NEOCANDO, Northeast Ohio Community and Neighborhood Data for Organizing, is a suite of innovative data tools that stem from over 30 years of researching, compiling, and linking administrative data to help devise and evaluate social policy.
We believe data are most impactful when in the hands of the local community, and therefore we post indicators from our integrated data systems to the public-facing NEOCANDO suite of tools. Academic researchers, community and economic development professionals, public officials, neighborhood activists, business leaders, and concerned citizens can easily use these tools to explore aspects such as population trends, poverty, employment, educational attainment, housing, and crime at a regional level. Access to the data is free.
NEOCANDO is a suite of three tools: the Neighborhood Data Warehouse, the Property Data Portal, and the Neighborhood Strategy Technology.
- Neighborhood Data Warehouse - Gain insight into neighborhood well-being quickly. Users can pull information from a wide array of topics all linked together by neighborhood geography, all at no-cost. This portal links data from local and federal sources at the census tract level through the county level, spanning topic areas from demographic information on population, poverty, and education, to social and economic information like public assistance use, crime, and child maltreatment, to information on the community built environment like home mortgage lending and median sales figures. Geographies are standardized across time so that information is comparable across topics and time periods.
- Property Data Portal - This portal provides parcel-level data for Cuyahoga County. Data can be viewed for a single parcel or pulled at the parcel level by neighborhood, municipality, ward, county council district, or other geographic areas. Available data include property characteristics and tax information from 1990 forward, property transfers (sales) information from 1975 forward, foreclosure filings from 2005 forward, and sheriff’s sales from 2000 forward. These data are collected from a variety of sources, including the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office and the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts. Data are timely and frequently updated, with some sources updated on a weekly basis.
- Neighborhood Strategy Technology - The Neighborhood Strategy Technology Web Application (NST) enables a diverse group of government and community agencies to collaborate in improving the communities of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. It provides quick access to information on property ownership, occupancy and vacancy, foreclosure, sheriff’s sale, and REO history, detailed tax information, code enforcement information, demolition information, property surveys conducted by area agencies, and more. In addition to linking and making data available, NST also serves as a communication platform and place for agencies to house their own data. Users can access, filter, and map data, as well as save custom queries and download spreadsheets of data.
More information about each tool and access can be found on the .