Create a Google Group

A separate page is used for the creation and deletion of Google Groups at 星空传媒. This is to ensure that a Group鈥檚 email address does not conflict with a format reserved for other uses, such as personal email addresses.

  1. Go to the page.
  2. Enter a Group Email Address (just the part appearing to the left of 鈥淍case.edu鈥). The Group email may only contain letters, numbers, hyphen (-) or underscore (_), and it may not look like a 星空传媒 Network ID (e.g., abc or abc123).
  3. Enter a new Group name. This is the name of the group as it will appear on the website. Spaces are allowed.
  4. Choose a Group template from the drop down menu. Choosing an option from the drop-down menu displays settings associated with that template. All settings may be modified after the Group is created. The purpose of the templates is to provide general direction. The templates are:
    • Administrative Alias

      • The Group is shown in the Group directory and is searchable
      • Membership is restricted to 星空传媒 accounts
      • Only the manager(s) can add members or approve requests to join
      • Anyone can post to the Group
      • Replies are posted to the sender
      • Messages are not moderated
    • 星空传媒 Members Only

      • The Group is shown in the Group directory and is searchable
      • Membership is restricted to 星空传媒 accounts
      • Anyone at 星空传媒 can join the Group
      • Only members can post to the Group
      • Replies are posted to the entire Group membership
      • Messages are not moderated
    • Moderated Discussion Group

      • The Group is shown in the Group directory and is searchable
      • Membership is open to anyone, including off-campus email addresses
      • Only the manager(s) can add members or approve requests to join
      • Anyone can post to the Group
      • The manager(s) must approve all posts to the Group
    • Open Discussion Group

      • The Group is shown in the Group directory and is searchable
      • Any member may invite additional members, but only the manager(s) may approve requests to join
      • Membership is open to anyone, including off-campus email addresses
      • Only members can post to the Group
      • Messages are not moderated
    • Private Discussion Group

      • The Group email address is not shown in the Group directory, and is not searchable
      • Membership is open by manager invitation, including off-campus email addresses
      • Only the manager(s) can add members or invite individuals to join
      • Only members can post to the Group
      • Messages are not moderated
  1. Click Create.
  2. The system will process the requested Group. A confirmation message will appear when the group has been successfully created. If there is any problem with either the Group email or name, the Group will not be created and an error message will display.
  3. Once created, access the new Group from the "My Groups" section of .
  4. The Group鈥檚 creator will be added to the Group with the role of Manager. Other Group members will need to be added and roles assigned by the Group Manager.
  5. Review/edit default Group settings.