In the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at Weatherhead School of Management, we’re committed to advancing knowledge in our field. Take a look at some of the books published by our members.
The Business of Building a Better World (2021)
Written by David L. Cooperrider, Audrey Selian, Jesper Brodin, Halla Tómasdóttir and other leading scholars and executives, (2021) provides a visionary look at the future of business, propelling past damaging industrial-age values to uncover the key ingredients of humanistic, ecologically sustainable and intergenerational prosperity.
Other Books from the Fowler Center
, by David L. Cooperrider and Diana Whitney (1999)
, by David L. Cooperrider (2008)
, by Jacqueline M. Stavros, Cheri Torres and David L. Cooperrider (2018)
, by Chris Laszlo (2003)
, by Chris Laszlo (2008)
, by Chris Laszlo and Nadya Zhexembayeva (2011)
, by Chris Laszlo and Judy Sorum Brown (2014)
, by Frederick Chavalit Tsao (2019)
, by David L. Cooperrider (2021)
, by Michelle McQuaid and David Cooperrider (2018)