Siteimprove Training

What is Siteimprove? 

Siteimprove is a system that can help you check for everything from broken links to potential misspellings. Each Drupal site will receive weekly quality assurance reports detailing any errors the site is having or any potential issues that can be fixed. 

How You Can Use Siteimprove 

Broken links, wordy/difficult to understand content and accessibility issues can have a negative effect on your site rating. It's important that search engines are able to properly scan your site, and users are able to access your content regardless of whether they are looking at your site visually or using a screen reader. Your weekly report will help you detail any areas you can improve your content, such as links that need to be updated or images you might want to rethink using for accessibility reasons. 

Get Help

If you need help interpreting and working with your weekly Siteimprove reports, please let University Marketing and Communications know. You can sign up for an upcoming Drop-In Session or submit a ticket to

In the meantime, you can visit the to learn more about how to get up and running in Siteimprove.