Mary Quinn Griffin, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, CNE

Professor and Institutional Researcher
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Assistant Provost of Outcome Assessment and Accreditation
Office of the Provost

Research Information

Research Interests

  • Genetics
  • Cardiac Care
  • Chronic Diseases Across the Lifespan
  • Women's Health

Professional Memberships

Coordinator, Sigma Theta Tau


  • Quinn Griffin, M. T., Mir, P. E. (2016). "Compassion Fatigue." In J.J. Fitzpatrick & G. McCarthy (Ed.), Nursing Concept Analysis : Applications to Research and Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
  • Quinn Griffin, M. T., Stilgenbauer, D. J., Nelson, G. (2016). "Decision Making by Nurse Managers." In J.J.  Fitzpatrick & G. McCarthy (Ed.), Nursing Concept Analysis : Applications to Research and Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
  • Quinn, M. E., Quinn Griffin, M. T. (2016). "Nurse Manager Accountability." In J.J. Fitzpatrick & G. McCarthy (Ed.), Nursing Concept Analysis : Applications to Research and Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
  • Corbett, A., Quinn Griffin, M. T. (2016). "Triage Nurse Expertise." In J.J.  Fitzpatrick & G. McCarthy (Ed.), Nursing Concept Analysis : Applications to Research and Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
  • Modic, M., Siedlecki, S.L., Quinn Griffin, M. T., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2016). Caring Behaviors: Perceptions of Acute Care Nurses and Hospitalized Patients With Diabetes. International Journal for Human Caring, 20(3), 160-164.
  • Spano-Szekely, L., Quinn Griffin, M. T., Clavelle, J., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2016). Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership in Nurse Managers. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 46(2), 101-8.  doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000000303.
  • Moon, H.M., & Quinn Griffin, M. T. (2015). "University Partnership." In M. J. Smith, R. Carpenter, & J. J.  Fitzpatrick (Eds.),. In Encyclopedia of Nursing Education. New York: Springer Publishing.
  • Lehrer, J.C., & Quinn Griffin, M. T. (2015). "Academic Advising." In M. J. Smith, R. Carpenter, & J. J.  Fitzpatrick (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Nursing Education. New York: Springer Publishing.
  • Quinn Griffin, M. T., Mott, M., Burrell, P. M., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2014). Palauans who chew betel nut: social impact of oral disease. Int Nurs Rev, 61(1), 148-155. doi: 10.1111/inr.12082
  • Quinn Griffin, M. T., Novotny, J. M. (2011). A Nuts and Bolts Approach to Teaching Nursing, Fourth Edition.
  • Bates, M. D., Quinn Griffin, M. T., Killion, C. M., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2011). African American males’ knowledge and attitudes toward genetic testing and willingness to participate in genetic testing: A pilot study. Journal of National Black Nurses' Association, 22(1), 1-7.
  • Hauck, A., Quinn Griffin, M. T., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2011). Structural empowerment and anticipated turnover among critical care nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(2), 269-276.
  • Edwards, E. L., Lemke', A. A., Trinidad, S. B., Lewis, S., Starks, H., Quinn Griffin, M. T., Wiesner, G. L. (2011). Attitudes toward Genetic Research Review: Results from a Survey of Human Genetics Researchers. Public Health Genomics, 14(6), 337-45. doi: 10.1159/000324931.
  • Beauvais, A., O'Shea, E., Quinn Griffin, M. T. (2011). Emotional Intelligence and Nursing Performance Among Nursing Students. Nurse Education Today, 31(4), 396-401.
  • Daack-Hirsch, S., Brady, N., Dieter, C., Quinn Griffin, M. T. (2011). Integrating genomics into undergraduate nursing education. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(3), 223-30.  doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2011.01400.x.
  • Baker, S. L., Fitzpatrick, J. J., Quinn Griffin, M. T. (2011). Empowerment and job satisfaction in associate degree nurse educators. Nursing Education Perspectives, 32(4), 234-239. doi: 10.5480/1536-5026-32.4.234.
  • Sacco, L. M., Quinn Griffin, M. T., McNulty, R., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2011). Use of the Serenity Prayer among adults with type 2 diabetes: a pilot study. Holistic Nursing Practice, 25(4), 192-8.
  • Barden, A. M., Quinn Griffin, M. T., Donahue, M., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2011). Shared governance and empowerment in registered nurses working in a hospital setting. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 35(3), 212-8.
  • Sharpnack, P. A., Quinn Griffin, M. T., Benders, A. M., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2011). Self-Transcendence and Spiritual Well-Being in the Amish. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 29(2), 91-7.
  • Smith, D., Quinn Griffin, M. T., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2011). Exercise and exercise intentions among obese and overweight individuals. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 23(2), 92-100.
  • O'Shea, E. R., Wallace, M., Quinn Griffin, M. T., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2011). The effect of an educational session on pediatric nurses' perspectives toward providing spiritual care. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 26(1), 34-43.
  • Maylone, M. M., Ranieri, L., Quinn Griffin, M. T., McNulty, R., Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2011). Collaboration and autonomy: perceptions among nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 23(1), 51-57 doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7599.2010.00576.x.
  • Lemke, A. A., Smith, M. E., Wolf, W. A., Trinidad, S. B., Quinn Griffin, M. T. (2011). Broad Data Sharing in Genetic Research: Views of Institutional Review Board Professionals, IRB. Ethics and Human Research today, 33(3), 1-5.


Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science in Nursing
Master of Education Management
Dublin University, Trinity College
Diploma, Molecular Genetics in Research
National Institutes of Health & Georgetown University
Diploma, Advanced Statistics
Dublin University, Trinity College
Diploma, Nurse Tutor; Midwifery Option
National University of Ireland
Diploma, Midwifery
Bolton & Salford College of Midwifery & Nursing
Diploma, General Nursing
Bolton & Salford College of Midwifery & Nursing
Diploma, First Year Arts
National University of Ireland