Michele Hunt is a Transformation Catalyst and Strategic Advisor on leadership, organization and community development, and strategic communications. She helps leaders engage their employees and stakeholders to transform their cultures into vision-led, values-based, high-performance organizations. Her customers have included leadership teams of: IBM, Motorola, Swiss Reinsurance Company, Popular Inc., (Banco Popular Puerto Rico, Banco Popular North America), SRA International, Bright China Management Institute, ABRH Brazil, NASA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. National Park Service, World Vision International, the United States Department of Education, the Chicago Public Schools and World Vision International. She also worked with the countries of Aruba and the Bahama's on their whole country transformation initiatives.
Michele is also a keynote speaker at meetings and conferences on The Power of Shared Vision & Values, DreamMakers, and Flourishing Communities. She has been a social entrepreneur for over 20 years.
In 1992 Michele was appointed by President Bill Clinton to serve on his Transition Team. In 1993 she was appointed by the President to serve as the Director of the Federal Quality Institute, the resource center for the bi-partisan initiative, Reinventing Government: Creating a Government that Works Better & Costs Less, led by Vice President Gore. She served her country in this capacity during President Clinton's first term of office.
Michele previously served on the executive leadership team of Herman Miller, Inc., a Fortune 500 global office furniture company. She was the Corporate Vice President For People responsible for "human resources," quality management, learning and development, corporate communications, change management and government, community and shareholder relations. In this capacity, she also facilitated Herman Miller's whole company transformation processes, called Renewal.
She began her career with the Michigan Department of Corrections as one of the first of two female probation officers to supervise adult male felons on probation in Detroit, Michigan. She then served as the Executive Director of the Michigan Halfway House for Women and later became Michigan's first female deputy warden, leading programs for rehabilitation in a male prison, at the Michigan Dunes Correctional Facility.
Michele is the author of DreamMakers: Innovating for the Greater Good, DreamMakers: Putting Vision & Values To Work foreword by Max De Pree, former CEO of Herman Miller and DreamMakers Agentes de Transformacao , which features Brazilian DreamMakers.
She is also a collaborator on the documentary, DreamMakers. Michele is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post: She has also contributed numerous chapters and articles to books and publications including a chapter in Peter Senge's Fifth Discipline Field Book.