Melvin Smith

Professor Emeritus
Organizational Behavior
Weatherhead School of Management
Founding Research Fellow
Coaching Research Lab
Weatherhead School of Management

Intuitively, we know the relationship between leaders and employees can have a dramatic effect on employee contribution and organizational success. The research and teaching of Melvin Smith, PhD, reveal the structure of this relationship. His work on the nature of leadership and the role emotional intelligence plays in work relationships is widely recognized for its insight. Smith also studies the connection between social networks and organizational performance.

Smith’s research appears in such respected journals as the Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Management Development, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, and Organizational Dynamics. He has also presented his work at numerous conferences and institutions including the Academy of Management and the Institute of Coaching at Harvard Medical School.

Smith has provided training and/or consulting services to executives in the United States, Canada, Scotland, Dubai, New Zealand, India and Trinidad.

Prior to completing his doctoral work at the University of Pittsburgh, Smith spent more than fifteen years in a series of sales/marketing management and organization development positions with a number of Fortune 500 companies including IBM, Pepsi-Cola, and H.J. Heinz.

Smith is the faculty director of executive education at Weatherhead. Since joining ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½, his teaching focuses on leadership, emotional intelligence and executive coaching. Smith has also served as a visiting professor at ESADE Business School in Barcelona, Spain, where he co-taught a senior executive education course on emotionally intelligent leadership.

Initially Appointed: 2002

Teaching Information

Teaching Interests

  • Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Executive Coaching

Courses Taught

Leading Change: Self
Leadership and Executive Assessment and Development
Social Exchange, Social Networks, and Social Capital in Organizations

Office Hours

By Appointment Only


Research Information

Research Interests

The Development and Use of Human and Social Capital in Organizations.

Awards and Honors

2020 Best Coaching Book Award
Henley Business School Centre for Coaching
2020 Training Industry Award
Training Industry, Inc.
2020 Axiom Book Award Winner
Best Symposium Award, Academy of Management
MED Division


  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Van Oosten, E. B.
    Motivating Executives to Learn and Change is a Board Responsibility    IOD
  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Van Oosten, E. B. (2021).
    In a Post-COVID World Will Training Be Dead?    Raleigh, NC: Training Industry
  • Van Oosten, E. B., Smith, M. L., Boyatzis, R. E. (2020).
    How to Support the People You Lead in Times of Uncertainty    Berkeley, CA: Greater Good Magazine
  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Van Oosten, E. B. (2019).
    Helping People Change: Coaching with Compassion for Lifelong Learning and Growth    Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press
  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Van Oosten, E. B. (2019).
    Coaching for Change    Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review
  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Van Oosten, E. B. (2015).
    Illuminating the Scholarship of Coaching  (vol. 51, issue 2, pp. 149-151)  Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Beveridge, A. J. (2013).
    Coaching with compassion: Inspiring health, well-being and development in organizations (vol. 49, issue 2, pp. 153-178)  Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Van Oosten, E. B., Lauris, W. (2013).
    Developing Resonant Leaders through Emotional Intelligence, Vision and Coaching   (vol. 42, pp. 17-24) Organizational Dynamics
  • Smith, M. L., Bilimoria, D. (2012).
    The Heart of Leadership: How leaders engage with emotional intelligence  (vol. 29, issue 3, pp. 5)  Leadership Excellence
  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Van Oosten, E. B. (2010).
    Le coaching compatissant, allie de la sante et du renouveau  (vol. 35, issue 3, pp. 41-46) Montreal: Gestion
  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Van Oosten, E. B. (2010).
    Coaching for Change  (pp. 68-71)  People Matters
  • Beveridge, A. J., Smith, M. L. (2010).
    Is it Worth it? The Effect of Perceived Social Impact on Job Burnout  Southern Management Association
  • Smith, M. L., Van Oosten, E. B., Boyatzis, R. E. (2009). In William Pasmore, Richard Woodman, Rami Shani (Ed.)
    Coaching for sustained desired change   (vol. 17, pp. 145-174)  Research in Organizational Development and Change
  • Smith, M. L. (2006).
    Social Capital and Intentional Change: Exploring the Role of Social Networks on Individual Change Efforts (vol. 25, pp. 718-731)  The Journal of Management Development
  • Smith, M. L. (2006).
    Emotional Intelligence, Leader-Member Exchange, and Individual Contributions to Social Capital  (pp. 169-189)  Sharing Network Leadership
  • Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L., Blaize, N. J. (2006).
    Developing Sustainable Leaders through Coaching and Compassion  (pp. 8-24)  Academy of Management Learning and Education


  • Van Oosten, E. B. (Presenter & Author), Smith, M. L. (Presenter & Author)  Executive Doctorate in Organizational Development & Change, "A Discussion on Helping People Change", Bowling Green State University, Delivered via Zoom. (2020).
  • Van Oosten, E. B. (Presenter & Author), Smith, M. L. (Presenter & Author)  HR Business Partners and Internal Coaches at Ford, "Conversations that Inspire: Coaching for Lifelong Learning and Change", Coaching Research Lab, online. (2020).
  • Van Oosten, E. B. (Presenter & Author), Smith, M. L. (Presenter & Author)  Coaching Research Lab/ Weatherhead Executive Education Webinar, "Coaching with Compassion in Times of Uncertainty", Coaching Research Lab, Online. (2020).
  • Van Oosten, E. B. (Presenter & Author), Smith, M. L. (Presenter & Author)  International Coach Federation - Central Florida Webinar, "Conversations that Inspire: Coaching for Sustained, Desired Change", ICF Chapter - Central Florida, Webinar. (2020).
  • Obenauer, W. (Presenter & Author), Varley, A. M. (Presenter & Author), Smith, M. L. (Panelist/Discussant), Lemoine, J. (Panelist/Discussant), Baack, S. (Panelist/Discussant)  Academy of Management, "Make 'em Laugh...Again: Using Humor as a Tool for Learning", Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia. (2017).
  • Varley, A. M. (Presenter & Author), Obenauer, W. (Presenter & Author), Smith, M. L. (Panelist/Discussant)  Academy of Management, "Make 'em Laugh: Using Humor as a Tool for Learning", Academy of Management, Anaheim, California. (2016).
  • Wei, H. (Presenter & Author), Xiao, X. (Author Only), Smith, M. L. (Author Only), Wang, T. (Author Only)  Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Empathy and Social Capital: Moderating Effects of Social Networking Site Use and Gender ", Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA. (2014).
  • Van Oosten, E. B., Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M. L.  Coaching for Leadership and Healthcare, "Leading Improvements in Emotional Intelligence and Resonant Leadership Through Coaching", Institute of Coaching, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. (2011).
  • Beveridge, A. J. (Presenter & Author), Smith, M. L. (Author Only)  Southern Management Association, "Is it Worth it? The Effect of Perceived Social Impact on Jon Burnout", SMA, Florida. (2010).
  • Smith, M. L.  Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Coaching with Compassion: How Daring to Care Can Unleash Human Pontential", AOM, Montreal Canada. (2010).
  • Smith, M. L. (Presenter & Author), VanOosten, E. (Presenter & Author), Boyatzis, R. E. (Presenter & Author)  Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Coaching for Sustained Desired Change", Academy of Management, Chicago. (2009).


University of Pittsburgh
Master of Business Administration
Clark Atlanta University
Bachelor of Science
Purdue University