Students who discontinue all studies during the fall or spring semester (even if enrolled in only one class) must contact their respective deans, registrars, or four-year advisor.
During fall or spring semesters, students may initiate a withdrawal request from the by selecting the Classes & Enrollment tile, expanding Modify Classes from the menu on the left, and choosing Withdrawal from All Classes. After the drop/add period, complete withdrawal from all courses within a term will result in a "WD" grade for each course.
During the Summer term, if a student drops a course, a grade of "W" will appear until the status is known for all summer session courses within the summer term. If a student withdraws from all summer session courses, all "W" grades will be changed to "WD" grades.
The withdrawal process will not be considered complete until an official withdrawal request is processed by the Registrar's Office. Non-attendance does not constitute official notification of a student's withdrawal.
No one will be allowed complete withdrawal after the last day of classes.
See Enrollment Dates and Deadlines.
Tuition Refunds
See Student Financial Services for the Withdrawal & Refund Schedule as well as refund deadlines for specific terms and sessions.