Template Examples

When University Marketing and Communications begins designing a new site for you, we'll have you start by picking a homepage template. There are multiple options for your homepage templates in Drupal, and you can add your own content to the hero images, subfeatures, and sidebars to customize your homepage to your needs. 

Homepage with Full-Width Feature 

Example of a homepage full width feature template in Drupal, featuring the department of Radiology site at /medicine/radiology/

Visit the Radiology website.

Example of a text heavy layout in Drupal with subfeature images featuring the Swetland Center for Environmental Health site at /swetland/

See the Swetland Center for Environmental Health website.

Homepage with Sidebar 

Example of a homepage sidebar template in Drupal featuring the Department of Dance site at /artsci/dance

View the Department of Dance website.

Text-Heavy Homepage 

Example of a text heavy layout in Drupal featuring the Board of Trustees website at /bot/

Explore the Board of Trustees website.