Some Reasons to Try Supported Employment


Developed by Paul M. Kubek, Nicole Clevenger, Steve Shober & Patrick E. Boyle

This colorful poster is designed to help organizations inform people who use their services about Supported Employment/Individual Placement and Support (SE/IPS), the evidence-based practice. The poster translates professional jargon into common, everyday language that is accessible to diverse audiences. It informs viewers that their choices and experiences are an important part of the job-search process and encourages them to ask about SE/IPS services.

Display this poster in the waiting room of your building or in your office. Use it as an educational tool to facilitate conversations about SE/IPS with consumers, family members, and community stakeholders. An 8.5x11" mini poster handout version is also available.

Download the 18x24鈥 poster.
Download the 8.5x11鈥 poster.