Speaker: Rebecca Stinson
Advisor: Prof. C. Pulliam
Location: SEARS 439
Title: Gait Impairment and Autonomic Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease: Current Methods of Treatment and Assessment
Abstract: In late stages of Parkinson’s disease, postural instability and gait disorder (PIGD) and autonomic dysfunction significantly reduce quality of life. While PIGD can be treated with pharmaceuticals and deep brain stimulation, the effectiveness of these treatment modalities is hindered by limitations in methods of assessing symptom severity. This talk will review existing technologies used for symptom assessment, identify their limitations, and explore opportunities for more tailored and adaptive treatment of PIGD. Additionally, we will discuss autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease, with a focus on the challenges in diagnosing orthostatic hypotension. The discussion will highlight the need for improved assessment methods and alternative treatments to improve patient care.