Coaching Research Lab faculty, doctoral students and alumni present at Academy of Management annual meeting

Scott Taylor, Ellen Van Oosten and S.R. Aurora.
Scott Taylor, Ellen Van Oosten and S.R. Aurora.

Several members of the Coaching Research Lab (CRL) at the Weatherhead School of Management had multiple symposia accepted through peer-review process at this year’s 83rd Annual Meeting of the . 

The Academy of Management meeting—which took place last month in Boston—convenes scholars from around the world for a chance to expand research collaborations, network with colleagues, and disseminate knowledge addressing the 21st century’s most pressing challenges related to management, leadership, academic research and other related topics. 

“We were grateful for the work of the Coaching Research Lab scholars, friends and colleagues to be so well-represented at the academy,” said Ellen Van Oosten, CRL director. “For many of us, it was the first time in four years that we were together in person so that alone was a highlight. But then the chance to discuss our research and engage with respected colleagues from around the world was energizing, gratifying and memorable.”

The following CRL research and doctoral fellows, faculty and Weatherhead alumni had several symposia accepted:

CRL research fellows:

  • Ellen Van Oosten (MGT ’94, GRS ’13, organizational behavior), CRL founding fellow and director and professor of organizational behavior
  • Richard Boyatzis, H. Clark Ford Professorship, CRL founding fellow and Distinguished University Professor 
  • Melvin Smith, CRL founding fellow and professor of organizational behavior
  • Angela Passarelli (GRS ‘14, organizational behavior), CRL research fellow, Weatherhead affiliate instructor and coach and associate professor at College of Charleston
  • Scott Taylor (MGT ’97; GRS ’07, organizational behavior), CRL research fellow and  Arthur M. Blank Endowed Chair for Values-Based Leadership at Babson College
  • Kylie Rochford (GRS ’18, organizational behavior), CRL research fellow and assistant professor at University of Utah
  • S.R. Aurora (GRS ‘16, organizational behavior), CRL research fellow and assistant professor at Arizona State University

CRL doctoral student fellows:

  • Maria Volkvova Feddeck
  • Han Liu
  • Roman Terekhin

Weatherhead faculty and alumni:

  • Phil Cola (GRS ’15, management), Winkle Healthcare Management Professorship and professor of design & innovation
  • Jodi Berg (GRS ’17, management), executive-in-residence and faculty director for the Weatherhead Leadership Deep Dive program 
  • Udayan Dhar (GRS ’22, organizational behavior), assistant professor at Bucknell University
  • Joann Farrell Quinn (GRS ’13, management), University of South Florida
  • Darren Good (GRS ’09, organizational behavior), associate professor at Pepperdine University
  • Christopher Lyddy (GRS ’16, organizational behavior), assistant professor at Providence College

One symposium, “Creating a Culture of Employee Development,” was awarded Best Symposium in Management Education from the Management Education and Development (MED) Division of AOM. Van Oosten and Taylor co-chaired the presentation which included research presentations by Boyatzis, Berg, Dhar, Good and Lyddy. 

CRL presenters at AOM annual meeting

Pictured above: Ellen Van Oosten, Jodi Berg, Darren Good, Scott Taylor, Christopher Lyddy and Udayan Dhar.

The CRL team also presented on the following symposia:

  • “The Democratization of Coaching” chaired by Boyatzis and Smith with panelists including Smith, Boyatzis, Terekhin and Volkova.
  • “Designing Peer Coaching Groups to Foster Performance, Learning and Well-being of the Participants” chaired by Terekhin with panelists including Van Oosten.
  • “A Co-creative Approach to the Research-Practice Gap in Leadership Coaching: A Stakeholder Discussion with panelists including Passarelli and Smith.
  • “Coaching in Medicine: The Way Forward” chaired by Cola and Feddeck with panelists including Boyatzis, Passarelli and Quinn.

Read more about the Coaching Research Lab.