CampusGroups Budgeting Guide

If you have questions related to the new contract process or any process related to student group (AGY-based) finance issues, please submit them here: . This will allow us to properly route the issues and also to develop a helpful "frequently asked questions" section.

Guides for Treasurers

Guides for Allocators

General Guides and Links

Terms Used

  • Board: A board is one of the recognizing organizations that receive funding from the SAF, GSAF or Residence Life
    • Class Officer Collective (COC)
    • Interfraternity Congress (IFC) & Panhellenic Council (PHC)
    • Undergraduate Diversity Collaborative (UDC)
    • University Media Board (UMB)
    • University Program Board (UPB)
    • Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
    • Graduate Student Council (GSC)
    • Residence Hall Association (RHA)
  • Club Funds: Funds that each club has raised through ticket sales, donations or other revenue streams. These funds are available for clubs to spend as they choose within general policy.