Indicate a Final Exam


The Final Exam field appears on the Meetings tab for courses listed in the undergraduate and graduate careers. It is used to alert the University Registrar's office if the instructor or department plans to use the standard final exam period at the end of the fall and spring terms. The field defaults to the value entered on the course catalog or from the value entered for the class section when it was scheduled in the previous like-term. If it is determined that the class should have a final exam during the standard final exam schedule, the value in the Final Exam field should be set to Yes. This final exam indicator does not appear anywhere that students can see it and is used solely for the scheduling of final exams.

It is preferred that final exams be indicated when the course is scheduled, allowing the Office of the University Registrar to schedule a final exam time for the class. If, at the time of scheduling, the status of the final exam has not been decided, then it is best to select Yes in the Final Exam field.

The Final Exam field should only be set to Yes for courses that have in-class final exams. Research courses, such as 651, 701, and the 400T, 500T, 600T series, should have the Final Exam field set to No as these courses don't have final exams. If there is a final exam but the final exam period is not used to administer it, then the Final Exam field should be set to No.

When the Final Exam field is set to Yes, a final exam will only be scheduled if the course falls into the university's final exam grid. Final exams may be scheduled for courses outside the grid by emailing

Once scheduled, the final exam date and time will populate the Exam tab of the class section. The exam will also appear in Class Search so that students will be aware of the exam time when they register for the class. Once registered, students will be able to see the exam information under their Classes & Enrollment tile. Instructors can also see their exam information in the Exam Schedule section under their My Schedule & Rosters tile.

Room assignments for final exams will be added later in term. Final exams are not necessarily scheduled in the same room where the class meets. Instructors will receive an email notification when final exam rooms have been assigned.

If an exam time must be added during the normal term (e.g., mid-semester exam), and outside of the standard meeting time, see the guide Create an Exam Outside Regular Meeting Pattern for directions.

This guide will describe how to indicate that a class section will use a standard final exam period.

Indicate a Final Exam

  1. with your ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ ID and associated passphrase. From the Staff Home page, select the SOC WorkCenter tile, and then choose Maintain Schedule of Classes.

    Alternatively, use the menu and navigate to Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes.

    The Maintain Schedule of Classes search screen appears.

  2. Look up the Academic Institution and select CASE1.

  3. Click Look up Term and select the appropriate term from the list.

  4. Click Search.

    All courses owned by your department and scheduled during the chosen term appear in the search results. Select the appropriate class from the search results.

  5. The Basic Data tab appears. Click the Meetings tab.

    Before making changes, please make sure that you are on the correct class section by looking at the Class Section field. If necessary, use the arrow buttons at the top of the box to locate the correct section.

  6. Click the Final Exam drop-down.

    The Final Exam field should only be set to Yes for courses that have final exams. Research courses, such as 651, 701, and the 400T, 500T, 600T series, should not have the Final Exam field set to Yes as these courses don't have final exams.

    When the Final Exam field is set to Yes, a final exam will only be scheduled if the course falls into the university's final exam grid. Final exams may be scheduled for courses outside the grid by emailing

    The final exam flag does not appear anywhere that students can see it and is used solely for scheduling the final exams.

  7. Select Yes from the list.

  8. Click Save.

This completes the process of indicating a final exam.

Refer to other guides to assist with additional edits to the schedule of classes.