Hope Barkoukis, PhD, RDN, LD, FAND

Department of Nutrition
School of Medicine
Associate Professor
Department of Nutrition
School of Medicine
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Professor of Wellness and Preventive Care
School of Medicine
Faculty Co-Lead
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Wellness and Preventive Care Pathway
School of Medicine

Chair of the Department of Nutrition, and the curriculum creator/faculty co-lead for the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Wellness and Preventive Care Pathway for medical students. The Mandel Pathway introduces medical students to stress reduction techniques, social well-being habits, nutrition, lifestyle and culinary medicine. In 2018 the Mandel Pathway received national recognition and an from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Teaching awards include the 2019 Outstanding Dietetic Educator from Nutrition Dietetics Education Professionals and the Ohio Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Top Prof, and the John S. Diekhoff Graduate Award for teaching excellence from ǿմý. Advanced training includes Culinary Coaching from Harvard University and the Institute for Lifestyle Medicine and advanced training in culinary arts. Countless culinary & nutrition educational sessions for students, consumers and professional audiences have been presented, including recently for ≥ 300 attendees at the Academy’s national Food, Nutrition and Exhibition.

Research experience ranges from the design of nutrition, food and culinary intervention studies; nutrition counseling of culturally diverse populations; competency in body composition techniques, respiratory calorimetry, energy balance determinations, nutritional status and dietary assessments, protein analyses, use of mass spec and stable isotopes for metabolic research. Several funded NIH research interventions have focused on manipulating the types of dietary carbohydrates and dietary glycemic index to achieve greater control of glucose response and substrate utilization using the dietary intervention I have created. I have significant expertise in collaborating with investigators across several disciplines.

Teaching Information

Teaching Interests

Nutrition for the aging and aged, culinary medicine, vitamins, nutrition for healthcare professionals, sports nutrition

Courses Taught

NTRN 440. Nutrition for the Aging and Aged
NTRN 200. Case Cooks
NTRN 364. Human Nutrition II - Vitamins
NTRN 401. Nutrition for Healthcare and Community Professionals
NTRN 460. Sports Nutrition

Office Hours

By appointment

Research Information

Research Projects

  • Role: Co-investigator
    • In planning stages: Culinary medicine in dietetic education curriculum requirements and undergraduate education;
  • R01 NIH Hl130209, Dweik (PI), Mechanism of Metabolic Dysregulation in PAH.
    • This study will determine the effects of abnormal glucose utilization and flux through the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway on cell proliferation and nitric oxide deficiency in idiopathic PAH.
    • Role: Co-Investigator
  • NIH: R01, HDO 22965-20, NIH/NIDDK Lifestyle Intervention Pregnancy Program with John P Kirwan (Pennington) and Pat Catalano (Tufts).
    • This study investigates the impact of lifestyle interventions on maternal and infant outcomes. Nutrition students were/(continue to be) trained to be ‘lifestyle coaches’.
    • Role: Co-Investigator
  • NSF, SHF: Medium Collaborative Research: Materials Authentication Using Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy, with Soumyajit Mandal (ǿմý), Bhunia Swarup, (U Florida), $466,000. 2016/03/07-2019/02/07.
    • This study is creating a consumer useful tool to assess contamination in over the counter dietary supplements and investigating the accuracy of this tool.

Awards and Honors

Faculty STAR Award (supportive, team oriented, authentic, respectful)
ǿմý, School of Medicine
Ohio Outstanding Dietetic Educator Award
Ohio Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
Outstanding Educator Award, North Central Region
Nutrition Dietetics Educators and Preceptors Organization
Innovation in Teaching Future Health Care Professionals- (Innovative Educational Model for the JJM Mandel Wellness & Preventive Care Pathway)
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Professional Achievement Award
Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN)
Development Award, (1+million dollars raised)
Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN)
The “Top Prof” Award
Case Mortar Board, Lux Chapter
John S. Diekhoff Award, Distinguished Teaching

External Appointments

Board of Directors-Member at Large
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
Geriatrics Research, Education and Clinical Advisory Sub-Committee Member
VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System
Committee on Assessment of Physician Assistant nutrition Education Needs
Council on Research Scientific Integrity Committee
Council on Research, Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
Committee on Professional Development now called Lifelong Learning, Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
Task Force on Dietetic Practice Groups Strategic Realignment
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Representative
American College of Sports Medicine
Task Force on Corporate Sponsorship


Selected Publications

  • Eddie Hill, Hima Sapa, PhD, Lavinia Negrea, MD, Kristin Bame, MS, RDN, CSR, LD, Thomas Hostetter, MD, Hope Barkoukis, PhD, RDN, LD, FAND, Adriana Dusso, PhD, Mirela Dobre, MD. (2020). Effect of Oat B Glucan Supplementation: A feasibility Study. J Renal Nutrition, 30(3);208-215.
  • ML Erickson, J Mey, CL Axelrod, D Paul, R Russell, H Barkoukis, G OTierney, JP Kirwan. (2020). Rationale and Study Design for Lifestyle Intervention on Preparation for Pregnancy (LIPP): A Randomized Clinical Trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 94:106:624
  • Sahera Dirajlal-Fargo, Jiao Yu, Majusha Kulkarni, Abdes Sattar, Nicholas Funderburg, Hope Barkoukis, Grace McComsey. (2019). Brief Report: Zinc Supplementation and Inflammation in Treated HIV. J Acquired Immune Def Syndrome, November 1:82(3);275-280.
  • Barkoukis H, Swain J, Rogers K, Harris S. (2019). Culinary Medicine and the RDN: Time for a leadership role.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2019.01.012.
  • Ritzenthaler, D., Chan, C., Papp, K. K., & Barkoukis, H. (2018). Zip, zap, zop: Improving medical student wellness. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 33 (2 Supplement 1), 755-756.
  • Hari A, Fealy C, Solomon T, Haus J, Kelly K, Barkoukis H, Kirwan, J. Exercise induced improvements in glucose effectiveness are blunted by high glycemic diet in pre-diabetics. Acta Diabetologicia, Jan 5, 2019. https://doi.org/10/.1007/s00592-018-1272-2


PhD in Nutrition
Public Health Nutrition
Bachelor of Arts
Business & Nutrition
Ursuline College