Melissa Carlisle

Associate Professor
Department of Accountancy
Weatherhead School of Management
Thomas M. Dickerson Faculty Fellowship
Department of Accountancy
Weatherhead School of Management

Melissa Carlisle, PhD, CPA, assistant professor of accountancy, accepted her appointment to the Weatherhead School of Management in 2015. Her research interests focus on auditor judgment and decision-making and the impact of auditor behavior and regulation on audit quality. She is interested in the experimental study of psychological theories, applying and extending them into judgment contexts encountered by auditors and financial statement users. Her interests also extend into studying both auditor incentives and the structure of audit markets using experimental economics. Carlisle’s teaching interests include Auditing and Foundations of Accounting I.

Carlisle received her PhD in accounting from Georgia Institute of Technology, where she received the President’s Fellowship. She earned both her master’s in accounting and Bachelor of Business Administration from Kent State University.

Initially Appointed: 2015


Georgia Institute of Technology
Master of Accountancy
Kent State University
Bachelor of Business Administration
Kent State University

Teaching Information

Teaching Interests

  • Foundations of Accounting
  • Auditing

Courses Taught

  • Attestation and Assurance Services
  • Foundations of Accounting I

Office Hours

By appointment

Research Information

Research Interests

Melissa's research interests primarily focus on auditor-client interactions. Specifically, how these interactions influence  judgments and decision making and audit quality. She is interested in the experimental study of psychological theories, applying and extending them into judgment contexts encountered by auditors and financial statement users. She is also interested in studying how companies and investors interact, particularly whether and how investors hold companies accountable.

Professional Memberships

American Accounting Association. 2010 - Present


  • Carlisle, M., Gimbar, C. Jenkins, J.G. (2024); Negative Auditor-Client Interactions—An Exploration of Power Dynamics During Audit Evidence Collection. Current Issues in Auditing.
  • Hamilton, E.L., Smith, J., Carlisle, M. (2024); Explaining Away Intentional Misstatements: When are Management Excuses Most Effective? Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory.
  • Carlisle, M., Millar, M., Wukich, J. (2023); Shareholder Primacy or Stakeholder Pluralism? Environmental Shareholder Proposals and Board Responses. Accounting, Auditing, and Accountability Journal.
  • Carlisle, M. , Gimbar, C. , Jenkins, J. G. (2023); Auditor-Client Interactions - An Exploration of Power Dynamics During Audit Evidence Collection   Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory
  • Carlisle, M. , Gimbar, C. , Jenkins, J. G.
    Auditor-Client Interactions - An Exploration of Power Dynamics During Audit Evidence Collection   Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory
  • Carlisle, M. , Yu, W. , Church, B. (2022).
    The Effect of Small Audit Firms’ Failure to Remediate the PCAOB’s Quality Control Criticisms on Audit Market Segmentation   Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
  • Carlisle, M. , Zimmerman, A. , Hux, C. (2021).
    Selecting an Audit Partner: How to Determine the Right ‘Fit’   Strategic Finance
  • Carlisle, M. , Hamilton, E. L. (2021).
    The Role of Communication Mode in Auditor-Client Interactions: Insights from Staff Auditors  Current Issues in Auditing