Weatherhead's Philip Cola and Yunmei Wang publish research at the intersection of management and medicine

Side-by-side portraits of Philip Cola and Yunmei Wang

Weatherhead School of Management Associate Professor of Design and Innovation Philip Cola, along with Adjunct Professor Yunmei Wang, recently published research at the intersection of management and medicine, “Discovering Factors that Influence Physician Scientist Success in Academic Medical Centers.”

Cola is also an assistant professor, and Wang an associate professor, both in the Department of Medicine for the ǿմý School of Medicine.

The abstract of the research article is as follows:

This study investigates factors influencing success of physician scientists in academic medical centers. Translation of scientific discovery to medical practice moves at an astoundingly slow and ineffective rate. Through a lens of dialectic process theory, a grounded theory approach identified emergent factors from lived experiences of 31 individuals, at various experience levels, with MD and PhD degrees. Role balance was important for success. Teamwork, organizational support, and life-cycle mentorship helped individuals grow, achieve balance, and respect, but relational capacity emerged as a critical driver for realizing both individual and organizational success. One person cannot execute these complex roles on their own, but development of deep and meaningful relationships through teamwork, collaboration, and life-cycle mentorship are essential for life satisfaction and success.