Kalle Lyytinen, PhD, is the Iris S. Wolstein Professor of Management Design and Distinguished University Professor at ǿմý. Lyytinen’s research focuses generally on the content, form and antecedents of digital innovations and how they shape organizations and industries. His work helps organizations know how to identify, absorb, manage, implement and be transformed by digital innovations. His research has focused on the content and logic of digital innovation, digital innovation regimes and infrastructures, organizing and processes of digital innovation, how digital technology shapes engineering and design practices, and how organizing affects software development outcomes – especially in open source development. Lyytinen has also studied in the past the adoption of new technologies- especially mobile technologies, new collaboration forms enabled by technologies, and new ways to determine large scale system requirements. He has also written articles on research methods, theory and how to theorize of phenomena which is fast changing and dynamic. His teaching interests have focused on digital innovation theory, new business venturing, design theory and methods, research methods and theory.
Lyytinen has an extensive list of over 450 publications in numerous prestigious journals including Information Systems Research; Management Information Systems Quarterly; and Organization Science and leading conferences. He is currently among the top five scholars in the information system field by citations (51 000, h-index 100). He has presented his work extensively in the U.S. and worked globally at academic institutions including London School of Economics (UK), Erasmus University, Netherlands, University of Sorbonne, France, LUISS University, Italy, University of Cape Town, ZA; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; City University of Hong Kong, CPR; Auckland University School of Business, New Zealand; Umea University, Sweden; Aalto University, Finland; and Oslo University, Norway, among others.
Professionally, Lyytinen has served as vice president for the Association for Information Systems(AIS), senior editor for Information Systems Research and editor-in-chief for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. He has served as editorial board member in all major information systems and several organization theory and management journals and edited numerous special issues on topics like standardization, digital innovation, strategy, research methods, future of work and digital infrastructures. He has received an honorary doctorate from Copenhagen Business School (2016), Umea University (2008) and Lappeenranta University of Technology (2017). Lyytinen received the LEO Award from AIS in 2013 and he has received numerous Best Paper Awards from AIS (ICIS), HICSS and AoM (OCIS). Lyytinen received his PhD in 1986 from the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.
Initially Appointed: 2001
Teaching Information
Teaching Interests
- Digital innovation theory
- New business venturing
- Design theory and methods
- Research methods and theory
Courses Taught
Office Hours
By Appointment Only
Research Information
Research Interests
- Systems design methods and design methodologies: IS research strategies and their selection: analysis of appropriate research methods for different research problems and their evaluation using philosophy of science.
- IS innovation/implementation and failures: organizational theories to frame and describe information system and IT service innovation, risks, failures and their causes.
- Computer Aided Systems Engineering Environments CASE: design, development and implementation of CASE environments and especially management,
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work: organizational memory, meeting support,
- Diffusion and Innovation Theory: radical IS innovation, disruptive innovations, Digitally enabled radical innovation and transformation, diffusion of complex networked technologies and evolution of the technology infrastructures; standardization;
- Ubiquitous Computing: systems and architectures, organizational and industry level impacts, digitalization of design processes
Awards and Honors
External Appointments
- Chairperson, Executive DBA Council, Cleveland, OH, 2015 - 2017
- Editor, Associate Editor, Organization Science, 2014 - Present
- Editor in Chief, Engaged Management Review, Cleveland, OH, 2014 - 2019
- Editor, Senior Editor, Information and Organization, 2010 - 2018
- Officer, Vice President, Association for Information Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, 2010 - 2012
- Head, Doctoral Program, 2009
- Committee Chair, Faculty Senate Council of Information Resources, 2008 - Present
- Chairperson, Faculty Senate Committee on Communication and Information Technology, 2008 - 2011
- Department Academic Assessor, London School of Economics, London, UK, 2008 - 2014
- Editor, Senior Editor, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, 2005 - 2010
- Goulder, M. , Lyytinen, K. J., Malhotra, M. K. (2022).
The Effect of Supply Chain Strategies on Direct-to-Consumer Industry Evolution: A Mixed-Methods Study OhioLink - Goulder, M. , Wang, Y. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2022).
What Do They Want? The Effect of Logistics Quality on Direct-to-Consumer Customer Satisfaction Academy of Management - Lyytinen, K. J., Pettiway, T. S.
"How do Post Mortems Contribute to Organizational Learning?" Proceedings of the 23rd American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2017), 6-8.8. Boston - Lyytinen, K. J., Wolfberg, A. In Kalle Lyytinen and Adrian Wolfberg (Ed.)
"Narrowing the Dissemination Gap: Genres for Practitioner Scholarship" (vol. 1, issue 1) Cleveland: Engaged Management ReView - Lyytinen, K. J., Tilson, D. , Sorensen, C.
“Generativity in digital infrastructures: a research note” (pp. pp. 253-275) New York and London: Routledge - Lyytinen, K. J., Nagaraj, V. , Boland, Jr., R. J.,
“Sense-shaping: The Dynamics of Sense-Making and Sensegiving in High Velocity Product Innovation” Atlanta, GA 51st Academy of Management Meeting, Technology and Innovation Management - Lyytinen, K. J., St. Clair, D. , Hunter, G. (2017).
“Systems-Savvy Selling: A Quantitative Study to Uncover Predictors of B2B Sales Performance” Proceedings of AMA Conference, San Fransisco, CA - Lyytinen, K. J., Berente, N. , Lindberg, A. , Nickerson, J. , Seidel, S.
"Autonomous Tools & Design Work: A Triple-Loop Approach to Human-Machine Learning" (vol. 62, issue 1, pp. 50-57) Communications of the ACM - Wolfberg, A. , Lyytinen, K. J.
"Narrowing the Dissemination Gap: Genres for Practitioner Scholarship" (vol. 1, pp. 1). Engaged Management ReView - Lyytinen, K. J., Ojala, A. , Paavilainen-Mantymaki, R. , Liu, X. (2017).
“Software Complexity and Organization of Firms’ Offshoring Activities” Proceedings of the 15th Scandinavian Conference of Information Systems, Halden, Norway - Lyytinen, K. J., Gopal, D. (2017).
"Effects of Social Structures in Requirements Quality of Open Source Software Project Development" Cleveland: Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems, Research in progress Soul, South Korea - Lyytinen, K. J., Kris, M. , Somers, T. (2017).
A Project Based Governance Framework to Govern the Implementation of Information Systems” 1st Academy of Management Meeting, Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division, Atlanta, GA - Lyytinen, K. J., Thiebe, S. , Sunyaev, A. (2017).
“Sharing is about Caring? Motivating and Discouraging Factors in Sharing Individual Genomic Data" Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Systems, Soul, South Korea - Lyytinen, K. J., Grover, V.
Management Misinformation Systems- A Time to Revisit? (vol. 18, issue 3, pp. pp. 206 – 230) AIS: Journal of the Association for Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Kris, M. , Somers, T. (2017).
“How Can Steering Committees Manage Change Through Dynamic Capabilities to Increase System Satisfaction?” Waikoloa, Hawaii: Proceedings of 50th HICSS, Organizational Systems and Technology - IT and Project Management Track - Lyytinen, K. J., Lindberg, A. , Berente, N.
Towards an Open Source Software Development Life Cycle Academy of Management Meeting, August 7-11, Vancouver, OCIS division - Lyytinen, K. J., Ladd, T. , Gemmell, R.
“How Customer Interaction and Experimentation Advance New Venture Concepts in a Cleantech Acceleration Program" Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver, ENTP Division - Lyytinen, K. J., Williams, B. , Boland, R.
“Shaping Problems, Not Decisions: When Decision Makers Leverage Visual Analytics" AIS - Lyytinen, K. J., Ondrus, J.
“A Post-Failure Analysis of Mobile Payment Platforms" IEEE - Lyytinen, K. J., Boland, Jr., R. J.
Communicating through Thick Boundaries: the Case of Informing National Policy Making AoM 2012, Annual Meeting - Lyytinen, K. J., Lingham, T.
Experimentation and Bold Thinking: Realizing Breakthrough Radical Innovations in CE/IT Industries AoM 2012, Annual Meeting - Lyytinen, K. J.
Organizational Consciousness: Factors that influence environmentalism on MNCs in India AoM 2012, Annual Meeting - Lindberg, A. , Nick, B. , Gaskin, J. E., Lyytinen, K. J.
Coordinating Interdependencies in Online Communities: A Study of an Open Source Software Project (vol. 27, issue 4, pp. 751-772) Information Systems Research - Lyytinen, K. J., Rowe, F. ,
“Increasing Relevance in IS Research: Contextualizing Knowledge in Networks" Proceedings of 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017), 6-8.6.2017, Guimares, Portugal - Lyytinen, K. J., Salovaara, A. , Penttinen, E.
“Flexibility vs. Structure: How to Manage Reliably Continuously Emerging Threats in Malware Protection” IEEE - Lyytinen, K. J., Nagpal, P.
Which Control Strategies and Configurations Affect Performance? Evidence from Large Scale Outsourcing Arrangements AAA 2012 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting in Houston, TX - Lyytinen, K. J.
“Bonnier: Digitalizing the Media Business” (HBS No. N9-813-073 ed., pp. 26) Boston, MA: Harvard Business School - Lyytinen, K. J., Thummadi, V.
Analyzing Complex Design Processes: the Effects of Task Automation and Integration on Process Structure in Microprocessor Design Proceedings of European Design Science Symposium (EDSS), Dublin, Ireland - Lyytinen, K. J.
Change and Control Paradoxes in Mobile Infrastructure Proceedings of HICSS-45, Maui - Lyytinen, K. J.
Computing Requirements: Cognitive Approaches to Distributed Requirements Engineering Proceedings of HICSS-45, Maui - Lyytinen, K. J.
Digital Technology and the Variation in Design Routines: A Sequence Analysis of Four Design Processes Proceedings of 32nd ICIS, Shanghai - Lyytinen, K. J.
Quality in requirements engineering (RE) explained using distributed cognition: A case of open source development JAIS theory writing Workshop, Shanghai - Lyytinen, K. J., Carlsson, B. , Montalvo, F.
The Effects of Potential and Realized Knowledge Sharing in Bioscience Clusters Proceedings of DSI 2011 - Lyytinen, K. J., Vaujanay, F. d., Fomin, V. , Haefleger, S.
“Rules, Practices and Information Technology (IT): A Trifecta of Organizational Regulation” (vol. 27) Information System Research - Lyytinen, K. J.
“Desperately seeking the Infrastructure in IS Research: Conceptualization of "Digital Convergence" (vol. 43) Proceedings of 43th HICSS, IEEE publications - Lyytinen, K. J., Lindberg, A. , Berente, N. , Gaskin, J. E.,
“Innovation Among Different Classes of Software Development Organizations" Information System Journal - Lyytinen, K. J., Michael, N.
“Process Theorizing in IS Research: from simple process models to complex socio-technical process models” (vol. 8) Corfu: 8th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, “Dualities, dialectics and paradoxes in organizational life” - Lyytinen, K. J. In Y. Dwivedi, M. R. Wade & S. L. Schneberger (Ed.)
"Psychological Ownership and the Individual Appropriation of Technology" (pp. 452-480) Heidelberg: Springer Verlag - Lyytinen, K. J., Hansen, S. W., Lindberg, A. , Xiao, X.
"Computing” Requirements for Open Source Software: A Distributed Cognitive Approach" Journal of the Association for Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J. In S. Nurcan et al (Ed.)
“Contemporary Challenges in Requirements Discovery and Validation: Two Case Studies in Complex Environments" (pp. pp. 39-61) Heidelberg: Springer Verlag - Lyytinen, K. J. (2010).
“Unpacking The Dynamics of IS User Improvisation: A Research Framework” (vol. 43, ) Proceedings of 43th HICSS IEEE - Lyytinen, K. J. In S March et al. (Ed.) (2010).
Boundary Spanning Competencies and Information System Development Project Success Atlanta/ AIS: Proceedings of 31st ICIS, St. Louis, MO - Lyytinen, K. J. In S March et al. (Ed.) (2010).
Design DNA Sequencing: A Set of Methodological Artifacts for Sequencing Socio-technical Design Routines (vol. 31) Atlanta/ AIS: Proceedings of 31st ICIS, St. Louis, MO - Lyytinen, K. J. (2010).
The DNA of Design Work: Physical and digital materiality in project-based design organizations AoM’10 MontrealTIM Stream, included in Best Paper Proceedings of the 2010 Academy of Management Meeting - Lyytinen, K. J. (2010).
“Modularity, Information Technology Outsourcing Success, and Business Performance" Atlanta/ AIS: Proceedings of 31st ICIS, St. Louis, MO - Lyytinen, K. J. (2010).
“Challenges in Contemporary Requirements Practice" (vol. 43) Proceedings of 43th HICSS, IEEE - Lyytinen, K. J. (2010).
Decelerating IT Innovation: Negotiating Global IT Innovation Initiatives in Local Settings (vol. 43) Proceedings of 43th HICSS IEEE - Lyytinen, K. J. (2010).
Unbounded Innovation with Digitalization: A Case of Digital Camera Proceedings of the AoM’10 Montreal TIM/OCIS Stream - Boland, Jr., R. J., Lyytinen, K. J.
The Limits to Language in Doing Systems Design (vol. 29, issue 4) EJIS - Lyytinen, K. J., Lins, S. , Becker, J. (2023).
“A Design Theory for Certification Presentations" USA: The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Bayiere, A. , Grover, V. , Woerster, S. , Gupta, A. (2023).
"Digital ‘x’ – Charting a path for digital-themed research" (vol. 33, issue 1) Rhode Island: Information Systems Research - Lyytinen, K. J., Benaroch, M. (2023).
"How Much Does Software Complexity Matter for Maintenance Productivity? The Link Between Team Instability and Diversity" New York: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering - Lyytinen, K. J., Penttinen, E. , Rinta-Kahila, T. (2023).
"Getting Trapped in Technical Debt: Socio-Technical Analysis of a Legacy System’s Replacement," (vol. 48, issue 1) Minnesota, AIS/SIM: MIS Quarterly - Lyytinen, K. J., Grover, V. (2023).
“The Pursuit of Innovative Theory in the Digital Age’, Journal of Information Technology (forthcoming) (issue 1) SAGE: Journal of Information Technology - Lyytinen, K. J. (2022).
“Innovation Logics in the Digital Era: A Systemic Review of the Emerging Digital Innovation Regime” (vol. 24) Innovation: Organization and Management - Lyytinen, K. J., Topi, H. , Tang, J. (2022).
“MaCuDE IS Task Force Phase II Report: Views of Industry Leaders on Big Data Analytics and AI” (vol. 32, issue 4) Atlanta: Communications of the Association for Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Nambisan, P. , Stange, K. , Karahanna, E. (2022).
“"A Comprehensive Digital Self-care Support System (CDSSS) for Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC): Development, Feasibility and Usability Testing" (vol. 42, issue 2, pp. pp.170 - 184) SAGE: Journal of Applied Gerontology - Lyytinen, K. J., Grover, V. (2022).
Platform Competition in the Digital Era- Overview and Research Directions (vol. 21, issue 1, ) Indiana: MIS Quarterly Executive - Lyytinen, K. J., Ojala, A. (2022).
How do entrepreneurs create indirect network effects on digital platforms? A study on a multi-sided gaming platform Routledge: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management - Lyytinen, K. J., Topi, H. , Tang, J. (2022).
"Information Systems Curriculum Analysis for the MaCuDE project" (vol. 49, pp. Article 38) Communications of the AIS - Lyytinen, K. J., Eley, T. (2022).
” Industry 4.0 Implementation: Novel Issues and Directions” New York: Proceedings of the 52th HICSS - Grover, V. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2021). In Varun Grover, Kalle Lyytinen (Ed.)
Special Issue Editorial: Strategies for Surviving and Thriving Within and Between Digital Platforms (vol. 20, issue 4, pp. Article 4) MIS Quarterly Executive - Zhang, Z. , Yoo, Y. , Lindberg, A. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2021).
The Unknowability of Autonomous Tools and the Liminal Experience of their Use (vol. 32, issue 4, pp. 1192-1213) Information Systems Research - Lyytinen, K. J., Malhotra, A. , Majrczhak, A. (2021).
Socio-technical Affordances for Large-Scale Collaborations (vol. 32, issue 5, pp. 1371-1390) Organization Science - Benaroch, M. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2021).
Non-Linear Moderating Effect of Software Complexity on Team Attributes Effects on Software Maintenance Productivity (vol. 15, pp. 18) Tel Aviv: ILAIS - Sorensen, C. , Tilson, D. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2021). In Bednarek R., Cunha M E, Schad J., and Smith W (Ed.)
“Digitally Induced Industry Paradoxes: Disruptive Innovations of Taxiwork and Music Streaming Beyond Organizational Boundaries (Part 73A ed., pp. pp. 175–196) Emerald Publishing - Rolland, K. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2021).
“Exploring the Tensions Between Management of Architectural Debt and Digital Innovation: The Case of a Financial Organization” (pp. 15) IEEE - Butler, T. , Gozman, D. , Liebenau, J. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2021).
“The Game of Digitizing Regulatory Reporting: The Comprehension and Adoption of Emergent Technologies” (vol. 3, pp. 15) Bern - Bozan, K. , Lyytinen, K. J., Rose, G. (2021).
"Transitioning Incrementally to MicroService Architecture (MSA): A Field Study" (vol. 64, issue 1, pp. 44-51) ACM: Communications of the ACM - Rolland, K. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2021).
“Exploring the Tensions Between Management of Architectural Debt and Digital Innovation: The Case of a Financial Organization” (vol. 54) IEEE: Proceedings of 54th HICCS - Campbell, C. , Cola, P. A., Lyytinen, K. J. (2021).
Factor impacting organizational performance of data analytics capabilities (pp. 15) IEEE - Campbell, C. A., Cola, P. A., Lyytinen, K. J. (2021).
Factor impacting organizational performance of data analytics capabilities (vol. 54). IEEE: IEEE - Seidel, S. , Berente, N. , Lindberg, A. , Lyytinen, K. J., Nickerson, J. (2020).
"Artificial Intelligence and the New Logic of Innovation and Control: The Case of Autonomous Design Tools" (vol. 2, issue 3) - Butler, T. , Gozman, D. , Liebenau, J. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2020).
The Game of Digitizing Regulatory Reporting: The Comprehension and Adoption of Emergent Technologies” (vol. 3, Won Best Paper Award ed) University of St Gallen: 3rd International FinTech, InsurTech & Blockchain Forum - Thummadi, V. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2020).
“How Much Method-in-Use Matters? A Case Study of Agile and Waterfall Software Projects and their Design Routine Variation (vol. 21, issue 4) AIS: JAIS - Lyytinen, K. J., Cola, P. A., Nartker, S. , (2020).
Voices of Practitioner Scholars in Management- The History and Impact of the Doctor of Management Programs at ǿմý Ohio: Orange Fraser Press - Cola, P. A., Lyytinen, K. J., Nartker, S. (2020). In Cola, PA, Lyytinen, KJ, and Nartker, SA (Ed.)
Voices of Practitioner Scholars in Management (pp. 296) Wilmington, OH: Orange Frazer Press - Grover, V. , Lindberg, A. , Benbasat, I. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2020).
The Perils and Promises of Big Data Research in Information Systems (vol. 21, issue 2) AIS: AIS - Nagaraj, V. , Berente, N. , Gaskin, J. E., Lyytinen, K. J. (2020).
Team Design Thinking, Product Innovativeness and the Moderating Role of Problem Familiarity (vol. 37, issue 4, pp. 297-323) Journal of Product Innovation Management - Branch, L. , Lingham, T. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2020).
“Discomfort in Academic and Its Effect on Readiness for Change” (vol. 8, issue 2, pp. : 29–59) BRC Academy: The BRC Academy Journal of Education - Lyytinen, K. J., Sandberg, J. , Holmstrom, J. , (2020).
“Digitization and Phase Transitions in Platform Organizing Logics: Evidence from the Process Automation Industry" (vol. 44, issue 1, pp. 129-153) MIS Quarterly - Thiebes, S. , Toussaint, P. , JU, . J., Ahn, . J., Lyytinen, K. J., Sunyaev, A. (2020).
Valuable Genomes: Taxonomy and Archetypes of Business Models in Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing (vol. 22, issue 1) Journal of Medical Internet Research - Lyytinen, K. J. (2019).
“Commentary on the ‘Trends in the Conduct of Information Systems” (vol. 34, issue 2, pp. 184-187) Journal of Information Technology - Berente, N. , Maurer, C. , Lyytinen, K. J., Yoo, Y. (2019).
Institutional Logics and Pluralistic Responses to Enterprise System Implementation: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis (vol. 43, issue 3, pp. 873-902) MISQ - Amatullo, M. V., Tang, J. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2019).
“Measuring a Design Attitude in Accelerating Social Innovation: Scale Development and Validation" (vol. 79th Meeting) Boston: AOM, TIM Division - Salovaara, A. , Lyytinen, K. J., Penttinen, E. (2019).
“High Reliability in Digital Organizing: Mindlessness, the Frame Problem, and Digital Operations" (vol. 43, issue 2, pp. 555-578) MISQ - Lamb, C. C., Wang, Y. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2019).
Shared decision making: Does a physician's decision‐making style affect patient participation in treatment choices for primary immunodeficiency? (vol. 2019, pp. 1-9) J Eval Clin Pract. - Lamb, C. C., Wolfberg, A. S., Lyytinen, K. J. (2019).
“Shared Decision Making: U.K. vs. U.S. physician decision models in the treatment of haemophilia” (vol. Forthcoming) Haemophilia Journal - Zhang, M. , Chen, H. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2019).
Principles of Organizational Co-Evolution of Business and IT: A Complexity Perspective (vol. 27th Conference) Stockholm: ECIS, Stockholm - Gopal, D. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2019).
Requirements Engineering (RE) Success in Open Source Software: The Role of Social Network Configurations and Requirements Properties (vol. 27th conference) ECIS, Stockholm: ECIS 2019, the 27th European Conference on Information Systems - Bozan, K. , Lyytinen, K. J., Rose, G. (2019).
“Software Architecture Transitions and Their Impact on the Software Organizations: A Comparative Field Study (vol. 2019 SIGSAND symposium) Syracuse: SIGSAND, AIS - Lyytinen, K. J., Boland, Jr., R. J. (2017).
The Limits to Language in Doing Systems Design (vol. 27, issue 2) European Journal of Information Systems - Nambisan, S. , Lyytinen, K. J., Majchrzak, A. , Song, M. (2017).
Digital innovation management: Reinventing innovation management research in a digital world (vol. 41, issue 1, pp. 223-238) MIS Quarterly - Nambisan, S. , Lyytinen, K. J., Majrczhak, A. , Song, M. (2017).
“Digital Innovation Management: Reinventing Innovation Management Research in a Digital World” (vol. 41, issue 1, pp. 223-238) MIS Quarterly - Lyytinen, K. J., Grover, V. (2017).
Management Misinformation Systems- A Time to Revisit? (vol. 18, issue 2) Journal of the Association for Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Nambisan, S. , Majrzchak, A. (2017).
SPECIAL ISSUE: IT AND INNOVATION (vol. 41, issue 1, pp. 120) Journal of the Association for Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Satish, N. , Ann, M. , Michael, S. (2017).
Digital Innovation Management: Reinventing Innovation Management Research in a Digital World (vol. 41, issue 1, pp. 223-238) MISQ Quarterly: MIS Quarterly - Lyytinen, K. J., Krish, M. , Somers, T. (2017).
“How Can Steering Committees Manage Change Through Dynamic Capabilities to Increase System Satisfaction?” (vol. 50) IEEE - Berente, N. , Lyytinen, K. J., Yoo, Y. , King, J. L. (2016).
Routines as Shock Absorbers During Organizational Transformation: Integration, Control, and NASA’s Enterprise Information System (vol. 27, issue 3, pp. 551-572) Organization Science - Lyytinen, K. J., McGuire, C. (2016).
The Power of Who We Are: How Organizational Identity Influences IT Outsourcing Success (vol. 21) AMCIS - Shen, X. , Lyytinen, K. J., Yoo, Y. (2015).
Time and Information Technology in Teams: A Review of Empirical Research and Future Research Directions (vol. 24, issue 1, pp. 1-27) Palgrave: European Journal of Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Eriksson, O. , Lindgren, R. (2015).
“Managing Identity Tensions within Mobile Ecosystems” (vol. 30, issue 4, pp. 229-244) Journal of Information Technology - Lyytinen, K. J., Oorni, A. (2015).
“Looking Past Planned and Habitual IT Use” (vol. 48) IEEE - Lyytinen, K. J., Jarke, M. (2015).
Complexity of systems evolution: Requirements engineering perspective (vol. 5, issue 3, pp. 2-9) ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems - Aakhus, M. , Agerfalk, P. , Lyytinen, K. J., Te'eni, D. (2014).
Symbolic Action Research in Information Systems (vol. 38, issue 4, pp. 1187-1200) MIS Quarterly - Forman, C. , King, J. L., Lyytinen, K. J. (2014).
“Information, Technology, and the Changing Nature of Work” (vol. 25, issue 4, pp. 789-920) Information Systems Research - Carlo, J. , Gaskin, J. E., Lyytinen, K. J., Rose, G. (2014).
Early vs. late adoption of radical information technology innovations across software development organizations: an extension of the disruptive information technology innovation model (vol. 24, issue 6, pp. 537–569) Journal of Information Systems - Gaskin, J. E., Berente, N. , Lyytinen, K. J., Yoo, Y. (2014).
Toward A Generalizable Sociomaterial Inquiry: An Approach for Analyzing Patterns of Association in Sociomaterial Routines (vol. 38, issue 3, pp. 849-871) MIS Quarterly - Nylen, D. , Holmstroem, J. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2014).
Oscillating between Four Orders of Design: Designing Digital Magazines (vol. 30, issue 3, pp. 53-68) MIT Press: Design Issues - Arwidsson, V. , Holmstroem, J. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2014).
Information Systems Use as Strategy Practice: A Multi-Dimensional View of Strategic Information System Implementation and Use” (vol. 23, issue 1, pp. 45-61) Journal of Strategic Information Systems - Rossi, M. , Hendfridsson, O. , Lyytinen, K. J., Siau, K. (2014).
Research Commentary: Design Science Research – The Road Traveled And The Road That Lies Ahead (vol. 24, issue 3, pp. 1-8) Journal of Data Base Management - Gao, P. , Yu, J. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2014).
Government’s role in Standardization in the Catching-up Context: Case of China's Mobile System (vol. 38, issue 2, pp. 200–209) Telecommunications Policy - Lyytinen, K. J., Lindberg, A. , Xao, X. (2014).
Theorizing Modes of Open Source Software Development (vol. 47) Hawaii, USA: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - Nagpal, P. , Lyytinen, K. J., Nicolaou, S. (2014).
Outsourcing and Market Value of the Firm: Toward a Comprehensive Model (vol. 21, issue 1, pp. 19-38) Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management - Lyytinen, K. J., (2013).
Design Science Research Journal of Data Base Management - Lyytinen, K. J., Lindberg, A. , Hansen, S. W., Xao, X. (2013).
‘Computing’ Requirements in Open Source Software Projects (vol. 34, ) Milan, Italy: International Conference on Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Lindberg, A. , Berente, N. , Yoo, Y. (2013).
"Computational Approaches for Analyzing Latent Social Structures in Open Source Organizing" (vol. 33, ) Milan, Italy: International Conference on Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Kharabe, A. (2013).
"Influence of Organizational Knowledge and Competencies on the Impact of Enterprise Systems on Organizational Agility" (vol. 34) Milan, Italy: International Conference on Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Fisher, M. T., (2013).
The Power of Customer MisBehavior London: Palgrave&McMillan - Hoyos-de Ruperto, M. , Romaguera, J. , Carlsson, B. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2013).
Networking: A Critical Success Factor for Entrepreneurship (vol. 13, issue 2, pp. 55-72) American Journal of Management - Lyytinen, K. J., Lindberg, A. (2013). In A Mitev, Francois Vaujanay (Ed.)
“Towards a Theory of Affordance Ecologies” (pp. 42-68) London, England - TIM, S. C., Lyytinen, K. J., Lingham, T. , EUGENE, P. (2013).
How Hackers Think: A Study of Cybersecurity Experts and Their Mental Models.(Working Paper No. 3.3) Social Science Research Network (SSRN) - Laurie, B. A., Lingham, T. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2013).
Change and Discomfort in Academia: How Far Should We Stretch in Our Readiness for Change? (Working Paper No. 8.3) Social Science Research Network (SSRN) - Chuang, J. , Lyytinen, K. J., Lingham, T. (2013).
Vision, Experiment, and Learn: How to innovate radically in CE/IT industries in the era of pervasive digitalization (vol. 5, issue 4, pp. 341-365) International Journal of Business Environment - Lyytinen, K. J. (2013).
Do filtering, dialogue and networking improve learning in equivocal and information rich contexts? (vol. 43) Orlando, Florida: Academy of Management, OCIS Division - Lyytinen, K. J., Gaskin, J. E., Klossner, D. (2013).
Factors that influence the safety and environmental performance of the Fortune 500 companies (vol. 43) Orlando, FL: Academy of Management, ONE Division - Lyytinen, K. J., Fomin, V. , Haelfiger, S. , Vaujanay, F. (2013).
“Sociomaterial regulation in organizations: The case of information technology” (vol. 43) Orlando, FL: Academy of Management, OCIS Division - Lyytinen, K. J., Lindberg, A. , Gaskin, J. E. (2013).
“Understanding Change in Open Source Communities: A Co-evolutionary Framework" (vol. 43) Orlando, FL: Academy of Management, TIM Division - Lyytinen, K. J., Rossi, M. , Kelly, S. , Tolvanen, J. (2013). In Bubenko J., Krogstie J., Pastor O., Pernici B., Rolland C., Sølvberg A (Ed.)
“MetaEdit+ at the Age of 20” (pp. 131-137) Berlin and New York: Springer Verlag - Beath, C. , Berente, N. , Lyytinen, K. J., Gallivan, M. (2013).
Expanding the Frontiers of Information Systems Research (vol. 14, issue 4-5) Journal of the Association for Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Jarvenpaa, S. , Galliers, R. , Yolanda, C. (2012).
Strategic information systems: Reflections and prospectives (vol. 21, issue 2, pp. 85–90) Journal of Strategic Information Systems - Yoo, Y. , Boland, Jr., R. J., Lyytinen, K. J., Majrczchak, A. (2012).
Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World (vol. 23, issue 5, pp. 1398–1409) Organization Science - Lyytinen, K. J., Tilson, D. , Sorensen, C. (2010).
Digital Infrastructures: The Missing IS Research Agenda (vol. 21, issue 4, pp. 748-759) Linthicum: Information System Research - Lyytinen, K. J., Yoo, Y. , Hendfridsson, O. (2010).
The New Organizing Logics of Digital Innovation: An Agenda for Information Systems Research (vol. 21, issue 4, pp. 724-735) Linthicum: Information Systems Research - Lyytinen, K. J. (2010). In Rolland, Nurcan (Ed.)
The Brave New World of Design Requirements: Four Key Principles Heidelberg: Springer Verlag - Lyytinen, K. J., Jarke, M. (2010). In Kalle Lyytinen and Matthias Jarke (Ed.)
High Impact Requirements Engineering (vol. 2, issue 3, pp. 150-270) Business and Information Systems Engineering - Hansen, S. W., Lyytinen, K. J., Jarke, M. (2010).
Interview with Fred Brooks on “Building Effective Large-Scale Requirements (vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 191-200) Business and Information Systems Engineering - Lyytinen, K. J. (2010). In Kalle Lyytinen, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Youngjin Yoo (Ed.)
Special Issue on Social Networks (vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 8--160) Association for Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J. (2010).
HCI Research: Future Directions that Matter (vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 10-22) Atlanta: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction - Lyytinen, K. J., Rose, G. , Yoo, Y. (2010).
Learning routines and disruptive technological change: Hyper-learning in seven software development organizations during internet adoption (vol. 23, issue 2, pp. 165-193) Information, Technology and People - Oinas-Kukkonen, H. , Lyytinen, K. J., Yoo, Y. (2010).
Social Networks and Information Systems: Ongoing and Future Research Streams (vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 82-90) Association for Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Hanseth, O. (2010).
Design theory for adaptive complexity in information infrastructures (vol. 25, issue 1, pp. 1-19) London: Journal of Information Technology - Lyytinen, K. J., Newman, M. , AlMusrafhi, A. (2009).
Institutionalising Enterprise Resource Planning in the Saudi Steel Industry: A punctuated socio-technical (vol. 24, issue 4, pp. 286-304) Journal of Information technology - Lyytinen, K. J. (2009).
Data matters in IS theory building (vol. 11, issue 10 ) Journal of the Association for Information Systems - Lyytinen, K. J., Boland, Jr., R. J., Jr, M. A. (2009).
Introduction to Designing Information and Organizations with a Positive Lens (vol. 19, issue 3, pp. 1-9) Elsevier - Lyytinen, K. J. (2009). In Avital M., Boland R., Lyytinen K. (Ed.)
Designing Information And Organizations with a Positive Lens (vol. 19, issue 3) Elsevier - Lyytinen, K. J. (2009). In Lyytinen, K.J.; Loucopoulos, P.; Mylopoulos, J.; Robinson, W. (Eds. (Ed.)
Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective (vol. 14, pp. 495) Heidelberg: Springer Verlag - Hansen, S. , Berente, N. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2009).
Wikipedia as Rational Discourse: Emancipatory Potential of Information Systems (vol. 25, issue 1, pp. 1-25) Palgrave: Information and Society - Hansen, S. , Lyytinen, K. J., Berente, N. (2009).
Principles of Requirements Processes at the Dawn of 21st Century (vol. 13, issue 1, pp. 9-35) Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information - Lyytinen, K. J., Loucopoulos, P. , Mylopoulos, J. , Robinson, B. (2009).
Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective (vol. LNBIP14, pp. 450) Berlin: Springer Verlag - Berente, N. , Yoo, Y. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2008).
Loose Coupling & Enterprise Information Systems: A Longitudinal Study of NASA's ERP Implementation Paris, France ICIS - Knutsen, L. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2008).
Messaging Specifications: Properties and Gratifications as Institutions: How Messaging Shaped Wireless Service Diffusion in Norway and Japan (vol. 18, issue 2, pp. 101-131) Information and Organization - Lyytinen, K. J., Berente, N. , Srinivasan, N. , Yoo, Y. (2008). In Boland, Pentland, Limayem (Ed.)
Design Principles for IT in Doubly Distributed Design Networks (vol. 28) ICIS '08 Paris, France - McGann, S. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2008). In Boland, Pentland, Limayem (Ed.)
The Improvisation Effect: A Case Study of User Improvisation and its Effects on Information System Evolution (vol. 28) Paris, France: ICIS '08 Proceedings - Applegate, L. , Austin, R. , Lyytinen, K. J., Penttonen, E. , Saarinen, T. (2008).
Competing with Software Security as Service - F-Secure (pp. 24) Boston: Harvard Business School - Lyytinen, K. J. (2008).
Explaining Information System Change: a Punctuated Socio-Technical Change Model (vol. 17, issue 6, pp. 589-613) Palgrave: Eur J Inf Syst - Boland, Jr., R. J., Collopy, F. , Lyytinen, K. J., Yoo, Y. (2008).
Managing as Designing: Lessons for Organization Leaders from the Design Practice of Frank O. Gehry (vol. 24, pp. 10-25) Cambridge, MA: Design Issues - Bergman, M. , Lyytinen, K. J., Mark, G. (2007).
Design Boundary Objects--an Ecological View of Design Artifacts (vol. 8, issue 11, pp. 546-568) Journal of the Association for Information Systems - Ondrus, J. , Lyytinen, K. J., Pigneur, Y. (2007).
Why Mobile Payments Fail? Towards a Dynamic and Multi-perspective Explanation (vol. 42) Proceedings of the HICSS, IEEE Society - Lyytinen, K. J., Grover, V. , Srinivasan, A. , Tan, B. (2007).
Contributing to Rigorous and Forward Thinking Explanatory Theory (vol. 9, issue 1, pp. 40-47) AIS: Journal of the Association for Information Systems - Berente, N. , Hansen, S. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2007). In Lyytinen et al. (Ed.)
High Impact Design Requirements - Key Design Challenges for the Next Decade (vol. LNBPp) Springer: Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective - Hansen, S. , Berente, N. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2006).
Requirements in the 21st Century: Current Practice & Emerging Trends (vol. LNBPB, 14 ed.) Berlin: Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective - Ren, M. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2006).
Building Enterprise Architecture Agility and Sustenance with SOA (vol. 22, issue 4, pp. 75-85) AIS: Communications of the AIS - Lyytinen, K. J., Yoo, Y. (2005).
Social Impacts of Ubiquitous Computing: Exploring Critical Interactions Between Mobility, Context and Technology: Introduction to Special Issue (vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 91-94) Information and Organization - Berente, N. , Lyytinen, K. J. (2005). In Holsapple S., Chiang R. (Ed.)
Iteration in Systems Analysis and Design: Cognitive Processes and Representational Artifacts, AMIS: AMIS Volume on Systems Analysis and Design - Lyytinen, K. J., Newman, M. (2004).
Explaining Information System Change: a Punctuated Socio-Technical Change Model (vol. 17, pp. 589-613) Palgrave: European Journal of Information Systems - Kettunen, P. , Carlsson, C. , Hukka, M. , Hyppanen, T. , Lyytinen, K. J., Mehtala, M. , Rissanen, R. , Suviranta, L. , Mustonen, K. (2003).
Suomalaista Kilpailukykya Liiketoimimintaosaamisella, Kauppatieteiden Ja Liiketalouden Korkeakoulutuksen Arviointi (vol. 6, issue 2003, ) Korkeakoulujen Arviointineuvoston Julkaisuja, Edita 2003
- Campbell, C. A. (Presenter & Author), Cola, P. A. (Author Only), Lyytinen, K. J. (Author Only) Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-54), "Factors Impacting the Influence of Analytics Capabilities on Organizational Performance in Higher Education Institutions", Shidler College of Business, Kauai, Hawaii. (2021).
- Iucolano, D. M. (Presenter & Author), Niraj, R. (Author Only), Lyytinen, K. J. (Author Only) Summer AMA Educators Conference, "Personal Data Sharing and Collection: Consumer Acceptance and Fairness of Exchanges in Digital Environments", American Marketing Association, Chicago. (2018).
- Adelegan, J. A., Cola, P. A., Lyytinen, K. J. Green transformation and competitive advantage: Evidence from developing countries, "Green Investment and Organizational Performance: Evidence from the Nigerian Pulp and Paper Industry", German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn, Germany. (2018).
- St. Clair, D., Cola, P. A., Hunter, G., Lyytinen, K. J. AMA 2017 Summer, "Systems-Savvy Selling: A Quantitative Study to Uncover Predictors of B2B Sales Performance", American Marketing Association, San Francisco, California. (2017).
- Shoop, J. (Presenter & Author), Lyytinen, K. J. (Author Only), Boyatzis, R. E. (Author Only) International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), "The Critical Competencies of Successful Senior IT Leaders - A Field Study", International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, TX. (2015).
- Lyytinen, K. J. 45th HICSS, "“The future and challenges of crowdsourcing", HICSS, Wailea, Maui, HI. (2013).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Panelist/Discussant) 32 ICIS, "“The challenges of leadership in IS community"", AIS, Senior Scholar Consortium, Orlando, Florida. (2012).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) 32 ICIS, CIO Symposium, "269 “Is adopting an ERP like pouring concrete to your organization?”, ", AIS, Orlando, Florida. (2012).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) SIGPHIL Workshop at ICIS 2013, "“Is There Native Is Theory”,", SIGPHIL, Orlando. (2012).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) Dagstuhl Seminar 12442 “Requirements Management – Novel Perspectives and Challenges”, "Requirements Management – Novel Perspectives and Challenges", German Computer Science Society, Frauenhofer institute, Dagstuhl, Germany. (2012).
- Branch, L. A., Lingham, T., Lyytinen, K. J. Third Annual International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship, "Change and Discomfort in Academia: How Far Should We Stretch in Our Readiness for Change? ", Engaged Management Scholarship, Atlanta, GA. (2012).
- Summers, T. C., Lyytinen, K. J., Lingham, T., Pierce, E. A. Third Annual International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship, "How Hackers Think: A Study of Cybersecurity Experts and Their Mental Models.", Engaged Management Scholarship, Atlanta, GA. (2012).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) Invited Speaker Series, "“The Playground for Information Systems Research: Moving to the Edges", Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen. (2012).
- Lyytinen, K. J. CASE MIDs seminar series of Design, "Studying virtualization in design processes", Case Information Systems Department, Cleveland, OH. (2009).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) 17th ACIS , "Generalizing in Information System Discipline - a commentary on Seddon/Scheepers criticism", ACIS, Christchurch, NZ. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) 17th ACIS , "Publishing and reviewing in the IS discipline", ACIS, Christchurch, NZ. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) Academic seminar, "How does Absorptive Capacity Affect a Software Firm’s Radical Innovation?", City Univesity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, PRC. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) DIGIT Innovation Workshop, "Distributed innovation in classes of networks", DIGIT SIG / AIS, Paris, France. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) 28th ICIS, "Finlandization of the IS discipline - the fate of reference disciplines in the post positivist world", ICIS/AIS, Paris, France. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) Academic seminar, "Distributed innovation in classes of networks", Auckland University, School of Business, Auckland, NZ. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) Academic seminar, "Systemic risk, IT artifacts and collective mindfulness - the case of radical architecture", Auckland University, School of Architecture, Auckland, NZ. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) Global Mobility Roundtable, "Massive scale digitalization - connecting and fixing", Auckland University, GMR, Auckland, NZ. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) NEOSA Yearly CIO meeting, "Cycles of IT innovation", NEOSA, Cleveland, Ohio. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) Academic seminar, "Digitalization, social order and change - interdisciplinary research challenge", Umea University, Umea, Sweden. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) NSF / GRC Funded workhop on Future of Requirements Engineering, "The next challenges in High impact requirements Engineering", NSF, German Research council, RWTH, Dagstuhl, Saarland, Germany. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. NSF Workshop on Digital Innovation, "Infrastructures and digital innovation", NSF, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USa. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. 17 ECIS Conference, "Cricket and Baseball - or why the old world cannot publish", ECIS, AIS, Galway, Ireland. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) 3rd International DESRIST conference, "Design in the Wild", DESRIST, ACM, Atlanta, GA, USA. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) Academic seminar, "Distributed innovation in classes of networks", Jonkoping Int'l Business School, Jonkoping, Sweden. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) Academic workshop, "Theory development and writing", SoSE PhD program, Oulu Univesity. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) Academic seminar, "A new look at an old problem- requirements management in the 21st century”", Helsinki University, computer science department, Helsinki, Finland. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) Academic seminar, "Distributed innovation in classes of networks", Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) Academic seminar, "Distributed innovation in classes of networks", Umea University, Department of Informatics, Umea, Sweden. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter & Author) Academic seminar, "Distributed innovation in classes of networks", Oslo University, Department of Informatics, Oslo, Norway. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. (Presenter Only) Academic seminar, "The Evolution of IS Discipline as a Market of Ideas: Integrating Models of Natural Science, Social science and Design science Research”,", Oslo University, Department of Informatics, Oslo, Norway. (2008).
- Lyytinen, K. J. FEND 1995, "Method Engineering and MetaCASE Environments", FEND, Bilbao, Spain. (1995).