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All events hosted within the Tinkham Veale University Center are required to use our exclusive caterer, . By using the highest-quality fresh ingredients and whole foods, Bon Appétit can cook any menu from scratch, ensuring your most discerning guest can dine worry-free.

Cooking Made Simple

Bon Appétit starts with food in its simplest, most natural form and takes every effort to show they care about your guests. They know which cooking techniques preserve flavor and have the nutritional expertise to produce healthy, delicious dishes.

In addition, Bon Appétit has the experience — and enjoys the challenge of — working with various dietary restrictions. Their strict purchasing guidelines are designed to bring you food that is fresh, flavorful, and socially responsible.

  • Extensive vegetarian and vegan options are available
  • All seafood purchases meet Seafood Watch sustainability guidelines
  • All chicken and turkey purchases must be raised without the routine, non-therapeutic use of antibiotics
  • All shell eggs are certified cage-free