The Netherlands Study Abroad (Course G)

A river with boats in Amsterdam

BETH 315G/415G
Death, Dying & Euthanasia: Netherlands and the USA


Spring semester 2025* (tentative)- may be offered Spring Break or May Abroad

This course is open to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students from any discipline. This is a Spring 2024 semester registration.

Approved for Global and Cultural Diversity Credit, College of Arts and Sciences; Approved for Humanities Credit, School of Engineering


Course Description

This course will compare how two liberal democracies, the United States and The Netherlands, have handled difficult end-of-life issues, including: 

  • The Dutch regulation of euthanasia
  • Regulation of physician-assisted suicide in the several States in America where it is now legal 
  • Treatment limitation in both countries
  • Palliative care and hospice 
  • Public trust in medicine and physicians  
  • How culture and history have shaped policy making in both countries

Assuming student’s familiarity with American culture and history, the course will place great emphasis on understanding those aspects of the Netherlands.

To gain insight into the unique Dutch attitude toward end-of-life practices, students will learn about the uniqueness of Dutch national development and culture. Aspects of this abroad experience include: a guided walking historic city tour, lectures, site visits to The Hague (The Dutch “red light district”), and a shop where cannabis is legally sold (where students hear the perspective of shop owner).  

We will also take a day trip where we will learn about Dutch management of water, both historically and currently, and how it has helped to shape Dutch national character. Students will be encouraged to contemplate and discuss how culture, history, and social factors have influenced the contrasting policies in the United States and The Netherlands. They will also be asked to explore how becoming familiar with Dutch policies toward social problems has influenced their own thinking on these matters and how it has challenged their own cultural assumptions.

Course Dates

Pre-travel class sessions: TBA

In-country course dates: TBA

Lodging dates: TBA

Post-travel class sessions: TBA


Approximate Cost

Cost for Spring 2024 (2025 cost TBA)

  • Program Fee is $2600 (including deposit)
  • $250 deposit due with study abroad application
  • Remaining program fee billed to ǿմý student bill

Program fees cover lodging, breakfast, course-related transportation, speaker fees, etc. Program fees do not cover flight, tuition, additional meals, passport or VISA fees, and activities or transportation outside of course.

Program fees cover lodging, breakfast, course-related transportation, speaker fees, etc. Program fees do not cover flight, tuition, additional meals, passport or VISA fees, and activities or transportation outside of course.

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*Courses are subject to cancellation due to low student enrollment, health and safety concerns, or other extenuating circumstances. The Director of Bioethics Study Abroad will communicate with students regarding any changes.