First-Year Experience

The Roger E. Susi Laboratory at ǿմý's School of Engineering

At Case School of Engineering, we understand how important hands-on experiences are as you shape and pursue your goals. That’s why we ensure you’ll have plenty of them—starting with the Roger E. Susi First-Year Undergraduate Engineering Experience.

Launched in 2022 with financial support from alumnus Roger E. Susi, this program allows all first-year engineering students to leave the lecture hall and enter a lab environment in their first two semesters at ǿմý.

Program Format

Students working in the Susi Laboratory

The signature course for our First-Year Experience is ENGR 130: Foundations of Engineering and Programming. It consists of hands-on projects, with a focus on general skill building, data analysis and programming instruction and friendly competitions. 

Each module is co-designed by a professor in one of our engineering departments. For example, you may explore civil and environmental engineering by designing and testing a water filter and sensor. In another module, you may learn about biomedical engineering by building a heart rate monitor.

No matter the projects in question, you’ll leave having gained skills in areas such as:

  • Problem solving through hands-on projects  
  • Working in teams
  • Data analysis
  • Programming using MATLAB
  • Managing technical equipment in

Student Experiences 

“This course taught me the importance of collaboration. I believe the ability to collaborate in a team environment is a crucial skill to have in any type of industry but it is even more important in engineering.”

“It was very empowering to see that I could actually do things that I thought I could never do by myself. I learned confidence; confidence in myself, that I could actually be an engineer and make an impact in people’s lives.”

“My work in this class has taught me that having discomfort is okay. After taking this course, I know that I don’t have to know everything about a project and it’s okay that I most certainly will not know all of the answers at first.”

Meet Our Staff

Looking to learn more about the Roger E. Susi First-Year Undergraduate Engineering Experience at Case School of Engineering? Get in touch with a member of our team.

  • Michael Butler Headshot

    Michael Butler

    Roger E. Susi First Year Engineering Experience Laboratory
    Case School of Engineering
    Adjunct Instructor
    Division of Engineering Leadership and Professional Practice
    Case School of Engineering


    Phone: 216.368.2672

  • Headshot of Kathy Harper

    Kathy Harper, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Division of Engineering Leadership and Professional Practice
    Case School of Engineering


    Phone: 216.368.4869

  • Headshot of Kurt Rhoads

    Kurt Rhoads, PhD

    Faculty Director
    Roger E. Susi First-Year Engineering Experience
    Associate Professor
    Division of Engineering Leadership & Professional Practice
    Case School of Engineering
