The Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit’s AIM2Flourish program has been featured in an journal article co-authored by Weatherhead School of Management alumnae Jackie Stavros and Lindsey Godwin, and former AIM2Flourish Director Claire Sommer. The Fowler Center would like to thank the authors for taking the time to write and tell the story of AIM2Flourish.
The article is titled AIM2Flourish: An Experiential, Global Learning Inquiry About Business for Good and was released in the May 2019 issue focusing on the theme of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The article is a beautiful description of the history of AIM2Flourish from the beginning of the "World Inquiry into Business as an Agent of World Benefit" pioneered at the Weatherhead School of Management by Dr. David Cooperrider to the "Flourish Prizes" working group at the third Global Forum in October 2014 and on to the success today as an internationally recognized program teaching students about the UN Global Goals and the power of Appreciative Inquiry.