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694.851 l 75.8212 694.2857 75.134 694.0464 74.542 694.2979 c 73.9485 694.5507 73.6447 695.2109 73.8387 695.825 c 66.4387 672.395 l 66.2947 671.9359 66.4255 671.4342 66.777 671.1057 c 67.1285 670.7762 67.6375 670.6785 68.0855 670.8542 c 147.009 701.6832 l 146.4815 701.477 145.884 701.6502 145.5465 702.1067 c 145.214 702.562 145.2265 703.186 145.579 703.6277 c 140.6465 697.4619 l 140.759 697.6035 140.9015 697.7182 141.064 697.799 c 69.5382 662.0385 l 69.3235 661.9297 69.144 661.7624 69.0217 661.5549 c 63.1367 651.5977 l 62.7865 651.0032 62.983 650.238 63.5775 649.8862 c 64.172 649.5347 64.9385 649.7324 65.2902 650.3257 c f 38.4382 631.179 m 38.0525 688.0577 l 38.0538 687.7914 37.9707 687.5314 37.8145 687.3167 c 63.7117 723.0784 l 63.6507 722.9955 63.5813 722.9197 63.5017 722.8536 c 89.7835 744.8959 l 90.2707 745.3049 90.3732 746.0129 90.0227 746.5439 c 89.6725 747.0737 88.9802 747.257 88.414 746.9687 c 57.1992 731.0912 l 57.5705 731.2792 58.011 731.2704 58.375 731.0679 c 58.7387 730.8652 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77.2897 698.4985 y 77.308 698.5887 79.2232 707.5424 83.9352 712.9502 c 88.4848 718.1699 96.0835 718.33 96.1592 718.3312 c 95.5465 718.3224 95.0205 718.7594 94.9142 719.3627 c 94.9275 719.2857 96.2532 711.4097 92.845 705.8092 c 88.597 698.8292 84.1695 698.8487 80.6112 698.8635 c 79.5273 698.8682 78.5042 698.8719 77.59 698.6742 c 76.915 698.5277 76.4865 697.8624 76.633 697.1872 c 76.7795 696.5122 77.4448 696.0849 78.1197 696.2314 c 78.1197 696.2302 l 78.7667 696.3719 79.6163 696.3682 80.6003 696.3634 c 84.343 696.3474 89.9997 696.3229 94.9812 704.5102 c 98.8862 710.9262 97.4397 719.4395 97.3762 719.7985 c 97.2702 720.4001 96.744 720.8372 96.1325 720.8312 c 95.776 720.8275 87.3507 720.6737 82.0505 714.5932 c 76.904 708.6852 74.924 699.4017 74.8423 699.0087 c 74.7017 698.3334 75.1352 697.6707 75.8115 697.5302 c 76.4865 697.39 77.1493 697.8232 77.2897 698.4995 c f 92.0883 744.1257 m 92.087 744.1257 92.0883 744.1257 92.087 744.1257 c 92.1065 744.215 94.0217 753.1686 98.7337 758.5765 c 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63.1332 783.7181 67.9257 777.3278 67.4668 770.7885 c 66.8942 762.6389 62.9513 760.6237 59.7835 759.0037 c 58.818 758.5117 57.9073 758.0454 57.1847 757.4485 c 56.6525 757.0092 56.578 756.2217 57.0175 755.6895 c 57.457 755.1572 58.2442 755.0817 58.7765 755.521 c 59.288 755.9434 60.0447 756.3304 60.9212 756.7784 c 64.2537 758.4812 69.2893 761.0544 69.9605 770.6139 c 70.4855 778.1078 65.295 785.0072 65.074 785.2966 c 64.703 785.7823 64.0352 785.9288 63.4957 785.6432 c 63.1807 785.4772 55.7637 781.4745 53.8447 773.64 c 51.982 766.0302 54.4833 756.8724 54.5907 756.4854 c 54.775 755.8202 55.4648 755.4319 56.13 755.6162 c 56.7952 755.8017 57.1847 756.4902 56.9993 757.1555 c f 27.9427 738.5815 m 27.9427 738.5815 l 27.9183 738.6692 25.511 747.5035 27.2165 754.4699 c 28.8645 761.1962 35.5428 764.8242 35.61 764.8608 c 35.0692 764.5714 34.4015 764.7191 34.0292 765.2062 c 34.0767 765.1427 38.868 758.7535 38.4103 752.2142 c 37.839 744.0634 33.895 742.0482 30.726 740.4294 c 29.7615 739.9365 28.851 739.4712 28.1283 738.8754 c 27.596 738.4349 27.5215 737.6474 27.961 737.1152 c 28.4005 736.5829 29.188 736.5074 29.72 736.9469 c 30.2315 737.3692 30.9885 737.7562 31.8637 738.2029 c 35.1962 739.9057 40.2327 742.4789 40.9042 752.0385 c 41.429 759.5334 36.2387 766.4318 36.0178 766.7224 c 35.6465 767.2081 34.979 767.3546 34.4393 767.069 c 34.1245 766.903 26.7075 762.9002 24.7885 755.0645 c 22.9257 747.4547 25.427 738.2982 25.5342 737.9124 c 25.7187 737.2472 26.4082 736.8577 27.0735 737.042 c 27.739 737.2277 28.127 737.916 27.9427 738.5815 c f -0.3435 757.2324 m -0.3435 757.2324 -0.3423 757.2324 v -0.3665 757.3204 -2.7738 766.1559 -1.0685 773.1225 c 0.5782 779.8474 7.2567 783.4752 7.3237 783.5118 c 6.783 783.2238 6.1152 783.3703 5.7443 783.8573 c 5.792 783.7951 10.5832 777.4047 10.1242 770.8654 c 9.5527 762.7147 5.6088 760.7004 2.441 759.0807 c 1.4767 758.5874 0.5647 758.1224 -0.1565 757.5267 c -0.6888 757.0872 -0.7645 756.2987 -0.3238 755.7664 c 0.1155 755.2342 0.903 755.1597 1.4352 755.5992 c 1.9467 756.0202 2.7022 756.4072 3.5787 756.8539 c 6.9113 758.5569 11.948 761.1302 12.618 770.6909 c 13.1442 778.1835 7.9525 785.0842 7.7315 785.3734 c 7.3605 785.8593 6.694 786.0058 6.1533 785.7202 c 5.8382 785.5541 -1.5788 781.5514 -3.4965 773.717 c -5.3605 766.1071 -2.8593 756.9492 -2.7518 756.5635 c -2.5662 755.8982 -1.8778 755.509 -1.2125 755.6932 c -0.5473 755.8787 -0.1578 756.5672 -0.3435 757.2324 c f Q Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 239.4173 728.4066 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (S)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 249.6744 728.4066 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc [(chuber)30(t)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 324.5767 728.4066 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (C)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 338.7673 728.4066 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc (enter)Tj ET Q q BT /F1 1 Tf 71.998 0 0 72 396.2108 722.8328 Tm /CS1 cs 0.5 scn 0.009 Tc (for)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 422.6577 709.3832 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (C)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 436.8485 709.3832 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc (hild)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 479.7829 709.3832 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (S)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 490.0401 709.3832 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc (tudies)Tj ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 36.9173 671.8868 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.026 Tw (Policy Brief 6 | October 2007)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 396.3206 671.8868 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.026 Tw [(A Series of Resear)20(ch and Policy Publications of)]TJ 3.32681 -1.26316 TD (The Schubert Center for Child Studies)Tj 4.11657 -1.26316 TD (College of Arts and Sciences)Tj -1.78021 -1.26316 TD [(Case W)85(ester)-12(n Reser)-10(ve University)]TJ ET /CS1 cs 0.4 scn 35.998 126 540.002 450 re f Q /GS2 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 16.999 0 0 17 63.9173 538.569 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.015 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(he Long T)103(erm Outcomes for Premature and Low Bir)-21(th W)20(eight Infants)]TJ ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 63.9173 507.4283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Advances in medical technolog)-21(y have g)-21(reatly increased the)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD [(likelihood of survival for premature and low bir)-21(th weight)]TJ T* ((LBW) infants. Before the introduction of neonatal intensive)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD [(care in the 1)41(960s, LBW babies experienced higher rates of)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD -0.018 Tc [(developmental delay with decreasing bir)-21(th weight.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 244.8419 458.9909 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 250.1189 455.4284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc (Interventions)Tj -20.68906 -1.44445 TD 0 Tc 0.029 Tw (to \322improve\323 outcomes often did more harm than good,)Tj T* (including blindness caused by the liberal use of oxygen, deaf-)Tj T* (ness caused by antibiotics and brain damage related to the)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD [(use of sulfa drugs. T)20(he introduction of neonatal intensive care)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD [(in the 1)41(960s g)-22(reatly improved outcomes, especially for very)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (low bir)Tj 2.84137 0 TD (th weight infants (weighing less than 3.3 lbs), and by)Tj -2.84137 -1.44445 TD (the 1)Tj 2.1971 0 TD (9)Tj 0.54198 0 TD (7)Tj 0.54198 0 TD (0s, 80% of survivors were repor)Tj 13.54599 0 TD (tedly free of serious)Tj -16.82705 -1.44446 TD [(disability)41(. T)19(he introduction of therapies in the 1)41(990s, includ-)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD -0.006 Tc [(ing sur)-21(factant therapy and increased use of antenatal steroids,)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD 0 Tc [(fur)-21(ther increased the survival of the smallest babies.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 259.6816 328.9909 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 265.1946 325.4284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (Survival)Tj -22.36415 -1.44444 TD 0.029 Tw (rates have stabilized since the mid 1)Tj 15.3034 0.00001 TD (990s, and approximately)Tj -15.3034 -1.44445 TD [(7)41(0% of the 2)20(2,845 children born weighing less than 2.2 lbs)]TJ T* [(in the United States in 2)20(002 survived.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 207.0838 289.9908 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 212.5968 286.4283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(W)20(hile advances in)]TJ -16.51994 -1.44444 TD [(medical technolog)-21(y have saved the lives of many children,)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD (increased rates of survival have also raised questions about)Tj T* (the long term impact of low bir)Tj 13.09351 -0.00001 TD (th weight on health and quali)Tj 12.33435 -0.00001 TD (-)Tj -25.42786 -1.44443 TD (ty of life, both for the infants and their families.)Tj 0 -2.88889 TD (Survivors of premature bir)Tj 10.84216 0 TD (th may experience a range of cog-)Tj -10.84216 -1.44445 TD (nitive, psycholog)Tj 6.8847 0.00001 TD (ical and physical consequences of low bir)Tj 17.40905 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (th)Tj -24.29375 -1.44446 TD -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(weight. T)20(hough the majority of LBW children do not experience)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD 0 Tc (long term consequences, this population has higher rates of)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD -0.012 Tc [(health and developmental challenges than normal bir)-21(th weight)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (children.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 95.4185 146.9909 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 100.9315 143.4284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Beyond the biolog)-21(ical risks of low bir)-21(th weight, it )]TJ 23.7853 33.22223 TD (appears that even survivors who pass through infancy without)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (severe neurodevelopmental or functional consequences may)Tj T* (experience a number of long term adverse outcomes, includ-)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (ing limited academic skills, poor vision, poor motor skills and)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (other chronic health challenges, such as asthma and cerebral)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD 0 Tw (palsy)Tj 2.04267 0 TD (.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 335.253 380.9909 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 340.766 377.4284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (T)Tj 0.48021 0 TD 0.029 Tw (he child\325s risk for negative outcomes increases with)Tj -3.34319 -1.44445 TD (decreasing bir)Tj 5.82199 0 TD (th weight or gestation, and often negative out)Tj 19.08298 0 TD (-)Tj -24.90496 -1.44445 TD (comes do not become apparent until the child enters the)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (school setting.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 368.3331 341.9909 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 373.8461 338.4284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(F)20(ur)-21(thermore, children of women of low)]TJ -6.53854 -1.44445 TD [(socioeconomic status are at g)-21(reater risk for premature bir)-21(th.)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (T)Tj 0.48021 0.00001 TD (here is evidence, though, that enrichment prog)Tj 19.6602 0 TD (rams for LBW)Tj -20.14041 -1.44446 TD (children may moderate the negative effects of premature)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD [(bir)-21(th, and these prog)-21(rams appear to be par)-21(ticularly effective)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD [(for low bir)-21(th weight children of lower socioeconomic status.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 539.5218 276.9909 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 314.9992 252.4284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Understanding the potential adverse outcomes of low bir)-21(th)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD [(weight requires rigorous long)-21(itudinal research following the)]TJ T* (developmental trajectories of large numbers of LBW children)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (through childhood, adolescence, and even into adulthood, to)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD [(assess the long term impacts of low bir)-21(th weight. Research)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (which has been underway since the late 1)Tj 17.79273 0.00001 TD (9)Tj 0.54198 0.00001 TD (7)Tj 0.54198 0.00001 TD (0s at Case)Tj -18.87669 -1.44447 TD [(W)20(estern Reserve University has provided a wealth of informa-)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD [(tion on the complex biolog)-21(ical, developmental and social)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (consequences of low bir)Tj 10.27942 0.00001 TD (th weight over the lifespan.)Tj ET 0.5 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 575.9985 36.25 m 35.9985 36.25 l S 575.9985 102.25 m 35.9985 102.25 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 6.141 0 0 6.141 36.9982 88.1061 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.087 Tc (TH)Tj 1.44558 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw (E S)Tj 1.6873 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (CH)Tj 1.52833 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (U)Tj 0.79637 0.00001 TD (B)Tj 0.75437 0.00001 TD 0.087 Tc 0.029 Tw (ERT CENTER FOR CH)Tj 11.00922 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (I)Tj 0.42135 0.00001 TD 0.087 Tc [(LD S)20(TU)-21(DI)-21(E)19(S)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.1 0 0 7.1 186.5339 88.1061 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw (in the College of Ar)Tj 8.37113 0.00001 TD (ts and Sciences at Case W)Tj 11.33672 0.00001 TD (estern Reserve University promotes multidisciplinary research on children and )Tj -40.76921 -1.39909 TD [(childhood. Our goal is to build and enhance connections among research, policy)41(, and educational initiatives at the University and with the community)40(. T)20(he Schuber)-21(t Center\325s )]TJ 0 -1.39906 TD (focus is on children and childhood from infancy through adolescence in local, national, and international contexts.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 36.9982 55.3261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw (Jill E. K)Tj 2.81685 0.00001 TD (orbin, Ph.D.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 94.0092 55.3261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.04 Tc (DI)Tj 1.01919 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (R)Tj 0.62345 0.00001 TD (E)Tj 0.54203 0.00001 TD 0.04 Tc (CT)Tj 1.12366 0.00001 TD (OR)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 125.8652 55.8283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 131.1721 55.3261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw (Molly Irwin, M.P)Tj 6.42496 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (.H.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 187.6293 55.3261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.04 Tc (DI)Tj 1.01919 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (R)Tj 0.62345 0.00001 TD (E)Tj 0.54203 0.00001 TD 0.04 Tc (CT)Tj 1.12368 0.00001 TD 0.041 Tc 0.029 Tw (OR, CH)Tj 3.37666 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (I)Tj 0.29046 0.00001 TD 0.041 Tc (LD POLICY I)Tj 5.54718 0.00001 TD 0 Tw [(N)-21(ITIA)82(TIVE)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 293.3543 55.8283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 298.6612 55.3261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw (Eileen Anderson-Fye, Ed.D.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 380.2256 55.3261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.035 Tc (ASS)Tj 1.68882 0.00001 TD (OCIA)Tj 2.1812 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw (TE DI)Tj 2.45454 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (R)Tj 0.61763 0.00001 TD (E)Tj 0.53621 0.00001 TD 0.035 Tc 0 Tw (CT)Tj 1.11202 0.00001 TD 0.034 Tc (OR)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 444.131 55.8283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 449.4379 55.3261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw (Elizabeth Shor)Tj 5.86582 0.00001 TD (t, Ph.D.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 515.0763 55.3261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.035 Tc (ASS)Tj 1.68882 0.00001 TD (OCIA)Tj 2.18121 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw (TE DI)Tj 2.45452 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (R)Tj 0.61763 0.00001 TD (E)Tj 0.53622 0.00001 TD 0.035 Tc 0 Tw (CT)Tj 1.11201 0.00001 TD 0.034 Tc (OR)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 36.9982 45.3928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Jessica McRitchie)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 90.8647 45.3928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.046 Tc (ADM)Tj 2.22337 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (I)Tj 0.29628 0.00001 TD (N)Tj 0.75548 0.00001 TD (I)Tj 0.29628 0.00001 TD 0.046 Tc [(S)19(TR)-21(A)81(T)61(OR)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 141.0258 45.8948 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 146.3327 45.3928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Gayle Channing T)Tj 7.31049 0.00001 TD (enenbaum, M.S.W)Tj 7.57223 0.00001 TD (.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 256.5807 45.3928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (C)Tj 0.63062 0.00001 TD 0.046 Tc (ON)Tj 1.5308 0.00001 TD 0.047 Tc (SU)Tj 1.30206 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (L)Tj 0.40187 0.00001 TD 0.046 Tc [(T)81(ANT)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 297.7984 45.8948 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 303.1053 45.3928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Donald F)Tj 3.75975 0.00001 TD (reedheim, Ph.D.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 380.6602 45.3928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.046 Tc (FOU)Tj 2.01416 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (N)Tj 0.75549 0.00001 TD 0.046 Tc (DI)Tj 1.03083 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw (NG DI)Tj 2.86774 0.00001 TD 0 Tw [(R)-21(E)19(CT)61(OR)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 447.0803 45.8948 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 452.3872 45.3928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Michelle McT)Tj 5.44893 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (ygue)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 508.3437 45.3928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.047 Tc (DESIGN)Tj ET /GS2 gs /CS1 cs 0.2 scn 314 485.233 235 14.4 re f 314 469.243 235 14.4 re f /CS0 cs 1 scn 314 501.243 235 14.4 re f Q /GS2 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 369.2811 505.0387 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(B)-21(I)-20(RTH WEIGHT)-6673(% OF ALL B)-20(I)-21(R)1(T)1(H)1(S)]TJ ET Q q BT /F5 1 Tf 3.75 0 0 3.75 536.167 508.0387 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (3)Tj ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 331.6097 489.0387 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Low bir)-21(th weight: < 5.5 lbs \(2)20(5)20(00g\))-4510(8.2%)]TJ -0.96245 -2 TD (V)Tj 0.52099 0 TD (ery low bir)Tj 4.78604 0 TD (th weight: < 3.3 lbs \(1)Tj 10.04194 0 TD (5)Tj 0.56297 0 TD 0 Tw [(00g\))-3547(1.5%)]TJ /F7 1 Tf 1 0 0 1 -1000 1792 Tm 1 g -0.292 Tc ( )Tj /F8 1 Tf ( )Tj /F9 1 Tf ( )Tj /F10 1 Tf -0.259 Tc ( )Tj /F11 1 Tf ( )Tj /F12 1 Tf -0.254 Tc ( )Tj /F13 1 Tf -0.00397 0 Td -0.113 Tc ( )Tj /F14 1 Tf -0.287 Tc ( )Tj /F15 1 Tf -0.292 Tc ( )Tj /F16 1 Tf -0.25 Tc ( )Tj /F17 1 Tf -0.287 Tc ( )Tj /F18 1 Tf 0 Tc ( )Tj ET Q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK /Filter/DCTDecode /Subtype/Image /Height 243 /Type/XObject /Length 9746 /Width 173 >> stream JFIFAdobeeC  $, !$4.763.22:ASF:=N>22HbINVX]^]8EfmeZlS[]YC**Y;2;YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz?M&iM4gʤyQILw5 (CFi3HW (M'q6(J؍ISV0E]VJc QO'4-+l"^y8 +&8ݏ!nUw[H۳ 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T)Tj 12.96301 0 TD (hough the majority of)Tj -12.96301 -1.48572 TD (LBW children develop normally without significant)Tj T* [(consequences, LBW children are at g)-21(reater risk than)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD [(normal bir)-21(th weight children for a number of neu-)]TJ 0 -1.48572 TD 0 Tw (rosensory)Tj 3.96205 0 TD 0.029 Tw [(, cognitive, neuropsycholog)-21(ical, behavioral,)]TJ -3.96205 -1.48572 TD [(academic, health and g)-21(row)-21(th problems. T)19(hese chal-)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD (lenges remain despite improvements in neonatal)Tj T* (intensive care procedures. )Tj 0 -2.4 TD 0 Tw (Dr)Tj 0.93919 0 TD 0.029 Tw (. Hack\325s research has illustrated the relationship)Tj -0.93919 -1.48572 TD (between the potential physical consequences of low)Tj T* [(bir)-21(th weight and the impact of these health chal-)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD (lenges on children\325s lives (See table below). )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 359.999 521.3023 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.029 Tw [(T)82(aking Care of Low Bir)-21(th W)19(eight Children)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 359.999 508.3023 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Caring for a child with significant health and develop-)Tj 0 -1.48572 TD (mental challenges may present a significant burden)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD (for families of low bir)Tj 8.88755 0 TD (th weight infants. Chronic neu)Tj 12.53538 0 TD (-)Tj -21.42292 -1.48572 TD (rodevelopmental conditions require g)Tj 15.65404 0 TD (reater invest)Tj 5.0935 0 TD (-)Tj -20.74754 -1.48572 TD [(ment of parental time and energ)-21(y to manage the)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD (daily functioning of a dependent child. T)Tj 16.84634 0 TD (he results of)Tj -16.84634 -1.48572 TD 0 Tw (Dr)Tj 0.93919 0 TD 0.029 Tw (. Hack\325s research suggest that 48% of children)Tj -0.93919 -1.48572 TD (born weighing less than 2.2 lbs have one or more)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD (compensatory dependence need, including taking)Tj T* (daily medications, requiring special equipment for)Tj 0 -1.48572 TD (walking or personal assistance for eating, dressing,)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD (washing and toileting. F)Tj 9.79484 0 TD (amilies with lower socioeco)Tj 11.50378 0 TD (-)Tj -21.29861 -1.48572 TD (nomic status, less parental education and a history of)Tj T* [(maternal depression experienced par)-21(ticularly high )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 144.9154 538.5674 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.087 Tc 0.029 Tw [(R)-21(ESEARCH SU)-21(M)-21(MARY)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 144.9173 638.5031 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(D)1(r)41(. Hack is the Director of the High Risk F)20(ollow-Up Prog)-21(ram, which has been following multiple)]TJ 0 -1.68421 TD [(cohor)-21(ts of low bir)-21(th weight babies through to adulthood since 1)40(9)41(7)41(3. T)20(he High Risk F)20(ollow-Up)]TJ T* [(Prog)-21(ram has resulted in the publication of over 1)40(00 ar)-21(ticles providing detailed information on)]TJ T* [(the shor)-21(t and long-term consequences of low bir)-21(th weight and has produced valuable informa-)]TJ T* [(tion on the biolog)-21(ical, psycholog)-21(ical and social effects of LBW on individuals and their families.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 23.999 0 0 24 144.9173 666.1667 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.026 Tw [(Focus on Resear)20(ch )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 331.5387 666.1667 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.026 Tw [(at Case W)85(ester)-12(n Reser)-10(ve University)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 36.9173 542.0989 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw (Maureen Hack, M.D.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 36.9173 527.0989 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (Professor )Tj 0 -2 TD 0.029 Tw [(Depar)-21(tment of P)20(ediatrics)]TJ 0 -1.46666 TD [(and Depar)-21(tment of)]TJ T* (Obstetrics and G)Tj 6.9786 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (y)Tj 0.43791 -0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(necolog)-21(y)]TJ -7.41651 -2 TD 0.029 Tw (Case W)Tj 3.1546 0 TD 0 Tw (estern )Tj -3.1546 -1.46667 TD 0.029 Tw (Reserve University)Tj ET /GS2 gs q 36 560.785 62.374 87.215 re W n q 62.38651 0 0 87.287 35.987 560.785 cm /Im2 Do Q Q Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F19 1 Tf 0 7 -7 0 33.0612 54.9173 Tm /CS0 cs 0.6 scn 0.1147 Tc (F)Tj 0.62267 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD 0.0287 Tw ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (H)Tj 0.85567 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (A)Tj 0.72694 0.00001 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78566 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (W)Tj 1.10967 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89766 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.70804 0.00001 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43036 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72568 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (Y)Tj ET 1 scn 0 756 612 36 re f /GS2 gs q 0 756 612 36 re W n q -612.57428 0 0 36.5378 612.1778 755.7589 cm /Im3 Do Q Q /GS1 gs BT /F19 1 Tf 0 7 -7 0 33.0612 54.9173 Tm 0.6 scn (F)Tj 0.62267 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (H)Tj 0.85567 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (A)Tj 0.72694 0.00001 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78566 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (W)Tj 1.10967 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89766 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.70804 0.00001 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43036 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72568 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (Y)Tj ET 1 scn 99 290.623 459 17.444 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 107.5765 275.9357 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.058 Tc [(N)-21(EU)-21(ROL)40(OGIC)-21(AL)]TJ 0 -1.28572 TD [(AB)-21(NOR)-22(MALITI)-21(ES)]TJ 0 -3.85715 TD (GRO)Tj 2.19673 -0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw [(W)-21(TH AN)-21(D)]TJ -2.19673 -1.28571 TD 0 Tw (DEVEL)Tj 3.10377 -0.00001 TD [(OP)-21(M)-21(ENT)]TJ -3.10377 -2.57141 TD [(H)-21(EAL)102(TH)]TJ 0 -1.28572 TD [(P)-21(ROB)-21(LEM)-21(S)]TJ 0 -5.14286 TD 0.029 Tw [(S)20(OCIAL EF)-22(F)-21(E)20(CTS)]TJ 0 -11.57143 TD [(F)62(AM)-22(I)-21(L)103(Y I)-21(SSU)-21(ES)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 175.0752 275.5368 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [-437(Cerebral palsy)40(, blindness, deafness and other neuromotor dysfunction are potential risks of low bir)-21(th weight.)]TJ 0 -1.2 TD [-437(T)19(hough the mean IQ score of low bir)-21(th weight children falls within the average range, there are higher rates)]TJ 0.77037 -1.2 TD (of deficient and subnormal intelligence.)Tj -0.77037 -2.4 TD [-437(Grow)-22(th attainment is generally lower than normal bir)-21(th weight peers.)]TJ 0 -1.2 TD -0.018 Tc [-455(Compared to their peers, children born with low bir)-21(th weight are more likely to experience functional limitations. )]TJ 0 -2.4 TD 0 Tc [-437(Higher rates of health problems result in more medical and surg)-21(ical procedures, frequent rehospitalizations)]TJ 0.77037 -1.2 TD [(after surgery)41(, and limitations to the activities of daily life.)]TJ -0.77037 -1.2 TD [-437(T)19(he rates of conduct disorder)41(, hyperactivity and attentional weakness increase with decreasing bir)-21(th weight)]TJ 0.77037 -1.2 TD [(and are associated with brain injury due to low bir)-21(th weight.)]TJ -0.77037 -2.4 TD [-437(Mental or emotional delay can limit a child\325s ability to par)-21(ticipate in physical a)-1(ctivities and to play or socialize)]TJ 0.77037 -1.2 TD (with others.)Tj -0.77037 -1.2 TD [-437(Health problems contribute to an increased number of days spent in bed, restricting children\325s activity)40(,)]TJ 0.77037 -1.2 TD (decreasing their school attendance, and limiting their social interactions.)Tj -0.77037 -1.2 TD [-437(Learning problems at school place LBW children at g)-21(reater risk for g)-22(rade repetition or placement in special)]TJ 0.77037 -1.2 TD [(education prog)-21(rams.)]TJ -0.77037 -1.2 TD [-437(LBW teens are involved in fewer risky behaviors in adolescence, including lower rates of alcohol and mari-)]TJ 0.77037 -1.2 TD [(juana use, less contact with police, and lower rates of pregnancy than normal bir)-21(th weight teens.)]TJ -0.77037 -2.4 TD [-437(Low bir)-22(th weight has significant negative effects on families, including financial impact, increased caretaker)]TJ 0.77037 -1.2 TD (burden, and general family burden. )Tj -0.77037 -1.2 TD [-437(P)20(arents of low bir)-21(th weight children exhibit hi)-1(gher levels of parental protection at school age than normal)]TJ 0.77037 -1.2 TD [(bir)-21(th weight children.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 126.0499 296.2349 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.058 Tc 0.029 Tw [(L)41(O)19(W B)-21(I)-21(RTH WEIGHT TH)-21(ROUGH TH)-21(E LI)-22(F)-21(E)20(SP)61(AN: KE)20(Y F)-21(I)-22(N)-21(DI)-21(NG)19(S OF TH)-21(E H)-21(IGH R)-21(ISK FOLL)41(O)19(W)41(-U)-21(P P)-22(ROGR)-21(AM)]TJ ET 3 w 0 0 0 0 K 95.109 251.442 m 562.056 251.442 l S 95.109 224.664 m 562.056 224.664 l S 95.109 179.997 m 562.056 179.997 l S 95.109 98.331 m 562.056 98.331 l S Q endstream endobj 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T)20(his illustrates the need for)]TJ 0 -1.48572 TD [(suppor)-21(t for families with LBW infants with)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD (health or developmental challenges. )Tj 0 -2.4 TD (T)Tj 0.48021 0.00001 TD (he increasing caretaking demands on fam-)Tj -0.48021 -1.48572 TD (ilies of LBW infants also appear to affect the)Tj T* (parent-child relationship. Children with a)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD (variety of chronic problems are supervised)Tj 0 -1.48572 TD (and attended by their parents more closely)Tj T* (than children without such conditions.)Tj T* [(Increased parental protection of low bir)-21(th)]TJ T* (weight children suggests effects on a child\325s)Tj T* (development of autonomy and interperson-)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD (al relationships as these children enter ado-)Tj T* (lescence. Increased parental protection may)Tj 0 -1.48572 TD [(have positive effects in adolescence. Dr)41(.)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD (Hack\325s research has shown that LBW)Tj T* (infants are involved in fewer risky behaviors)Tj T* (in adolescence.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 54.9173 369.9839 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn (T)Tj 0.45399 0 TD -0.026 Tc 0.029 Tw (he Long-)Tj 3.67232 0 TD [(T)82(erm Effects of Low Bir)-21(th W)20(eight)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 54.9173 356.9839 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (F)Tj 0.43798 0 TD 0.029 Tw (ollowing a cohor)Tj 6.93368 0 TD (t of 2)Tj 2.28929 0 TD (42 children born)Tj -9.66095 -1.48573 TD [(weighing less than 1)41(5)20(00g in the late)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD [(1)41(9)41(7)41(0s, Dr)41(. Hack found that even in adult-)]TJ 0 -1.48572 TD (hood, these individuals continued to have)Tj T* (higher rates of chronic conditions attributa-)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD (ble to neurosensory impairments and sub-)Tj 0 -1.48572 TD (normal height. Such children also had less)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD (educational attainment as young adults;)Tj 0 -1.48572 TD [(their average age at high school g)-21(raduation)]TJ T* [(was higher)41(, and they were enrolled in post-)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD (secondary studies at a much lower rate)Tj 0 -1.48572 TD [(than normal bir)-21(th weight children. T)20(he evi-)]TJ T* (dence of the long-term consequences of)Tj 20.50154 34.12135 TD [(low bir)-21(th weight illustrates the need for)]TJ 0 -1.48572 TD [(long-term prog)-21(ramming to mitigate the)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD (potential negative effects of low bir)Tj 14.69024 0 TD 0 Tw (th)Tj -14.69024 -1.48572 TD 0.029 Tw (weight on )Tj 4.45451 0 TD -0.035 Tc (individuals\325 future health and educa)Tj 13.65215 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -18.10665 -1.48572 TD -0.035 Tc (tional attainment.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 234.3058 421.5456 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn (T)Tj 0.4802 0 TD 0.029 Tw [(he Effects of Medical T)82(echnolog)-21(y on)]TJ -0.4802 -1.44445 TD [(Low Bir)-21(th W)20(eight Outcomes)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 234.3058 395.5456 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(As technolog)-21(y and medical practice have)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD [(changed, Dr)41(. Hack and her colleagues have)]TJ 0 -1.48572 TD [(followed new cohor)-21(ts of infants to examine)]TJ T* (changes in outcomes based on the tech)Tj 16.91128 0 TD (-)Tj -16.91128 -1.48572 TD 0 Tw (nolog)Tj 2.33342 0 TD 0.029 Tw (y available at the time of bir)Tj 11.73834 0 TD (th. T)Tj 1.82212 0 TD 0 Tw (hey)Tj -15.89388 -1.48573 TD 0.029 Tw (have compared neonatal therapies and out)Tj 18.08809 0 TD (-)Tj -18.08809 -1.48572 TD (comes among infants born weighing less)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD (than 1)Tj 2.69684 0 TD (000g who were born in three peri-)Tj -2.69684 -1.48572 TD [(ods, rang)-21(ing from 1)41(982-2)19(002 \(see figure)]TJ T* [(1\). It is encourag)-21(ing that in the comparison)]TJ T* [(of the most recent two cohor)-21(ts of infants,)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD (survival without impairment increased while)Tj 0 -1.48572 TD (survival with impairment decreased, includ-)Tj T* (ing decreased rates of sepsis, intraventricu)Tj 17.6721 -0.00001 TD (-)Tj -17.6721 -1.4857 TD [(lar hemorrhage, cerebral palsy)41(, and neu-)]TJ 0 -1.48572 TD [(rodevelopmental impairment. T)20(his trend is)]TJ 20.50153 34.16438 TD (likely the result of improved neonatal pro-)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD (cedures to suppor)Tj 7.62606 0 TD (t infants born at increas-)Tj -7.62606 -1.48572 TD (ingly low bir)Tj 5.03676 0 TD (th weight. T)Tj 4.8715 0 TD (hough this trend)Tj -9.90826 -1.48572 TD (suggests that advances in medical technol-)Tj T* [(og)-21(y are saving lives and reducing impair-)]TJ T* (ment, it is not necessarily sustainable. If)Tj T* (increasing numbers of infants continue to)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD [(be born at decreasing bir)-21(th weight,)]TJ T* (advances in medical technolog)Tj 12.92292 0 TD (y must keep)Tj -12.92292 -1.48572 TD (pace with the significant health challenges)Tj T* (of LBW infants. )Tj 0 -2.4 TD [(T)20(he High Risk F)19(ollow-Up Prog)-21(ram, under)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD [(the leadership of Dr)41(. Maureen Hack, has)]TJ 0 -1.48572 TD (provided extensive information on the)Tj T* [(physical, psycholog)-21(ical and social effects of)]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD [(low bir)-21(th weight. T)20(his increased under)-1(-)]TJ 0 -1.48572 TD (standing of the potential consequences of)Tj 0 -1.48571 TD [(LBW provides oppor)-21(tunities for service)]TJ 0 -1.48572 TD (providers and policy makers to develop)Tj T* [(prog)-21(ramming to address both the shor)-21(t )]TJ 0 -1.48571 TD (and long-term needs of LBW children and)Tj 0 -1.48572 TD (their families.)Tj ET /CS1 cs 0.3 scn 234 521.001 247.5 174.416 re f /GS2 gs 0 0 0 0 k 243 551.154 229.5 136.428 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.6 0 0 5.6 379.6812 555.2098 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (n)Tj 0.64101 -0.00001 TD 0.058 Tc [(=2)19(3)20(3)]TJ -17.81302 0 Td 0 Tc (n)Tj 0.64102 0 Td 0.058 Tc (=496)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.6 0 0 5.6 331.6585 555.2098 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (n)Tj 0.641 -0.00001 TD 0.058 Tc [(=7)40(49)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.854 0 0 5.854 373.766 672.3755 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.058 Tc [(2)20(000-2)19(002)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.854 0 0 5.854 277.8359 672.3755 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.058 Tc [(1)41(982-1)40(989)-2766(1)41(990-1)40(999)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 0 5.854 -5.854 0 252.902 587.1221 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (P)Tj 0.66205 0 TD 0.0582 Tc (E)Tj 0.60023 0 TD (R)Tj 0.66223 0 TD (C)Tj 0.68323 0 TD (E)Tj 0.60023 0 TD (N)Tj 0.76623 0 TD (T)Tj 0.55823 0 TD 0.0292 Tw ( )Tj 0.37944 0 TD (O)Tj 0.80823 0 TD (F)Tj 0.53723 0 TD ( )Tj 0.37944 0 TD (T)Tj 0.49668 0 TD 0 Tc (O)Tj 0.74668 0 TD (T)Tj 0.47667 0 TD 0.0579 Tc (A)Tj 0.66186 0 TD (L)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.345 0 0 5.345 256.9354 667.0235 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.041 Tc [(10)-41(0)]TJ 0.54202 -3.96224 TD -0.0004 Tc (8)Tj 0.58256 0.00001 TD (0)Tj -0.58256 -3.96226 TD 0 Tc (60)Tj T* (40)Tj 0.01976 -3.96224 TD -0.02 Tc (20)Tj 0.563 -3.96224 TD 0 Tc (0)Tj ET 1 w /CS1 CS 1 SCN 269.434 561.642 m 412.273 561.642 l S 0.5 w 0.5 SCN 269.306 582.814 m 412.272 582.814 l S 269.306 604.241 m 412.272 604.241 l S 269.306 625.668 m 412.272 625.668 l S 269.306 647.095 m 412.272 647.095 l S 269.306 668.522 m 412.272 668.522 l S 1 w 1 SCN 269.166 561.067 m 269.166 675.663 l S /CS1 cs 0.2 scn 275.846 561.4 36.655 106.843 re f 323.053 561.4 36.654 106.843 re f 370.259 561.4 36.655 106.843 re f /GS2 gs /CS0 cs 1 scn 275.846 561.401 36.655 74.752 re f 323.053 561.401 36.654 63.862 re f 370.259 561.401 36.655 49.689 re f /CS1 cs 0.8 scn 275.846 561.4 36.655 60.342 re f 323.053 561.401 36.654 39.037 re f 370.259 561.4 36.655 34.026 re f /CS2 cs 1 scn 275.846 561.401 36.655 55.798 re f 323.053 561.401 36.654 33.868 re f 370.259 561.401 36.655 28.855 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 5.6 0 0 5.6 243.9038 542.8126 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.058 Tc 0.029 Tw (Figure 1 )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.6 0 0 5.6 272.0409 542.8126 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Comparison of death and survival with and without neuro-developmental)Tj -5.02448 -1.2727 TD [(impairment at 2)20(0 months\325 C)-21(A for 5)19(00-to 999 g bir)-21(th weight infants born during 3 periods:)]TJ 0 -1.27269 TD (1)Tj 0.54202 -0.00001 TD [(982-1)40(989; 1)41(990-1)40(999, and 2)20(000-2)19(002.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 2.8 0 0 2.8 345.6028 530.7772 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 385.5025 575.3531 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.058 Tc (68)Tj -19.16798 0 Td 0 Tc (2)Tj 0.62135 0 Td 0.038 Tc (54)Tj ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 335.9978 575.3531 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.038 Tc [(24)20(1)]TJ ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 385.5525 600.6974 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (3)Tj 0.62135 0.00001 TD (6)Tj ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 289.4499 626.0739 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.0577 Tc (6)Tj 0.64071 0.00001 TD (0)Tj ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 336.051 609.4696 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.017 Tc [(16)-1(1)]TJ ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 385.6057 590.9074 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj 0.60044 0.00001 TD (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 289.5 617.6934 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj 0.62133 0.00001 TD (4)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 337.5794 595.9199 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.017 Tc (41)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 384.0772 652.7816 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.017 Tc [(11)-1(7)]TJ -18.87757 0 Td 0 Tc (1)Tj 0.60045 0 Td 0.038 Tc (58)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 335.8946 652.7816 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.038 Tc [(30)-20(6)]TJ ET /CS0 cs 1 scn 54 54 523 121.5 re f Q /GS2 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 72.9172 159.0584 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.017 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(he information about Dr)62(. Hack\325s research was drawn from the following sources:)]TJ ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 73.134 145.0584 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.029 Tw [-679(Hack M, Klein N, T)82(aylor H. Long-)61(T)82(erm Developmental Outcomes of Low Bir)-21(th W)20(eight Infants. )]TJ ET Q q BT /F21 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 360.2888 145.0584 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.029 Tw (The Future of Children.)Tj ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 431.9319 145.0584 Tm 0 0 0 0 k [(1)41(995;5(1):1)41(7)41(6-1)40(96.)]TJ -53.15524 -1.48148 TD 0.029 Tw [-679(Hack M, T)82(aylor HG, Drotar D, Schluchter M, Car)-22(tar L, Andreias L, W)20(ilson-)-42(Costello D & Klein N. Chronic Conditions, F)19(unctional Limitations, and Special Health Care)]TJ 1.01204 -1.48148 TD (Needs of School-aged Children Born with Extremely Low-Bir)Tj 26.98852 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (th-W)Tj 2.08368 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw (eight in the 1)Tj 5.98465 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (990s. )Tj ET Q q BT /F21 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 335.0597 125.0585 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.029 Tw (Journal of the American Medical Association.)Tj ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 473.2751 125.0585 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (2)Tj 0.56296 0.00001 TD (005;2)Tj 2.58219 0.00001 TD (94(3):3)Tj 3.37417 0.00001 TD [(1)41(8-3)19(2)20(5)1(.)]TJ -65.79948 -1.48151 TD 0.029 Tw [-679(W)20(ightman A, Schluchter M, Drotar D, Andreias, L, T)81(aylor HG, Klein N, W)20(ilson-)-42(Costello D & Hack, M. P)19(arental Protection of Extremely Low Bir)-21(th W)20(eight Children at)]TJ 1.01204 -1.48148 TD [(Age 8 Y)62(ears. )]TJ ET Q q BT /F21 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 118.8077 105.0584 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.029 Tw [(Journal of Behavioral P)20(ediatrics.)]TJ ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 218.2608 105.0584 Tm 0 0 0 0 k [(2)20(0)1(0)41(7;2)20(8(4):3)19(1)41(7)41(-)1(3)21(2)20(6)1(.)]TJ -21.50027 -1.48148 TD Tj 1.01204 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw (Hack M, Flannery D)Tj 8.66816 0.00001 TD (J, Schluchter M, Car)Tj 8.75067 0.00001 TD (tar L, Borawski E, Klein N)Tj 11.24822 0.00001 TD (K. Outcomes in Y)Tj 7.66988 0.00001 TD (oung Adulthood for V)Tj 9.62442 0.00001 TD [(ery-Low-Bir)-21(th-W)19(eight Infants. )]TJ ET Q q BT /F21 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 479.5935 95.0585 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.029 Tw (The New England Journal of)Tj -59.20418 -1.48148 TD 0 Tw (Medicine.)Tj ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 111.0886 85.0584 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (2)Tj 0.56296 0.00001 TD (002;3)Tj 2.58219 0.00001 TD (46(3):1)Tj 3.35317 0.00001 TD [(49-1)40(5)41(7)124(.)]TJ -12.12123 -1.48151 TD 0.029 Tw [-679(W)20(ilson-)-42(Costello D, F)19(riedman H, Minich N, Siner B, T)82(aylor G, Schluchter M & Hack M. Improved Neurodevelopmental Outcomes for Extremely Low Bir)-21(th W)19(eight)]TJ 1.01204 -1.48148 TD [(Infants 2)20(000-2)19(002. )]TJ ET Q q BT /F21 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 139.5372 65.0585 Tm 0 0 0 0 k [(P)20(ediatrics.)]TJ ET Q q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 172.2045 65.0585 Tm 0 0 0 0 k [(2)20(0)1(0)41(7;1)41(1)41(9(1):3)19(7)41(-45.)]TJ ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 5.091 0 0 5.091 427.0759 663.8821 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tc 0.029 Tw [(NO I)-21(M)-21(P)62(AI)-21(R)-21(M)-21(ENT)]TJ 0 -1.76783 TD 0.05 Tc 0 Tw [(IMP)83(A)21(IRE)21(D)21(*)]TJ 0 Tc (L)' 0.46732 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tc 0.029 Tw [(OS)20(T T)61(O )]TJ -0.46732 -1.17856 TD 0.0289 Tc (F)Tj 0.50786 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tc 0 Tw [(OLL)40(O)20(W-U)-21(P)]TJ -0.50786 -1.76784 TD [(DI)-21(ED)]TJ ET /CS1 cs 0.2 scn 418.697 663.447 5.52 4.925 re f /CS0 cs 1 scn 418.697 654.3589 5.52 4.926 re f /CS1 cs 1 scn 418.697 645.272 5.52 4.926 re f /CS2 cs 1 scn 418.697 630.504 5.52 4.925 re f /CS0 cs 1 scn 53.9996 54.0004 10.5 121.5 re f /GS2 gs q 53.9996 54.0004 10.5 121.5 re W n q 0 122.1364 -11.0666 0 64.8478 53.7272 cm /Im4 Do Q Q Q endstream endobj 20 0 obj << /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK /Filter/FlateDecode /Subtype/Image /Height 84 /Type/XObject /Length 22075 /Width 526 >> stream Xw|\y&zS0L F 6{H"bꍒ(H{dS|7Ǝz&m7N6}̙9s0`RyOӿ~d&U8 0`L<  0` `   0`U UXVse%B|Z+raV[ ,2kg?^߽)<6^:޽}O#~ğaO$  0`7H>ɰ?%;oo0`:~|1xU}Na |qxjo0` ` H00x 0`z Q 0`*M?y%x1x 0` Pia7#okU.YXzd2-w@uwz{SbGgd-ZzM#OO>t`#{;n^ضƧ}>Z+2WO?~d[={Q_xroM+tia{ݳA_. _ -_cFag6y9) a E(>m`)>g!ҩ.'h>3Vհ-"!3*j˲Գ6"&1J#.V-a 62_^tĈgnޑ^'xlj[_t7TY+ jmݭ=/b~nAzE{]2` #o~yg+I"~_msN-f-/t:'UG,g9,[PgR`A4h~a['ݢP6 Q ՜fiz2nHzkQ)6` o_-Amo|0BҢ-f-მQŀ/p|;,7W7 X1[ھrcpj͠NHpTy@K] ]=.ŊbpHgS >Osҥh% ҹ ;']e. o+*_?> 1 _9"KA~;U /-_ԐWJ %J잨S2>u bs^| ~sYbrހvw}pd2`0@mw.DLdu3lox I7Iw%1 &[K/zD:C*(邎!:4-RȬ /Wij0-ϲ^t x׾ѥ.:4` xCIx{趀b1,5fl L/9lኢ5s-X}8 6%'_Q$ ^:4Jk6s).+K9caezєtĈ. g DS O y9݋JVil[;  ?1;g}O2K7~ɀ0[c6r5]/Ju97١Zb&Re5-ee[H_nm, cv`Es 5OB~Kӓ+p^>X`ڡ^&jy8jd؛lV!߽EN >Oe1qԚA7]wT?mwl)mXLbA\ڏhoe{lʝ7o r}߾?bVv%(Z=7G߲K KFvn|Sfꫬ]+xJW~SX Vme/QG]ض{vx;11~rXqhc^'&3;̯˚m,o>rj_ޱ~pSy5 Fr)"/zcݳc>O\?M+i~sw=큋'giTcK7NLEaW7:] wu;f/5rmKwPu]J_>5=(iCw^_inj{1SGؘϑ]n9zЖlPwZ =NSN伙'kLww|l Nk"b)ePtDn(IiC K薜6ذf&Sܴ^M[|;>Qht5E敋 3|dۅ^9CaYℛo?o; ٔD<aP^B{kDY*y%뗪oXz%b, ԕ\"^ݓ׌_c"C-+5P=}P9}i[u!c^@\kO/!)<'13Gϰ[s)yãur e<=8D>=Hqp0`e-o෮U WU0KTN@ O N]R=ok%{"|tmW o?EIso!K9|]8}0C3: u%Xu~Y[o§!"3:{SyOSxǢ;$}JNMk o<6$!? 6.ͨB?b|D/ Pw`  Oc\R;#v1&y|4t-JݨKrK{y- YTZ;O鐃 B -%ESR ]h/RO3ձ$.xs ig xl54v ;*$;W0[ހ9eyCA{)nI*jA:I8DRjOMbRq iw|Z4 hTW`LjӥZ V% =F ArjZL Djt)#nc1MϩnI+;)~逸ʓƐsnU1k[Fcv MtCO=T&# _FF3_8/k(@S9a4VECL?pH[ta34~p?tkX4d5)z t6=o -2 3-ggMbiUDtK]J .'jStFvJWN E/Yy7t5TYe{Bp:ѕ[ΛSgmO2o{?fJCM9 }H>. 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T)19(hey clear-)]TJ T* 0 Tc [(l)6(y)-315(illustrate the advances in care for low bir)-22(th weight infants over)]TJ T* [(the last 3)20(0 years and show that more and more low bir)-21(th weight)]TJ T* [(babies are surviving. However)41(, more work remains to be done. )]TJ 0 -2.05714 TD -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.45786 0.00001 TD 0 Tc [(ow bir)-21(th weight in the United States is a troublesome and per-)]TJ -0.45786 -1.37144 TD -0.0001 Tc (s)Tj 0.41692 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (istent medical and social problem. Despite the improvement in)Tj -0.41692 -1.37144 TD [(outcomes for LBW infants, the rate of low bir)-21(th weight remains)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD [(high and has been rising steadily since the mid-1)41(980s and now)]TJ T* -0.012 Tc [(equals the rate repor)-21(ted nearly 40 years ago. T)20(he most recent data)]TJ T* 0 Tc [(from the CDC/NCH)-21(S National V)20(ital Statistics S)19(ystem)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.375 0 0 4.375 244.6188 545.5958 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (3)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 249.9787 542.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (show that)Tj -22.29273 -1.37143 TD [(the rate of low bir)-21(th weight was 8.2% of all bir)-21(ths in 2)19(005. T)20(his)]TJ T* -0.006 Tc [(is 8% higher than in 2)20(000 and 2)19(2% percent higher than in 1)41(984.)]TJ 0 -2.05715 TD 0 Tc [(Also of concern are persistent racial disparities. Nationally)41(, black)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (infants are more likely than babies of other races to be low bir)Tj 26.16995 0 TD 0 Tw (th)Tj -26.16995 -1.37143 TD 0.029 Tw (weight. In 2)Tj 4.91201 0 TD (005, 1)Tj 2.81915 0 TD (4% of non-Hispanic black infants were low)Tj -7.73117 -1.37144 TD [(bir)-21(th weight, compared with 7)124(.3% of white infants. Additionally)40(,)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (black infants weighting 1)Tj 10.29603 0 TD (5)Tj 0.56297 0 TD (00 g)Tj 1.98643 0 TD (rams or less are five times less)Tj -12.84543 -1.37144 TD (likely to survive than white infants. )Tj 0 -2.05714 TD (Researchers and medical personnel continue to struggle with the)Tj 0 -1.37143 TD [(persistent problem of low bir)-21(th weight. T)103(o address it, it is very)]TJ T* 0 Tw (impor)Tj 2.45842 0 TD 0.029 Tw (tant that research into the causes of low bir)Tj 18.23991 0 TD (th weight con)Tj 5.70545 0 TD (-)Tj -26.40378 -1.37144 TD (tinues, and that data on bir)Tj 11.35686 0 TD (th outcomes be continuously moni-)Tj -11.35686 -1.37143 TD [(tored. T)20(hese effor)-21(ts identify the predictors of infant mor)-21(tality and)]TJ T* 0 Tw (morbidity)Tj 3.85535 0 TD 0.029 Tw (. F)Tj 0.96691 0 TD (or example, we know that some g)Tj 14.34349 0 TD (roups of mothers,)Tj -19.16575 -1.37144 TD [(such as adolescents, women over 3)20(5, and mothers with a history)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (of LBW bir)Tj 4.39128 0 TD (ths are more likely to g)Tj 9.66915 0 TD (ive bir)Tj 2.55062 0 TD (th to a LBW infant. T)Tj 8.58423 0 TD 0 Tw (his)Tj -25.19528 -1.37144 TD 0.029 Tw (type of research will provide clues as to where and to whom pre)Tj 27.1504 0 TD (-)Tj -27.1504 -1.37143 TD (vention effor)Tj 5.30272 0 TD (ts should be directed. )Tj -5.30272 -2.05715 TD -0.012 Tc [(Primary prevention of preterm and low bir)-21(th weight bir)-21(th is the first)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD 0 Tc [(goal. W)20(e know that women who have access to adequate health)]TJ 0 -1.37144 TD [(services before, during, and after childbir)-21(th have better outcomes)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD -0.015 Tc [(and healthier children. T)20(hus early and regular prenatal care is critical.)]TJ T* -0.012 Tc (At prenatal visits, the health of both mother and fetus is monitored.)Tj T* 0 Tc [(Specific attention can be g)-21(iven to maternal nutrition and weight)]TJ T* [(gain which affect fetal weight gain and bir)-21(th weight. Prenatal care)]TJ T* [(also provides an oppor)-21(tunity to address maternal behaviors, such)]TJ 29.72374 52.1143 TD (as the use of alcohol, cigarettes, and illicit drugs, which contribute)Tj 0 -1.37143 TD [(to poor fetal g)-21(row)-21(th and other complications. )]TJ 0 -2.05714 TD [(Prog)-21(rams and policies should be put in place to assure that all)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD [(mothers have access to regular prenatal care. T)20(his requires not)]TJ T* (only expanded access to prenatal care services themselves, but)Tj -0.0001 Tc (a)' 0.47891 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (lso ensuring that pregnant women, and all women of child bear-)Tj -0.47891 -1.37144 TD -0.0001 Tc (i)Tj 0.2079 0.00001 TD 0 Tc [(ng age, have adequate health coverage. W)20(omen who lack health)]TJ -0.2079 -1.37144 TD [(insurance are less likely to seek and obtain prenatal care. Effor)-21(ts)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD [(to expand elig)-21(ibility for )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F22 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 400.2468 566.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (Medicaid)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 436.4027 566.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (and )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F22 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 452.8867 566.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.021 Tc [(S)21(CHIP)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 478.6694 566.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (\(the State Children\325s)Tj -18.70507 -1.37143 TD [(Health Insurance Prog)-21(ram\) and to ensure that all elig)-21(ible individu-)]TJ T* (als are enrolled are crucial.)Tj 0 -2.05714 TD -0.006 Tc [(In those cases that low bir)-21(th weight is not prevented, as Dr)40(. Hack\325s)]TJ 0 -1.37144 TD 0 Tc (research demonstrates, immediate care and treatment followed)Tj T* [(by early intervention services can g)-21(reatly improve the outcomes)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (for these children. In Ohio, prog)Tj 13.35753 0 TD (rams such as )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F22 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 482.9751 488.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Help Me Grow)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 315 476.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (work to identify LBW children at bir)Tj 14.69821 0 TD (th and provide them and their)Tj -14.69821 -1.37143 TD (families with needed services \(for more information see:)Tj T* 0 Tw (http://www)Tj 4.83433 0 TD (.ohiohelpmeg)Tj 5.72858 0 TD (row)Tj 1.50093 0 TD (.org/\).)Tj -12.06385 -2.05715 TD (T)Tj 0.45399 0 TD -0.026 Tc 0.029 Tw (he research presented in this brief demonstrates that much prog)Tj 25.47548 0 TD 0 Tw (ress)Tj -25.92946 -1.37144 TD -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw (has been made. However)Tj 10.67106 0 TD [(, continued effor)-21(ts to reduce the number)]TJ -10.67106 -1.37143 TD [(of babies born with low bir)-21(th weight and to improve outcomes for)]TJ T* 0 Tc (them will benefit not only the children themselves, but also their)Tj T* -0.006 Tc (schools, communities and families. Dr)Tj 15.65278 0 TD (. Hack\325s research contributes)Tj -15.65278 -1.37143 TD 0 Tc [(g)-21(reatly to our understanding of the issue of low bir)-21(th weight)]TJ T* (across the life course, and provides considerable insight into ways)Tj T* (policy and practice are, or could be, used to address this issue.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 3.375 0 0 3.375 315 325.8146 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 323.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.168 Tw [(Hack M, Klein N, T)82(aylor H. Long-term developmental outcomes of low bir)-21(th)]TJ 0 -1.48148 TD 0.029 Tw (weight infants. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F21 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 365.7371 313.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (The Future of Children.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 437.3802 313.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj 0.54199 0 TD [(995;5(1):1)41(7)41(6-1)40(96.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 3.375 0 0 3.375 315 305.8146 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 303.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 Tw [(Hack M, T)82(aylor HG, Drotar D, Schluchter M, Car)-22(tar L, Andreias L, W)20(ilson-)-42(Costello)]TJ 0 -1.48148 TD 0.053 Tw (D & Klein N. Chronic conditions, functional limitations, and special health care)Tj T* 0.227 Tw [(needs of school-aged children born with extremely low-bir)-21(th-weight in the)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(1)41(990s. )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F21 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 341.6191 273.127 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Journal of the American Medical Association. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 479.8344 273.127 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(2)20(005;2)20(94(3):3)19(1)41(8-3)20(2)20(5)1(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 3.375 0 0 3.375 315 265.8145 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (3)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 263.127 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.009 Tw [(Mar)-21(tin J)19(A, Hamilton B)-21(E, Sutton P)-21(D, V)62(entura SJ, Menacker F)81(, Kirmeyer S, Munson)]TJ 0 -1.48148 TD (M)Tj 0.87472 0.00001 TD 0.165 Tw (L. Bir)Tj 2.39314 0.00001 TD [(ths: Final data for 2)20(005. National vital statistics repor)-21(ts; vol 5)19(6 no 6.)]TJ -3.26786 -1.4815 TD 0.029 Tw [(Hyattsville, M)-21(D: National Center for Health Statistics. 2)20(0)1(0)41(7)124(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 3.375 0 0 3.375 315 235.8145 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 233.127 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(T)20(he Mother Child Health F)19(ederal State P)20(ar)-21(tnership. )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F21 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 474.8611 233.127 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Ohio Snapshot)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 521.909 233.127 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(2)20(006.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 3.375 0 0 3.375 315 225.8145 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 223.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.119 Tw (Ohio Depar)Tj 5.28351 0.00001 TD (tment of Health. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F21 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 408.4826 223.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.119 Tw (Needs assessment of Ohio's maternal and child)Tj -13.1826 -1.48148 TD 0.029 Tw (health population.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 377.0944 213.127 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Columbus, Ohio 2)20(006.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 390.6726 749.7799 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 Tc 0.026 Tw (schubert center for child studies)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 502.8151 749.7799 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 510.2052 749.7799 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.05 Tc 0.025 Tw (policy brief 6)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F6 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 54.9173 691.5085 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.116 Tc 0.029 Tw [(I)-22(M)-21(P)-21(LIC)-21(A)81(TION)-21(S FOR POLICY AN)-21(D P)-21(R)-21(A)19(C)-1(T)-1(I)-1(C)-1(E)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 51.714 139.0499 199.94 39.0271 re f /GS2 gs q 189.53011 0 0 30.3813 55.319 144.0907 cm /Im5 Do Q /GS1 gs 50 132.143 202.226 43.527 re f /GS2 gs q 189.53011 0 0 38.065 55.286 136.605 cm /Im6 Do Q Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F23 1 Tf 7.25 0 0 7.25 84.9156 113.8239 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Schubert Center for Child Studies)Tj 0 -1.37931 TD (614A Crawfor)Tj 6.17644 0.00001 TD (d Hall)Tj -6.17644 -1.37932 TD (10900 Euclid A)Tj 6.70781 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (venue)Tj -6.70781 -1.37932 TD 0.029 Tw (Cleveland, OH 44106-7179)Tj 0 -2.20689 TD 0 Tw (216.368.0540)Tj 0 -1.37931 TD (www)Tj 2.26237 0.00001 TD (.case.edu/ar)Tj 5.35971 0.00001 TD (tsci/schubert/)Tj -7.62208 -1.37933 TD (schubertcenter@case.edu)Tj ET 0.5 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 558.0003 190.75 m 54.4983 190.75 l S Q endstream endobj 23 0 obj << /Nums[0<>] >> endobj 24 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[67/C 83/S 98/b/c/d/e 104/h/i 108/l 110/n 114/r/s/t/u] >> endobj 25 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 2715 /Length1 2715 >> stream LBCMCQ+AGaramond-RegularSC@K   A=^ tCopyright (c) 1989, 1992 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 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All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata LightFormata|Vi-ݣv Ɏ  endstream endobj 54 0 obj << /Ascent 774 /Descent -230 /Flags 34 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 706 /FontName/NXITNT+Formata-Light /FontBBox[-105 -252 1279 936] /StemV 62 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 798 /FontFile3 53 0 R >> endobj 55 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F7 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/NXITNT+Formata-Light /Widths[292] /Encoding 52 0 R /FontDescriptor 54 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 56 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 57 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 312 /Length1 312 >> stream EZGBYS+Formata-MediumA [   n|Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata MediumFormata|VSw 7 7   endstream endobj 58 0 obj << /Ascent 782 /Descent -247 /Flags 262178 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 706 /FontName/EZGBYS+Formata-Medium /FontBBox[-127 -251 1291 967] /StemV 163 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 798 /FontFile3 57 0 R >> endobj 59 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F8 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/EZGBYS+Formata-Medium /Widths[292] /Encoding 56 0 R /FontDescriptor 58 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 60 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 61 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 309 /Length1 309 >> stream QNTLER+Formata-RegularAT   n}Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata RegularFormata|V\$y  Ԕ z  endstream endobj 62 0 obj << /Ascent 774 /Descent -241 /Flags 34 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 706 /FontName/QNTLER+Formata-Regular /FontBBox[-115 -250 1285 960] /StemV 105 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 798 /FontFile3 61 0 R >> endobj 63 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F9 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/QNTLER+Formata-Regular /Widths[292] /Encoding 60 0 R /FontDescriptor 62 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 64 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 65 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 337 /Length1 337 >> stream GPKRCH+Berkeley-Book?5   ".Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle BookBerkeleyxx 7  endstream endobj 66 0 obj << /Ascent 705 /Descent -246 /Flags 34 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 635 /FontName/GPKRCH+Berkeley-Book /FontBBox[-86 -256 1062 841] /StemV 0 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 712 /FontFile3 65 0 R >> endobj 67 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F10 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/GPKRCH+Berkeley-Book /Widths[259] /Encoding 64 0 R /FontDescriptor 66 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 68 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 69 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 341 /Length1 341 >> stream ASETDM+Berkeley-Medium?.   # &2Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle MediumBerkeleyxx 7  endstream endobj 70 0 obj << /Ascent 705 /Descent -246 /Flags 34 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 635 /FontName/ASETDM+Berkeley-Medium /FontBBox[-93 -255 1083 842] /StemV 0 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 712 /FontFile3 69 0 R >> endobj 71 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F11 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/ASETDM+Berkeley-Medium /Widths[259] /Encoding 68 0 R /FontDescriptor 70 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 72 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 73 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 374 /Length1 374 >> stream MBZVDD+AGaramond-RegularSC@K   @=COCopyright (c) 1989, 1992 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Adobe Garamond is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Adobe Garamond Small Caps & Oldstyle FiguresAdobe Garamond$${(F֋  yXO  endstream endobj 74 0 obj << /Ascent 715 /Descent -255 /Flags 34 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 660 /FontName/MBZVDD+AGaramond-RegularSC /FontBBox[-183 -269 1099 851] /StemV 76 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 676 /FontFile3 73 0 R >> endobj 75 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F12 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/MBZVDD+AGaramond-RegularSC /Widths[250] /Encoding 72 0 R /FontDescriptor 74 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 76 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 77 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 383 /Length1 383 >> stream PXCCYA+LaFigura@"P      1998 [T-26] a digital type foundry 1110 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60622 USA T0323 ID#5092594 Designer: Jim Marcus/Gomiko All rights reserved.LaFigura "fJ_ O2A(yrztb O ub O2  _  TaO  endstream endobj 78 0 obj << /Ascent 329 /Descent -372 /Flags 34 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 329 /FontName/PXCCYA+LaFigura /FontBBox[-654 -444 896 550] /StemV 13 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 357 /FontFile3 77 0 R >> endobj 79 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F13 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/PXCCYA+LaFigura /Widths[113] /Encoding 76 0 R /FontDescriptor 78 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 80 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 81 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 310 /Length1 310 >> stream RVAVSL+StoneSans-SemiboldAG}^     y Copyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.Stone is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Stone Sans SemiboldStoneSans$PhD/ endstream endobj 82 0 obj << /Ascent 735 /Descent -250 /Flags 34 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 700 /FontName/RVAVSL+StoneSans-Semibold /FontBBox[-179 -250 1405 970] /StemV 0 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 747 /FontFile3 81 0 R >> endobj 83 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F14 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/RVAVSL+StoneSans-Semibold /Widths[287] /Encoding 80 0 R /FontDescriptor 82 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 84 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 85 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 315 /Length1 315 >> stream BVVGDJ+Formata-ItalicAVL   n|Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata ItalicFormatazVb#v  љ z  yXO  endstream endobj 86 0 obj << /Ascent 788 /Descent -237 /Flags 98 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 706 /FontName/BVVGDJ+Formata-Italic /FontBBox[-194 -253 1259 952] /StemV 105 /ItalicAngle -13 /XHeight 798 /FontFile3 85 0 R >> endobj 87 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F15 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/BVVGDJ+Formata-Italic /Widths[292] /Encoding 84 0 R /FontDescriptor 86 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 88 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 89 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 342 /Length1 342 >> stream HKDDML+Berkeley-Italic@   $!'3Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle ItalicBerkeley$$u{ 7  endstream endobj 90 0 obj << /Ascent 705 /Descent -248 /Flags 98 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 635 /FontName/HKDDML+Berkeley-Italic /FontBBox[-130 -260 1019 839] /StemV 0 /ItalicAngle -8 /XHeight 712 /FontFile3 89 0 R >> endobj 91 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F16 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/HKDDML+Berkeley-Italic /Widths[250] /Encoding 88 0 R /FontDescriptor 90 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 92 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 93 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 292 /Length1 292 >> stream NLYIGU+StoneSansAGW   y Copyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.Stone is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Stone SansStoneSans$PhD/ endstream endobj 94 0 obj << /Ascent 735 /Descent -250 /Flags 34 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 700 /FontName/NLYIGU+StoneSans /FontBBox[-179 -250 1297 963] /StemV 0 /ItalicAngle 0 /XHeight 747 /FontFile3 93 0 R >> endobj 95 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F17 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/NLYIGU+StoneSans /Widths[287] /Encoding 92 0 R /FontDescriptor 94 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 96 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 97 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 311 /Length1 311 >> stream UHGILB+Formata-LightItalicAMB    nCopyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata Light ItalicFormataxVi)٤v ɐ  endstream endobj 98 0 obj << /Ascent 772 /Descent -230 /Flags 98 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 /CapHeight 706 /FontName/UHGILB+Formata-LightItalic /FontBBox[-185 -255 1254 942] /StemV 62 /ItalicAngle -13 /XHeight 797 /FontFile3 97 0 R >> endobj 99 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F18 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/UHGILB+Formata-LightItalic /Widths[292] /Encoding 96 0 R /FontDescriptor 98 0 R /LastChar 32 >> endobj 100 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space 65/A 67/C 69/E/F 72/H/I 78/N/O 82/R/S/T/U/V/W 89/Y] >> endobj 101 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 1296 /Length1 1296 >> stream FUYZRY+StoneSans-SemiboldAG}^    +y Copyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.Stone is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Stone Sans SemiboldStoneSans'0$64/3&")587*:+^ad!Ul$"vz!^P P!zzz~*"*k7eX(0]](0Xe7k'W W'* &[GB,;Sb-4֢dfwY|U:3$vyw!P@S.R:EG.`0 c&-%%ujK;,?-.`T_X>ݱϳ;[uԋ2-9Zƴ汹vPPPH34$PI45v!M!tñ> endobj 103 0 obj << /FirstChar 32 /Name/F19 /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /BaseFont/FUYZRY+StoneSans-Semibold /Widths[287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 671 0 542 508 0 741 307 0 0 0 0 783 788 0 0 611 556 593 722 657 995 0 630] /Encoding 100 0 R /FontDescriptor 102 0 R /LastChar 89 >> endobj 104 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Differences[32/space 54/six 98/b/c 101/e/f 105/i 108/l 111/o/p 114/r 121/y] >> endobj 105 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 1539 /Length1 1539 >> stream TCRVOI+Berkeley-Italic@   %!>Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 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