Information for Parents

Hands holding a heart

Quick Statistics on Underage Alcohol & Drug Use: 

  • 15% of 12-20 year olds drank Alcohol in the past 1 month 
    • 1 in 2 of those are Binge Drinkers 
    • 1 in 50 had Heavy Alcohol Use
  • 7.4 million  people aged 12-20 year olds have Vaped Nicotine in the past 1 month 
    • 3.1% have smoked Cigarettes
  • 4.3 million people aged 12-20 years old have misused prescription Stimulant medications (Adderall, Ritalin, etc.) 

"Parents have a significant influence in their children's decision to experiments with alcohol and other drugs. Although it may not seem like it, when parents talk about underage drinking and substance use, their children do hear them."

Consequences of underage drinking and other drug use include, but are not limited to:

  • Injury or Death from Accidents
  • Poor School Performance
  • Poor Judgement and Decision Making 

To learn more:  about hoe to talk with your student about underage drinking and other drug use, visit the SAMHSA Talk, They Hear You Campaign Website (). Take a look at 5 Conversation Goals () for important tips to communicate with your student. 

For suggestions related to topical conversations to have with your student throughout the year regarding underage drinking and other drug use, check out this College Parent Checklist ().

Other Helpful Resources: