How Quality Drives the Rise and Fall of High-Tech Products (vol. 52, issue 4, pp. 3)  Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan Management Review
  • Jaiswal, A. , Niraj, R. (2011).
    Nonlinear Effects in Relationships between Satisfaction, Attidudinal Loyalty, Purchase Loyalty and Behavioral Intentions   Journal of Services Marketing
  • Jaiswal, A. , Niraj, R. , Venugopal, P. (2010).
    Context-General and Context-Specific Determinants of Online Satisfaction and Loyalty for Commerce and Content Sites   Hoboken, NJ: Journal of Interactive Marketing
  • Tellis, G. , Yin, E. , Niraj, R. (2009).
    Does Quality Win? Network Effects Versus Quality in High-Tech Markets    Chicago: Journal of Marketing Research
  • Iyer, G. , Niraj, R. , Narasimhan, C. (2007).
    Information and Inventory in Distribution Channels    Management Science


  • Iucolano, D. M. (Presenter & Author), Niraj, R. (Author Only), Lyytinen, K. J. (Author Only)  Summer AMA Educators Conference, "Personal Data Sharing and Collection: Consumer Acceptance and Fairness of Exchanges in Digital Environments", American Marketing Association, Chicago. (2018).
  • Niraj, R. (Presenter & Author), Garg, A. (Author Only), Si, M. (Author Only)  46th European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (EMAC), "Better Deal Closure Predictions: A Matter of “Survival” for Sales Operations", European Marketing Academy, Groningen, The Netherlands. (2017).
  • Niraj, R., Jaiswal, A. K. (Author Only)  2016 China India Insights Conference, "A Dynamic Model of Customer Relationship with an Online Retailer: Examining Role of Trust", Yale School of Management , London Business School, London. (2016).
  • Niraj, R. (Author Only), Paolillo, W. J. (Presenter & Author), Lindberg, A. (Author Only)  Summer AMA Educator Conference 2015, "Creating Customer Love: How Organizations Can Engender Positive Affect, In Online Product-Centered Communities", American marketing Association (AMA), Chicago. (2015).
  • Niraj, R. (Presenter & Author), Jaiswal, A. (Author Only)  4th Asia Marketing Research and Case Conference, "Role of Trust in Customer Relationship Length: Theory and Empirical Examination at an Online Retailer", University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. (2015).
  • Niraj, R. (Author Only), Mark, T. (Presenter & Author), Bulla, J. (Author Only), Bulla, I. (Author Only)  11th Marketing Dynamics Conference, "A Dynamic Segmentation Framework: Assessing Omnichannel Behavior of Customers", Stanford University/Chicago Booth School of Business, Las Vegas, NV. (2014).
  • Niraj, R. (Presenter & Author), Mark, T. (Author Only), Bulla, J. (Author Only), Bulla, I. (Author Only)  Summer Educator's Conference, "A Dynamic Segmentation Framework: Assessing Omnichannel Behavior of Customers", American Marketing Association, San Francisco. (2014).
  • Niraj, R. (Presenter & Author), Gallan, A. (Author Only), Shafer, M. (Author Only)  Marketing Science Conference, "Leveraging Capabilities for New Product Development: How Emerging Firms Succeed in Biotech", INFORMS, Boston. (2012).
  • Niraj, R. (Presenter & Author), Siddarth, S. (Author Only)  EMAC 2010 Conference, "How Well Do You Know Your Customers? Using Loyalty Card Data to Make Inferences about Purchasing Behavior", European Marketing Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark. (2010).
  • Niraj, R. (Presenter & Author), Martin, M. (Author Only), Merchant, K. (Author Only)  Marketing Science Conference, "Understanding Homebuyer Satisfaction: Before and After the Crash", INFORMS, Cologne, Germany. (2010).
  • Niraj, R., Jaiswal, A.  AMA Summer Educator's Conference, "Examining Nonlinearity in Satisfaction-Loyalty-Behavioal Intentions Relationships", American Marketing Association, San Diego, CA. (2008).
  • Niraj, R., Janakiraman, R.  INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, "The Effects of Social Contagion on Brand Loyalty: Evidence from a Consumer Durable Market", University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (2008).
  • Niraj, R., Janakiraman, R.  EMAC 2008 Conference, "The Impact of Social Contagion on what to buy, how to buy and whom to buy from: Evidence from High-Tech durable goods market", University of Brighton, Brighton, England. (2008).