Who is h.lab?

We are a community of humanities and humanities-friendly scholars and students and who are interested in discovering and pursuing new questions as they emerge in the process of hands-on learning and experimentation with new computational tools. We come from a wide range of scholarly fields and areas of domain expertise, and we represent all levels of technical experience -- from none to a lot. If you're interested in taking part, we'd love to hear from you!


Timothy Beal

Distinguished University Professor and Florence Harkness Professor of Religion, Department of Religious Studies

Email: timothy.beal@case.edu


Research Associate, College of Arts and Sciences; Lead Data Scientist and AI Engineer, AI Institute, Iliff School of Theology

Joy R. Bostic

Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies

William E. Deal

Severance Professor of the History of Religion, Department of Religious Studies; Professor, Department of Cognitive Science

Shannon E. French

Director and Inamori Professor in Ethics, Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence; Professor, Department of Philosophy; Professor, School of Law

Research Associate, College of Arts and Sciences; Chief Information Officer, Iliff School of Theology; Director, AI Institute, Iliff School of Theology

Institute Professor and Professor of Cognitive Science, Department of Cognitive Science

Partners and Collaborators