NEOCANDO Reports and Briefs

Our Publications Using NEOCANDO

C. Coulton, D. Crampton, Y. Cho, and S. J. Kim, “Effects of Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Involvement on Early Adult Outcomes: A Study of Cleveland’s Youth.” Cleveland, OH: Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development, ǿմý (2016). 

C. Coulton, F. Richter, S. J. Kim, R. Fischer, and Y. Cho, .  Cleveland, OH: Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development, ǿմý (2016). 

C. Coulton, R. Fischer, and S. J. Kim, . Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Education Research Center, The Ohio State University (2015). 

N. Lalich, F. Ford, A. Hirsh, K. Clover, J. Marks, R. Dubin, M. Schramm, T. Chan, et al., “The Role of Investors in The One-To-Three Family REO Market: The Case of Cleveland.”&Բ;Working Papers W13-12. Cambridge, MA: Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University (2013). 

F. Richter, L. Nelson and M. Petrus, “Neighborhood Recovery and NSP1: Implementation in Select Fourth District Communities.”&Բ;Community Reinvestment Report, Summer 2011. Cleveland, OH: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (2011). 

C. Coulton, M. Schramm and A. Hirsh, “Beyond REO: Property Transfers at Extremely Distressed Prices, Cuyahoga County, 2005-2008.” Cleveland, OH: Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development, ǿմý (2008). 

C. Coulton, T. Chan, K. Mikelbank, and M. Schramm, “Foreclosure and Beyond: A report on ownership and housing values following sheriff’s sales, Cleveland and Cuyahoga County, 2000-2007.” Cleveland, OH: Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development, ǿմý (2008). 

Research from Other Institutions Using NEOCANDO

Y. Fujii, “.”&Բ;Housing Policy Debate, 26.2 (2016): 296-315. 

R. Piiparinen, J. Russell, and C. Post, “.”&Բ;Urban Publications, Paper 1338 (2016). 

S. Whitaker and T. J. Fitzpatrick IV, “.”&Բ;Journal of Regional Science, 56.1 (2016): 156–175. 

A. Woo and S. Lee, “.”&Բ;Environment and Planning A, advance online publication (2016): 1-26. 

Z. Austrian, K. W. Hexter, E. Cyran, P. Boehnlein, B. Townley, and K. Kalynchuk, “.”&Բ;Urban Publications, Paper 1325 (2015). 

L. Epstein,  (unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2015).

J. Fitzpatrick IV, O. E. Ergungor, K. Fee, D. Hartley, F. G.-C. Richter, Y. Seo, S. Whitaker, and M. Zenker. . Cleveland: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (2015). 

W. Hexter and M. Schnoke, “Responding to Foreclosures in Cuyahoga County 2014 Update: Ninth Annual Report January 1 – December 31, 2014.”Urban Publications, Paper 1331 (2015). 

D. Keating, “.” In K. B. Anacker (ed.), The New American Suburb: Poverty, Race and the Economic Crisis (177-186). Abingdon: Routledge (2015). 

I. Lendel, C. Clouse, E. Cyran, T. Guzman, M. Piazza, S. Ryberg Webster, C. Post, and K. Kalynchuk, “.”&Բ;Urban Publications, Paper 1334 (2015). 

E. Rosenman and S. Walker, “.”&Բ;Environment and Planning A, advance online publication (2015): 1-19. 

A. Woo, K. Joh, and S. Van Zandt, “.”&Բ;Urban Studies, advance online publication (2015): 1-23. 

D. Aliprantis, “.”&Բ;Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Working Paper no. 13-02R (2014).