Title: Copyright Notification Standard
Approved by: Office of the President
Date approved by President or Board of Trustees: May 2, 2011
Effective date: May 2, 2011
Responsible Official: UTech Security and Policy
Responsible University Office: UTech Security and Policy
Revision History: 2
Related legislation and University policies: None
Review Period: 3 Years
Date of Last Review: August 6, 2024
Relates to: Faculty, Staff
A standard approach to receipt and processing of copyright notifications for ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ operations.
This Standard applies to external entities wishing to communicate with the university for the purpose of delivery of copyright infringement notices.
This policy is to ensure streamlined and common inputs are received for copyright infringement notices.
The officially sanctioned address to receive copyright infringement notices is:
Any copyright infringement email notices shall be addressed by the sender to the officially sanctioned address.
Automated report messages sent to the university shall adhere to the Automated Copyright Notification System ACNS 2.0 format.
Automated messages sent to the officially sanctioned address will be processed by the university in accordance with its program to effectively combat illegal P2P file sharing.
Copyright notifications not pertinent to P2P file sharing will be forwarded to the appropriate copyright compliance officials.
Any copyright infringement email notices sent to any other email address may be discarded.
P2P- peer to peer technology