
Preclinical Services

Once you have completed your general orientation and training you can access the scheduling system via .

Contact us ( with any questions or problems with access.

Clinical Scans

The Core can provide research service scans on clinical MRI and CT scanners as well.

MRI Scans

All research service scans on the Siemens Vida 3T MRI scanner will be scheduled through the Imaging Research Core Staff ( Weekly updates of available scan time will be provided to researchers and research coordinators for all ongoing studies. Please allow at least 24-hours for confirmation of requested scan time.

CT Scans

All research service scans on the clinical CT scanner will be scheduled through the Imaging Research Core Staff ( Weekly updates of available scan time will be provided to researchers and research coordinators for all ongoing studies. Scans are typically limited to weekdays between 7:00am-8:00am, and 3:30pm-5:00pm.