

In conjunction with the Ohio School-Based Health Alliance, the Schubert Center conducted a survey study to understand the scope of school-based services better and provide data to improve child health and well-being.  Results of the survey were published Fall of 2021

The Effects of COVID-19

The Schubert Center participated in a collaborative study led by Darcy Freedman, Schubert Associate, and Director of the Swetland Center for Environmental Health, to examine the effects of COVID-19 related stress on parents and children in Ohio.  Findings indicated that most caregivers reported moderate to high-stress levels, with nearly half of the caregivers having difficulty managing their worry and reporting negative coping strategies. 

Open Doors Academy (ODA)

The Schubert Center team continues the second year of its partnership with , an afterschool youth development program serving K-12 students across the greater Cleveland area. The Schubert Center team, led by Research Director Dr. Minnes and postdoctoral scholar Dr. Fisher, is working with graduate research associates to evaluate the program's effectiveness.

Youth & Policy Interactions

a research study led by Policy Research Associate, Jessica Salley Riccardi, found that training led to positive changes in youth-related knowledge and beliefs, enhancing the skills of officers who participated in the training.  It also highlights unique opportunities for future investigation and practice, including consistent integration of youth training into police education.

Advisory Groups

Research Director Sonia Minnes serves on the:

  • Scholar House Steering Committee and Evaluation Committee
  • Family Space - Evaluation Committee
  • Safe Babies Court of Cuyahoga County
  • ODA - Evaluation co-lead