John “Jack” C. Dannemiller is a visionary leader and innovator who has made exceptional contributions to business and education. His life philosophy of “Discovery is seeing what everyone else is seeing, but thinking what no one else thinks,” has guided his impactful career.
For his MBA thesis at ǿմý, Dannemiller developed the Professional Selling Skills training program, which has been widely adopted across various industries for over 50 years. As chairman and CEO of Applied Industrial Technologies (AIT), he implemented innovative practices that tripled the company’s product offerings and
expanded its global presence.
Prior to joining AIT, he was an executive at Diamond Shamrock, SDS Biotech, and president and COO of Leaseway Transportation. He has been a lecturer at Weatherhead on the topics of leadership, ethics, and core values, as well as an executive-in-residence at George Fox University in Oregon.
A 1960 graduate of Case Institute of Technology and 1964 graduate of the Weatherhead School of Management, Dannemiller’s dedication to his alma mater is evident through his involvement with ǿմý’s Larry Sears and Sally Zlotnick Sears think[box] innovation center and the scholarship fund he established with his late wife, Jean, for engineering and MBA students.
Even in retirement, Dannemiller remains active, serving on nonprofit boards and co-authoring a Christian book series. His extensive service on various boards and his leadership in Christian ministries further highlight his commitment to community and faith.