Opportunity for Manufacturers — CESMII Acceleration Framework

Opportunity for Manufacturers

The Smart Manufacturing Innovation Center at ǿմý, with funding from the Department of Energy's , is running a pilot program for manufacturers seeking support on their Smart Manufacturing journey, with CESMII's .


The purpose of this application is to provide manufacturers with a structured approach to request support for a facilitator who will coach, educate, and assist in creating a foundation upon which to build a smart manufacturing roadmap. The facilitator will help align the manufacturer's business objectives with core smart manufacturing capabilities.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for funding, the manufacturing company must:

●      Be engaged in manufacturing operations in Northeast Ohio.

●      Demonstrate a clear commitment to completing the project tasks.

●      Provide a leader (or leaders) responsible for engaging their organization. 

●      Consider joining CESMII as a member.

Important Dates

●      November 1, 2023 - Application deadline

●      November 3, 2023 - Notification of acceptance/rejection

●      Week of November 6, 2023 - Kickoff meeting to launch survey

●      November 15 - December 1 - Survey open

●      December 6 - 20, 2023 - Survey results review meeting

●      January 2024 - Discuss next steps


Manufacturers are encouraged to apply for this program by the Application Deadline (November 1, 2023).