Academic Policies

Undergraduate Advising Support is responsible for administering academic regulations that govern undergraduates. When applicable, students may submit a petition requesting an exception to a specific academic regulation to Undergraduate Advising Support; students should consult with their four-year advisor for more information.

Below are helpful links to the General Bulletin regarding:

  • - this includes guidance related to the academic grievance policy; attendance; credit by examination; enrollment and registration changes; final examinations and reading days; graduation and commencement; promotion; re-enrollment after an absence from the University; study at other colleges and transfer credit 
  •  - including information about double majors, secondary majors, dual degrees, and minors
  •  - guidance related to incomplete grades, auditing a course, Pass/No Pass, grade changes, grade reports and transcripts, course repetition, and mid-semester grades.

To learn more, contact Undergraduate Advising Support.