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What is Turnitin? ‌

Turnitin with Canvas Logo

Turnitin (Tii) is a digital plagiarism detection tool that can help ensure that student academic writing submissions are free of unintentional or intentional plagiarism. Turnitin functionality is now available via Canvas assignments to help with plagiarism detection and grading. 

Whether seeking to discourage plagiarism or to provide students with a developmental writing tool, Turnitin can help both faculty and students maintain academic integrity. Turnitin’s OriginalityCheck compares writing submission against submissions of other students, digital resources and journals.  

Turnitin's Plagiarism Framework

Turnitin’s Plagiarism Framework is now available in Canvas. Like the existing External Tool setup, the Plagiarism Framework can be with just a few clicks.

The Framework will support the use of Canvas’s native group assignment functionality, resubmissions with unique Originality Reports, and more flexible due dates. The new Plagiarism Framework does not support the use of Turnitin’s grading tools, including rubrics, or PeerMark. You can, however, use Canvas’s grading tools, rubrics, and peer review functionality. 

As we implement Turnitin’s Plagiarism Framework, the External Tool will still be available in Canvas. You can in your Canvas courses!

Turnitin Training Resources

Turnitin provides a variety of training resources and supports to help instructors and students use the combined power of Canvas and Turnitin.



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