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Our goal is to build and enhance connections among research, policy)Tj 34.59333 0.00001 TD 0.0116 Tc (,)Tj 0.55233 0 Td 0.012 Tc (and educational initiatives at the University and with the community)Tj 29.14377 0.00001 TD 0.0115 Tc (.)Tj 0.55224 0 Td (T)Tj 0.4919 0.00001 TD 0.012 Tc (he Schuber)Tj 4.91952 0.00001 TD 0.0116 Tc (t)Tj 0.61537 0 Td 0.012 Tc 0 Tw (Center\325s )Tj -70.86845 -1.3991 TD 0.029 Tw (focus is on children and childhood from infancy through adolescence in local, national, and international contexts.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 37 55.8261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw [(Jill E. 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(|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 449.4396 55.8261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw [(Elizabeth Shor)-21(t, Ph.D.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 515.078 55.8261 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.035 Tc 0.029 Tw [(ASS)20(OCIA)81(TE DI)-21(R)-21(E)20(CT)61(O)1(R)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 37 45.8928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Jessica McRitchie)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 90.8664 45.8928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.046 Tc [(ADM)-21(I)-21(N)-22(I)-21(S)19(TR)-21(A)81(T)61(OR)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 141.0276 46.3949 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 146.3345 45.8928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Gayle Channing T)102(enenbaum, M.S.W)82(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 256.5825 45.8928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.046 Tc [(C)19(ON)-21(S)-1(U)-22(L)102(T)81(ANT)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 297.8002 46.3949 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 303.1071 45.8928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Donald F)20(reedheim, Ph.D.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 380.662 45.8928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.046 Tc 0.029 Tw [(FOU)-21(N)-22(DI)-21(NG DI)-21(R)-21(E)19(CT)61(OR)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 447.0821 46.3949 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.086 0 0 7.086 452.389 45.8928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Michelle McT)81(ygue)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 508.3455 45.8928 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.047 Tc (DESIGN)Tj ET /CS0 cs 1 scn -18 693 594.002 63 re f /GS2 gs q -18 693 594.002 63 re W n q -576.45679 0 0 63.6805 576.1878 692.6612 cm /Im1 Do Q Q q -18 693 214 63 re W n /CS1 cs 1 scn 157.839 713.8669 m 163.0615 718.718 163.9115 727.1372 y 156.0365 729.2797 149.674 725.1255 v 143.3115 720.9702 138.924 712.5585 y 140.2915 710.819 l 143.9065 710.5955 149.494 706.1132 157.839 713.8669 c f 72.9292 718.7792 m 67.938 713.0505 66.0017 703.762 y 67.7915 702.4607 l 71.3302 703.2285 77.927 700.4357 83.8497 710.1682 c 87.5545 716.2547 86.0812 724.5884 y 77.9208 724.5079 72.9292 718.7792 v f 98.647 755.7944 m 102.352 761.8822 100.8785 770.2148 y 92.7195 770.1342 87.7268 764.4064 v 82.7352 758.6777 80.8005 749.3882 y 82.5887 748.0869 l 86.1287 748.8547 92.7255 746.0629 98.647 755.7944 c f 18.8607 742.9185 m 21.6537 745.2257 28.796 745.7712 29.5932 757.1347 c 30.0925 764.2441 24.9593 770.9716 y 17.7462 767.1569 15.9395 759.7751 v 14.133 752.3959 16.6745 743.2554 y 18.8607 742.9185 l f /CS0 cs 1 scn 7.103 753.1237 m -0.2958 724.7604 l -9.2215 729.8107 -16.1087 733.8242 v 9.3342 718.5299 l 7.103 721.0617 l 7.103 753.1237 l f 177.6665 707.3424 m 182.8865 712.1935 183.7365 720.6127 y 175.8615 722.7549 169.5015 718.601 v 163.139 714.4457 158.749 706.0337 y 160.1165 704.2942 l 163.7315 704.071 169.319 699.5897 177.6665 707.3424 c f 92.756 712.2545 m 87.7632 706.5257 85.8285 697.2374 y 87.6167 695.9362 l 91.157 696.704 97.7535 693.9109 103.6752 703.6437 c 107.38 709.7312 105.9078 718.0637 y 97.7475 717.9832 92.756 712.2545 v f 118.474 749.2697 m 122.179 755.3574 120.7065 763.6912 y 112.5447 763.6107 107.5532 757.882 v 102.562 752.1532 100.627 742.8647 y 102.4155 741.5635 l 105.9542 742.3301 112.551 739.5385 118.474 749.2697 c f 38.6875 736.3939 m 41.4802 738.7009 48.6227 739.2466 49.4197 750.6102 c 49.9177 757.7195 44.786 764.4479 y 37.573 760.6322 35.765 753.2517 v 33.9585 745.8715 36.501 736.7307 y 38.6875 736.3939 l f 10.4013 755.0462 m 13.1942 757.3532 20.3365 757.8977 21.1337 769.2614 c 21.633 776.3707 16.5 783.0993 y 9.2867 779.2833 7.48 771.903 v 5.6735 764.5225 8.215 755.3819 y 10.4013 755.0462 l f 0 0 0 0 k -95.64 610.6737 m -93.6418 612.2312 -74.5915 619.3944 -62.2745 623.8279 c -61.8375 623.9854 -61.5237 624.3724 -61.4603 624.8315 c -61.3955 625.2914 -61.5923 625.7491 -61.9692 626.0202 c -104.7453 656.6954 l -104.2375 656.3317 -104.0762 655.6505 -104.3668 655.0986 c -104.656 654.5457 -105.3093 654.2917 -105.8963 654.5029 c -75.4533 643.5582 l -75.4995 643.5752 -75.5447 643.5947 -75.5888 643.6167 c -68.3708 640.0072 -40.2933 619.2759 -40.0112 619.066 c -39.639 618.7911 -39.147 618.7449 -38.7295 618.944 c -38.312 619.1429 -38.04 619.5555 -38.0193 620.017 c -36.7862 648.3799 l -36.802 648.0052 -36.9865 647.6572 -37.288 647.4327 c -37.5882 647.2079 -37.974 647.1312 -38.3378 647.2214 c -33.405 645.9885 l -33.947 646.124 -34.3338 646.6027 -34.3523 647.1605 c -33.118 608.9329 l -33.1083 608.6205 -32.9825 608.3237 -32.764 608.1005 c 15.3292 558.7742 l 15.6222 558.4739 16.0445 558.3409 16.4572 558.4189 c 16.8685 558.496 17.214 558.7755 17.3762 559.1624 c 21.511 568.989 22.0027 660.7127 22.021 664.6129 c 22.0222 664.8729 21.943 665.1254 21.794 665.3379 c 20.7003 666.8954 -5.0552 703.5435 -8.7883 707.2764 c -11.2613 709.7495 -17.8128 709.2687 -27.5273 708.2517 c -31.8803 707.7964 -36.3798 707.3252 -38.1168 707.7597 c -37.5858 707.6266 -37.2038 707.1642 -37.172 706.6185 c -37.1415 706.0714 -37.4685 705.5687 -37.9813 705.377 c -15.3983 713.8547 l -14.7525 714.0964 -14.4255 714.8179 -14.6683 715.4637 c -14.91 716.1107 -15.6315 716.4377 -16.2773 716.1949 c -38.8603 707.7172 l -39.3718 707.5254 -39.6988 707.0212 -39.6683 706.4757 c -39.6365 705.9299 -39.2545 705.4674 -38.7235 705.3342 c -36.5593 704.7934 -32.2525 705.244 -27.2673 705.7652 c -20.9805 706.4232 -12.371 707.324 -10.557 705.5089 c -7.6908 702.6439 10.5197 677.0385 19.7482 663.9012 c 19.5992 664.1124 19.52 664.3662 19.521 664.6249 c 19.3625 631.7624 18.2272 567.6317 15.0717 560.1317 c 15.234 560.5175 15.5795 560.7969 15.9907 560.8749 c 16.4035 560.9532 16.8257 560.8202 17.1188 560.5199 c -30.9745 609.8459 l -30.756 609.6215 -30.6303 609.3247 -30.6205 609.0134 c -31.8535 647.241 l -31.8705 647.8002 -32.2575 648.2787 -32.7995 648.413 c -37.7323 649.647 l -38.096 649.7385 -38.4817 649.6605 -38.7833 649.4359 c -39.0835 649.2112 -39.268 648.8635 -39.2837 648.4885 c -40.5168 620.1254 l -40.4973 620.5882 -40.2238 621.0007 -39.8063 621.1997 c -39.39 621.3987 -38.8968 621.3512 -38.5257 621.0764 c -39.6868 621.9359 -67.0598 642.147 -74.4705 645.8529 c -74.5145 645.8749 -74.561 645.8945 -74.6072 645.9105 c -105.0505 656.8552 l -105.6375 657.0665 -106.2895 656.8124 -106.58 656.2607 c -106.8705 655.709 -106.708 655.0267 -106.2015 654.6642 c -63.427 623.988 l -63.804 624.259 -63.9995 624.7167 -63.936 625.1767 c -63.8725 625.6357 -63.5588 626.0227 -63.1218 626.1802 c -66.2968 625.0377 -94.224 614.9471 -97.1768 612.6449 c -97.7213 612.2202 -97.819 611.4354 -97.3943 610.8896 c -96.9692 610.3464 -96.1845 610.249 -95.64 610.6737 c f -33.7955 738.6484 m -30.1005 736.1839 -11.4653 725.6369 -10.673 725.1889 c -10.3348 724.9974 -9.9283 724.9742 -9.5707 725.1255 c -9.213 725.2769 -8.9458 725.5857 -8.848 725.9617 c -1.4493 754.3247 l -1.608 753.7157 -2.194 753.3202 -2.8178 753.3995 c -3.4415 753.4799 -3.909 754.0109 -3.909 754.6397 c -3.909 722.5779 l -3.909 722.3532 -3.848 722.1337 -3.7333 721.9395 c 19.697 682.4789 l 20.0485 681.8845 20.8163 681.6892 21.4095 682.0419 c 22.0027 682.3949 22.1993 683.1614 21.8465 683.7547 c -1.5835 723.2164 l -1.4688 723.0234 -1.409 722.8024 -1.409 722.5779 c -1.409 754.6397 l -1.409 755.2684 -1.8765 755.7994 -2.5003 755.8799 c -3.1243 755.9592 -3.71 755.5637 -3.8688 754.9559 c -11.2675 726.5927 l -11.1698 726.9674 -10.9025 727.2764 -10.5448 727.4277 c -10.187 727.5792 -9.7795 727.5559 -9.4425 727.3642 c -9.6353 727.4742 -28.7895 738.3152 -32.4088 740.7285 c -32.9837 741.1107 -33.759 740.9557 -34.1423 740.3819 c -34.5255 739.8069 -34.3705 739.0317 -33.7955 738.6484 c f 25.7197 684.3199 m 26.954 736.1132 l 26.9405 735.5857 26.5988 735.1232 26.0995 734.956 c 33.4982 737.4229 l 33.1235 737.2984 32.712 737.3582 32.3872 737.584 c 32.0637 737.8099 31.866 738.1749 31.854 738.5704 c 33.0868 699.1086 l 33.1087 698.4189 33.685 697.877 34.3747 697.8977 c 35.0655 697.9197 35.6075 698.4972 35.5855 699.1867 c 34.3528 738.6484 l 34.3405 739.0427 34.1415 739.4089 33.818 739.6347 c 33.4932 739.8607 33.082 739.9192 32.7072 739.7947 c 25.3085 737.3276 l 24.8092 737.1617 24.4675 736.699 24.454 736.173 c 23.221 684.3797 l 23.2052 683.6899 23.7507 683.1162 24.4405 683.1005 c 25.1315 683.0832 25.704 683.6302 25.721 684.3199 c 25.7197 684.3199 l f 65.2902 650.3257 m 71.174 660.2842 l 71.052 660.0767 70.8725 659.9094 70.6565 659.802 c 142.1815 695.5637 l 142.3415 695.6444 142.484 695.7589 142.599 695.9007 c 147.5315 702.0665 l 147.884 702.5084 147.8965 703.1322 147.5615 703.5875 c 147.2265 704.0439 146.6265 704.2175 146.1015 704.011 c 67.1762 673.1835 l 67.6255 673.3579 68.1345 673.2602 68.486 672.9307 c 68.8362 672.6024 68.9682 672.1007 68.823 671.6417 c 76.2228 695.072 l 76.4157 695.686 76.1117 696.3474 75.5197 696.599 c 74.9265 696.8505 74.2402 696.6111 73.9315 696.046 c 35.704 625.7567 l 35.3745 625.15 35.599 624.3907 36.2057 624.0599 c 36.8112 623.7302 37.5705 623.9549 37.9 624.5615 c 76.1287 694.851 l 75.8212 694.2857 75.134 694.0464 74.542 694.2979 c 73.9485 694.5507 73.6447 695.2109 73.8387 695.825 c 66.4387 672.395 l 66.2947 671.9359 66.4255 671.4342 66.777 671.1057 c 67.1285 670.7762 67.6375 670.6785 68.0855 670.8542 c 147.009 701.6832 l 146.4815 701.477 145.884 701.6502 145.5465 702.1067 c 145.214 702.562 145.2265 703.186 145.579 703.6277 c 140.6465 697.4619 l 140.759 697.6035 140.9015 697.7182 141.064 697.799 c 69.5382 662.0385 l 69.3235 661.9297 69.144 661.7624 69.0217 661.5549 c 63.1367 651.5977 l 62.7865 651.0032 62.983 650.238 63.5775 649.8862 c 64.172 649.5347 64.9385 649.7324 65.2902 650.3257 c f 38.4382 631.179 m 38.0525 688.0577 l 38.0538 687.7914 37.9707 687.5314 37.8145 687.3167 c 63.7117 723.0784 l 63.6507 722.9955 63.5813 722.9197 63.5017 722.8536 c 89.7835 744.8959 l 90.2707 745.3049 90.3732 746.0129 90.0227 746.5439 c 89.6725 747.0737 88.9802 747.257 88.414 746.9687 c 57.1992 731.0912 l 57.5705 731.2792 58.011 731.2704 58.375 731.0679 c 58.7387 730.8652 58.978 730.4955 59.012 730.0804 c 56.545 759.6762 l 56.4925 760.3074 55.9775 760.7994 55.345 760.8214 c 54.7115 760.8444 54.1622 760.3904 54.0645 759.7654 c 47.8987 720.3049 l 47.9292 720.4966 48.0037 720.6797 48.116 720.8384 c 35.7845 703.574 l 35.3842 703.0124 35.5135 702.2312 36.0762 701.8297 c 36.6377 701.4292 37.4178 701.5587 37.8195 702.1215 c 50.151 719.3845 l 50.2645 719.5432 50.339 719.7264 50.3682 719.918 c 56.5353 759.3797 l 56.4375 758.7547 55.887 758.3007 55.2548 758.3237 c 54.6225 758.3457 54.106 758.8376 54.0535 759.4687 c 56.5207 729.873 l 56.5547 729.4577 56.794 729.0867 57.1578 728.8852 c 57.5215 728.6815 57.9623 728.6742 58.3335 728.8622 c 89.548 744.7397 l 88.9802 744.4517 88.2882 744.6347 87.938 745.1647 c 87.5875 745.6945 87.69 746.4037 88.177 746.8124 c 61.8955 724.7692 l 61.8173 724.7032 61.7465 724.6274 61.6868 724.5444 c 35.7895 688.7827 l 35.6345 688.5667 35.5502 688.308 35.5525 688.0404 c 35.9383 631.1619 l 35.942 630.4709 36.506 629.9154 37.197 629.9205 c 37.8865 629.9254 38.442 630.4879 38.4382 631.179 c f 150.094 706.9712 m 150.094 706.9712 l 150.1365 707.0529 154.4165 715.1474 160.4215 719.0697 c 166.219 722.8562 173.574 720.9422 173.649 720.9227 c 173.0565 721.0814 172.669 721.6451 172.7315 722.2544 c 172.724 722.1762 171.8565 714.2369 167.054 709.7752 c 161.0665 704.2137 156.8115 705.4366 153.3915 706.4182 c 152.349 706.7174 151.3665 707.0004 150.4315 707.058 c 149.7415 707.1006 149.149 706.577 149.1065 705.8872 c 149.064 705.1987 149.589 704.6055 150.2765 704.5627 c 150.939 704.5224 151.754 704.2869 152.7015 704.0159 c 156.299 702.9819 161.734 701.4207 168.754 707.9442 c 174.259 713.0565 175.1815 721.6404 175.219 722.0042 c 175.279 722.6122 174.8915 723.1749 174.3015 723.3359 c 173.959 723.4287 165.8065 725.5747 159.054 721.1631 c 152.494 716.8784 148.064 708.4836 147.879 708.1285 c 147.559 707.5157 147.7965 706.7612 148.409 706.4414 c 149.0215 706.1229 149.7765 706.3597 150.094 706.9712 c f 77.2897 698.4995 m 77.2897 698.4985 77.2897 698.4985 y 77.308 698.5887 79.2232 707.5424 83.9352 712.9502 c 88.4848 718.1699 96.0835 718.33 96.1592 718.3312 c 95.5465 718.3224 95.0205 718.7594 94.9142 719.3627 c 94.9275 719.2857 96.2532 711.4097 92.845 705.8092 c 88.597 698.8292 84.1695 698.8487 80.6112 698.8635 c 79.5273 698.8682 78.5042 698.8719 77.59 698.6742 c 76.915 698.5277 76.4865 697.8624 76.633 697.1872 c 76.7795 696.5122 77.4448 696.0849 78.1197 696.2314 c 78.1197 696.2302 l 78.7667 696.3719 79.6163 696.3682 80.6003 696.3634 c 84.343 696.3474 89.9997 696.3229 94.9812 704.5102 c 98.8862 710.9262 97.4397 719.4395 97.3762 719.7985 c 97.2702 720.4001 96.744 720.8372 96.1325 720.8312 c 95.776 720.8275 87.3507 720.6737 82.0505 714.5932 c 76.904 708.6852 74.924 699.4017 74.8423 699.0087 c 74.7017 698.3334 75.1352 697.6707 75.8115 697.5302 c 76.4865 697.39 77.1493 697.8232 77.2897 698.4995 c f 92.0883 744.1257 m 92.087 744.1257 92.0883 744.1257 92.087 744.1257 c 92.1065 744.215 94.0217 753.1686 98.7337 758.5765 c 103.282 763.7974 110.881 763.9562 110.9567 763.9572 c 110.345 763.9487 109.819 764.3857 109.7115 764.9901 c 109.7262 764.912 111.052 757.0359 107.6437 751.4365 c 103.3957 744.4554 98.967 744.4749 95.4085 744.4907 c 94.3257 744.4957 93.3028 744.4992 92.3872 744.3015 c 91.7135 744.155 91.285 743.4897 91.4302 742.8147 c 91.5767 742.1396 92.242 741.7112 92.917 741.8577 c 93.5652 741.9982 94.4137 741.9944 95.3975 741.9907 c 99.1403 741.9749 104.797 741.9504 109.7787 750.1364 c 113.6837 756.5537 112.2373 765.0659 112.1737 765.4247 c 112.0675 766.0266 111.5415 766.4635 110.931 766.4575 c 110.5745 766.4537 102.148 766.3011 96.8478 760.2194 c 91.7012 754.3124 89.7225 745.028 89.6407 744.6359 c 89.4992 743.9597 89.9337 743.2982 90.6087 743.1564 c 91.285 743.0162 91.9467 743.4494 92.0883 744.1257 c f 56.9993 757.1555 m 56.9993 757.1555 l 56.9747 757.2435 54.5675 766.079 56.2727 773.0455 c 57.9195 779.7704 64.5992 783.3984 64.6665 783.435 c 64.1255 783.1469 63.458 783.2933 63.0855 783.7805 c 63.1332 783.7181 67.9257 777.3278 67.4668 770.7885 c 66.8942 762.6389 62.9513 760.6237 59.7835 759.0037 c 58.818 758.5117 57.9073 758.0454 57.1847 757.4485 c 56.6525 757.0092 56.578 756.2217 57.0175 755.6895 c 57.457 755.1572 58.2442 755.0817 58.7765 755.521 c 59.288 755.9434 60.0447 756.3304 60.9212 756.7784 c 64.2537 758.4812 69.2893 761.0544 69.9605 770.6139 c 70.4855 778.1078 65.295 785.0072 65.074 785.2966 c 64.703 785.7823 64.0352 785.9288 63.4957 785.6432 c 63.1807 785.4772 55.7637 781.4745 53.8447 773.64 c 51.982 766.0302 54.4833 756.8724 54.5907 756.4854 c 54.775 755.8202 55.4648 755.4319 56.13 755.6162 c 56.7952 755.8017 57.1847 756.4902 56.9993 757.1555 c f 27.9427 738.5815 m 27.9427 738.5815 l 27.9183 738.6692 25.511 747.5035 27.2165 754.4699 c 28.8645 761.1962 35.5428 764.8242 35.61 764.8608 c 35.0692 764.5714 34.4015 764.7191 34.0292 765.2062 c 34.0767 765.1427 38.868 758.7535 38.4103 752.2142 c 37.839 744.0634 33.895 742.0482 30.726 740.4294 c 29.7615 739.9365 28.851 739.4712 28.1283 738.8754 c 27.596 738.4349 27.5215 737.6474 27.961 737.1152 c 28.4005 736.5829 29.188 736.5074 29.72 736.9469 c 30.2315 737.3692 30.9885 737.7562 31.8637 738.2029 c 35.1962 739.9057 40.2327 742.4789 40.9042 752.0385 c 41.429 759.5334 36.2387 766.4318 36.0178 766.7224 c 35.6465 767.2081 34.979 767.3546 34.4393 767.069 c 34.1245 766.903 26.7075 762.9002 24.7885 755.0645 c 22.9257 747.4547 25.427 738.2982 25.5342 737.9124 c 25.7187 737.2472 26.4082 736.8577 27.0735 737.042 c 27.739 737.2277 28.127 737.916 27.9427 738.5815 c f -0.3435 757.2324 m -0.3435 757.2324 -0.3423 757.2324 v -0.3665 757.3204 -2.7738 766.1559 -1.0685 773.1225 c 0.5782 779.8474 7.2567 783.4752 7.3237 783.5118 c 6.783 783.2238 6.1152 783.3703 5.7443 783.8573 c 5.792 783.7951 10.5832 777.4047 10.1242 770.8654 c 9.5527 762.7147 5.6088 760.7004 2.441 759.0807 c 1.4767 758.5874 0.5647 758.1224 -0.1565 757.5267 c -0.6888 757.0872 -0.7645 756.2987 -0.3238 755.7664 c 0.1155 755.2342 0.903 755.1597 1.4352 755.5992 c 1.9467 756.0202 2.7022 756.4072 3.5787 756.8539 c 6.9113 758.5569 11.948 761.1302 12.618 770.6909 c 13.1442 778.1835 7.9525 785.0842 7.7315 785.3734 c 7.3605 785.8593 6.694 786.0058 6.1533 785.7202 c 5.8382 785.5541 -1.5788 781.5514 -3.4965 773.717 c -5.3605 766.1071 -2.8593 756.9492 -2.7518 756.5635 c -2.5662 755.8982 -1.8778 755.509 -1.2125 755.6932 c -0.5473 755.8787 -0.1578 756.5672 -0.3435 757.2324 c f Q /GS1 gs /CS1 cs 0.4 scn 36 126 540.002 486 re f Q /GS2 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 239.4173 728.4111 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (S)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 249.6744 728.4111 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc [(chuber)30(t)]TJ ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 324.5767 728.4111 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (C)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 338.7673 728.4111 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc (enter)Tj ET Q q BT /F3 1 Tf 71.998 0 0 72 396.2108 722.8328 Tm /CS1 cs 0.5 scn 0.009 Tc (for)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 422.6577 709.3878 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (C)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 436.8485 709.3878 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc (hild)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 479.7829 709.3878 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (S)Tj ET Q q BT /F2 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 490.0401 709.3878 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc (tudies)Tj ET Q q BT /F1 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 68.4173 583.1843 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.058 Tc 0.029 Tw [(A TH)-21(E)19(ORY OF I)-21(NTELLIGENCE AS P)-21(ROCESSI)-21(NG:)]TJ ET Q q BT /F1 1 Tf 19.999 0 0 20 68.4173 562.1843 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.017 Tc 0.029 Tw (Implications for Addressing Racial Differences in IQ )Tj ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 68.4173 536.8347 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw (Race and ethnicity correlate strongly with well-being in America.)Tj 0 -1.3889 TD -0.006 Tc [(Historically)41(, African American families have experienced lower)]TJ 0 -1.38889 TD (levels of well-being across a range of indicators. Racial dispari-)Tj T* 0 Tc [(t)6(i)6(e)6(s)-315(persist in child health outcomes, educational attainment,)]TJ T* -0.012 Tc (and levels of family pover)Tj 10.48279 0 TD 0 Tw (ty)Tj 0.64489 0 TD 0.029 Tw (. Measures of educational achieve)Tj 13.83985 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -24.96753 -1.3889 TD [(m)12(e)12(n)12(t)-309(show that disparities across different populations may)]TJ 0 -1.38889 TD (be narrowing, but persistent gaps remain. F)Tj 18.09457 0 TD (actors contribut-)Tj -18.09457 -1.38889 TD -0.006 Tc (ing to this disparity and solutions to address it are often hotly)Tj T* 0 Tc (debated. One of the most contested discussions has sur)Tj 23.65988 0 TD (-)Tj -23.65988 -1.38888 TD (rounded racial disparities in scores on intelligence tests and)Tj 0 -1.38889 TD (the ways in which such differences should be interpreted. )Tj 0 -2.27778 TD [(T)20(he controversial debate over the meaning of racial differ-)]TJ 0 -1.38889 TD (ences in IQ scores is one which has a long history and)Tj T* 0 Tw (impor)Tj 2.45842 0 TD 0.029 Tw (tant implications for policy)Tj 10.88121 0 TD (. T)Tj 1.00915 0 TD (he impetus for this debate)Tj -14.34878 -1.3889 TD [(has been a 1)41(5 point, or one standard deviation, gap in)]TJ 0 -1.38889 TD -0.012 Tc [(achievement between W)20(hite Americans and African Americans)]TJ T* -0.006 Tc (in IQ scores. Current evidence suggests that this gap is dimin)Tj 25.207 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -25.207 -1.38889 TD [(i)6(s)6(h)6(i)6(n)6(g)6(,)-315(although nationally representative IQ scores are not)]TJ T* 0 Tw (available.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 102.331 307.3972 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 107.8441 303.8347 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Studies have demonstrated that African American)Tj -4.38076 -1.38889 TD (students are doing much better on a range of achievement)Tj 0 -1.38888 TD (and educational indicators, although a gap still exists.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 266.9456 282.3972 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 68.4173 258.3347 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Much of the disag)-21(reement rests on the search for the caus-)]TJ 0 -1.38889 TD (es of these differences. One argument is that racial differ)Tj 23.83069 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -23.83069 -1.3889 TD (ences in intelligence can be attributed to genetic)Tj 0 -1.38889 TD 0 Tw (differences.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 111.1792 224.3972 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (3 )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 115.2469 220.8347 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Increasingly)41(, this view has been challenged by)]TJ -5.20329 -1.38889 TD (scholars, such as Case W)Tj 10.4949 0 TD (estern Reserve University\325s Dr)Tj 12.36432 0.00001 TD (.)Tj -22.85922 -1.38891 TD [(Joseph F)20(agan, who argue that differences in IQ scores can)]TJ 0 -1.38889 TD (be explained by environmental factors. F)Tj 16.92112 0.00001 TD (or example, IQ test)Tj 7.96284 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -24.88396 -1.3889 TD (ing has conventionally been based on a theory that defines)Tj 0 -1.38889 TD (intelligence as how much a person knows relative to peers)Tj T* [(of the same age. Dr)41(. F)19(agan\325s research has led him to)]TJ 27.19816 43.44444 TD (advance a theory that defines intelligence as processing, in)Tj 0 -1.3889 TD [(which intelligence is measured by per)-21(formance on elemen-)]TJ 0 -1.38889 TD [(tary cognitive tasks. T)103(o conceive of intelligence as processing)]TJ T* (instead of as knowledge has the potential to reach popula-)Tj T* (tions not normally able to take IQ tests, such as infants or)Tj T* (children with special needs, and also to resolve the debate)Tj T* (over racial differences in IQ scores. )Tj 0 -2.27778 TD (Standard measures of IQ assume that all people have the)Tj 0 -1.38889 TD (same access to culturally valued information. However)Tj 22.70088 0 TD (, this)Tj -22.70088 -1.3889 TD [(is not necessarily the case. T)103(est scores are influenced by the)]TJ 0 -1.38889 TD [(environment in which a child g)-21(rows up and the exposure to,)]TJ T* [(and quality of)41(, educational experiences in which they par)-21(tici)-1(-)]TJ T* (pate. F)Tj 2.7796 0 TD (ocusing on environmental factors as the cause of dis-)Tj -2.7796 -1.38889 TD (parities in IQ requires a shift in attention to the social and)Tj T* [(cultural conditions that lead to differential oppor)-21(tunities for)]TJ T* (knowledge acquisition. )Tj 0 -2.27778 TD (Racial disparities in test scores may have significant implica)Tj 24.65007 0 TD (-)Tj -24.65007 -1.38889 TD [(tions for a student\325s educational trajectory)41(. Minority students)]TJ T* (are significantly more likely to be identified as having a cog-)Tj T* [(nitive delay)41(, emotional disturbance, or another learning dis-)]TJ T* [(ability)41(. F)19(ur)-21(thermore, evidence suggests that the processes of)]TJ T* (identifying students for testing and assessment, as well as)Tj T* (the interpretation of results may be largely subjective.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 514.2097 249.3972 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 313.2007 233.3347 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Differences in educational achievement have been strongly)Tj 0 -1.38889 TD (associated with disparities in a variety of educational and)Tj T* (economic outcomes. W)Tj 9.87401 0 TD (hile test score disparities may not)Tj -9.87401 -1.3889 TD (directly cause gaps in educational attainment or later)Tj 0 -1.38889 TD (employment and earnings, they do reflect a set of circum)Tj 24.0819 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -24.0819 -1.38889 TD (stances that may be responsible for disparities in both the)Tj T* [(educational system and economy)41(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 36.9173 671.8868 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.026 Tw [(Policy Brief 10 | Mar)40(ch 2008)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 396.3206 671.8868 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.026 Tw [(A Series of Resear)20(ch and Policy Publications of)]TJ 3.32681 -1.26316 TD (The Schubert Center for Child Studies)Tj 4.11657 -1.26316 TD (College of Arts and Sciences)Tj -1.78021 -1.26316 TD [(Case W)85(ester)-12(n Reser)-10(ve University)]TJ /F6 1 Tf 1 0 0 1 -1000 1792 Tm 1 g -0.259 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj /F7 1 Tf ( )Tj /F8 1 Tf -0.292 Tc ( )Tj /F9 1 Tf -0.25 Tc ( )Tj /F10 1 Tf -0.113 Tc ( )Tj /F11 1 Tf -0.292 Tc ( )Tj /F12 1 Tf ( )Tj /F13 1 Tf -0.287 Tc ( )Tj /F14 1 Tf -0.25 Tc ( )Tj /F15 1 Tf -0.287 Tc ( )Tj /F16 1 Tf 0 Tc ( )Tj ET Q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /Width 1702 /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK /Filter/DCTDecode /Subtype/Image /Height 101 /Type/XObject /Length 17876 /BitsPerComponent 8 >> stream JFIFAdobeeC  $, !$4.763.22:ASF:=N>22HbINVX]^]8EfmeZlS[]YC**Y;2;YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYe"" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz?FsBL)HRrh֎JQAsȣ@Z6.Vh3H:EҊ1E.} zQHW=;{ ixP4c4g=s@ dLԜӅ%~ޗ"E*;Ri7\RblQWF }9'm)HO/YLaM>k&Z'$Fm)ڧLrxiI!l[Lri{TGsIIPq y=ޔGsKJ(l#8JjZ(A{lԪ/A4<>phJӇΆ2[OL^F):RQKI2tɥ!}h(QGz3='փ4F(+ӞmHizQIKLbG9H.HSM41jc-H)iPzRn)QA@9sFh4bqA}99p>Mz(4=iNs@RʰxNS84ޜ:2)LQ@֝y)r(\ZdjB? 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F)20(agan developed the F)19(agan T)82(est of Infant Intelligence and has been involved in the develop-)]TJ T* (ment of culture-fair intelligence tests.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 23.999 0 0 24 139.9173 666.1667 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.026 Tw [(Focus on Resear)20(ch )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 326.5387 666.1667 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.026 Tw [(at Case W)85(ester)-12(n Reser)-10(ve University)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 36.9173 542.4878 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc (J)Tj 0.34795 -0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw [(oseph F)20(agan, PhD)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 36.9173 527.4878 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 Tc (L)Tj 0.45788 -0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.029 Tw [(ucy Adams Leffing)-21(well)]TJ -0.45788 -1.46666 TD (Distinguished Professor)Tj T* [(Depar)-21(tment of)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(Psycholog)-21(y)]TJ 0 -2 TD 0.029 Tw (College of Ar)Tj 5.412 0 TD (ts and)Tj -5.412 -1.46667 TD 0 Tw (Sciences )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 0 7 -7 0 33.0612 54.9173 Tm /CS0 cs 0.6 scn 0.1147 Tc (F)Tj 0.6227 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD 0.0287 Tw ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (H)Tj 0.85567 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (A)Tj 0.72694 0.00001 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78566 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (W)Tj 1.10967 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89766 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.70804 0.00001 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43036 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72568 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (Y)Tj ET /GS2 gs q 36 562.889 66.932 85.111 re W n q 67.4871 0 0 85.7268 35.722 562.5612 cm /Im3 Do Q Q Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 139.9154 516.1042 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.087 Tc 0.029 Tw [(R)-21(ESEARCH SU)-21(M)-21(MARY)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 139.9154 498.1042 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Dr)41(. F)19(agan and his colleague, Cynthia R. Holland of)]TJ 0 -1.55556 TD (Cuyahoga Community College, wanted to under-)Tj T* (stand whether racial differences in IQ scores were)Tj T* (attributable to intellectual ability or to exposure to)Tj T* [(information. T)20(his question is one which has been)]TJ T* [(widely debated both within psycholog)-21(y and in the)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (public sphere. )Tj 0 -2.44445 TD [(T)20(he theory which guided this research is based on)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (a model of intelligence as processing, which is pro)Tj 21.13212 0 TD (-)Tj -21.13212 -1.55556 TD (posed as an alternative to more traditional meas)Tj 20.29021 0 TD (-)Tj -20.29021 -1.55556 TD (ures of IQ which characterize intelligence as knowl-)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD [(edge. T)20(he theory)40(, advanced by Dr)41(. F)20(agan, assumes)]TJ 0 -1.55556 TD (that intelligence is made up of both the information)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD (to which a person has been exposed and their abili)Tj 21.56049 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -21.56049 -1.55557 TD [(ty to process that information. T)20(his theory places an)]TJ 0 -1.55556 TD (emphasis on culture as the source of information)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD (and contradicts those scholars who ascribe racial)Tj 0 -1.55556 TD (disparities in IQ scores to genetic differences.)Tj 0.32119 -2.44444 TD [(In order to gain insight into this issue, Drs. F)20(agan)]TJ -0.32119 -1.55556 TD (and Holland conducted two related studies in)Tj T* 0 Tw [(2)20(002)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 160.7163 205.6666 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 166.2293 202.1041 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(and 2)20(0)1(0)41(7)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 203.6182 205.6666 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (6)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 209.1312 202.1041 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(with a total of 92)20(5 college stu-)]TJ -7.69064 -1.55555 TD [(dents, 62)20(0 of whom were W)19(hite American and 3)20(0)1(5)]TJ T* (of whom were African American. T)Tj 14.48003 0.00001 TD (he research par)Tj 6.51964 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -20.99967 -1.55557 TD [(ticipants were representative of the general U)-21(S pop-)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (ulation in terms of age and education. T)Tj 16.7703 0.00001 TD (he studies)Tj -16.7703 -1.55556 TD (used a variety of different methods for testing intel)Tj 21.21953 0 TD (-)Tj -21.21953 -1.55557 TD (ligence that captured both standard IQ and intelli-)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD [(gence as processing. In general, par)-21(ticipants were)]TJ (g)' 0.49974 0.00001 TD (iven two types of questions; those that required)Tj -0.49974 -1.55557 TD (specific prior knowledge and those that relied on)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD [(general comprehension. T)20(he questions that tested )]TJ 23.89817 48.48046 TD (for specific knowledge were similar to those found)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD (on standard IQ tests, while those that tested for)Tj 0 -1.55556 TD [(general comprehension allowed par)-21(ticipants equal)]TJ T* [(oppor)-21(tunity to acquire the information necessary to)]TJ T* (correctly answer the question. )Tj ET /GS2 gs /CS1 cs 0.4 scn 354.12 233.429 199.309 147.766 re f /CS0 cs 1 scn 354.12 385.195 199.309 33.262 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 8.25 0 0 8.25 369.9173 360.6957 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [-758(W)20(hy do African Americans and W)20(hite)]TJ 1.09091 -1.69697 TD (Americans differ in IQ scores?)Tj -1.09091 -2.30303 TD [-758(How much of the racial disparity in IQ is)]TJ 1.09091 -1.69697 TD (due to genetic or environmental factors?)Tj -1.09091 -2.30303 TD [-758(Do racial differences persist when students)]TJ 1.09091 -1.69698 TD [(are g)-21(iven equal oppor)-21(tunity to learn?)]TJ -1.09091 -2.30303 TD [-758(Is there evidence of test bias in standard)]TJ 1.09091 -1.69697 TD (measures of IQ?)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 369.9173 404.502 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.046 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(he research addressed four )]TJ 0 -1.33333 TD (interrelated questions)Tj ET Q endstream endobj 15 0 obj << /Width 151 /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK /Filter/DCTDecode /Subtype/Image /Height 101 /Type/XObject /Length 1862 /BitsPerComponent 8 >> stream JFIFAdobeeC  $, !$4.763.22:ASF:=N>22HbINVX]^]8EfmeZlS[]YC**Y;2;YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYe"" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz?2}):Lt_Z=SdRv{QE\GjLӸ HxZ/[A4!NsJi(`NiN1IAF98sEнAе>CJ9F;\RQZyRRfQI`Q:_ H`PyI/N)1Eq{4(bi(){RS}iSJz?]sG&isw-fZL0J0h@iyH0:`Vڏ-hϥ74l=Dg#6.=hK@9 ;R&( i3Q5i oMڌгPƂ")2)'I=;-;&)!'<)i>s@t҂E&y?w\1`S$L4uGCFH4LRH\{fKH94hQEàR"OҎ=)sJ9}SGJ)3KHaMR{PGh'zS@S҃R 'Z(\A&y4Hy4EgޝI /SR'H/SIN ڒ:ӊ-43O7ݦhIҭC+rfjT“:6vF>Z K]OzU9&~ b;QI4=(==)=@hS@I%)ǥzSL> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f q /GS1 gs /CS0 cs 1 scn -637 756 691 54 re f /GS2 gs q -637 756 691 54 re W n q -54.49312 0 0 36.53772 54.2614 755.7589 cm /Im4 Do Q Q Q /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 59.4173 583.5042 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.087 Tc 0.029 Tw [(KE)20(Y F)-22(I)-21(N)-21(DI)-21(NGS)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 59.4173 565.5042 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(T)20(he results of F)20(agan and Holland\325s work provide)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (evidence that observed racial differences in IQ)Tj 0 -1.55556 TD [(scores are attributable to unequal oppor)-21(tunity for)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (the acquisition of the type of information leading to)Tj T* [(the knowledge which IQ tests measure. T)20(hese find-)]TJ 0 -1.55556 TD [(ings suggest that equal oppor)-21(tunity for exposure to)]TJ T* (information may eliminate disparities in IQ scores.)Tj T* [(Specifically)41(, the study showed that, g)-21(iven equal)]TJ T* [(oppor)-21(tunity to learn the information on which they)]TJ T* (were subsequently tested, African American and)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD (W)Tj 0.81297 0 TD (hite American students per)Tj 11.29892 0 TD (formed equally well on)Tj -12.11189 -1.55557 TD [(assessments. F)20(or example, in a test of word knowl-)]TJ 0 -1.55556 TD [(edge reflective of a standard IQ test, W)20(hite students)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD 0 Tw (outper)Tj 2.73088 0 TD 0.029 Tw (formed African American students by 1)Tj 16.35839 0 TD (8)Tj -19.08927 -1.55556 TD (points. However)Tj 6.71942 0 TD (, there was no significant difference)Tj -6.71942 -1.55556 TD (between the students in their processing abilities.)Tj 0 -2.44444 TD (W)Tj 0.81297 0 TD (hite and African American students were also test)Tj 20.72867 0 TD (-)Tj -21.54163 -1.55556 TD [(ed for their understanding of sayings, analog)-21(ies and)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (similarities. W)Tj 5.63108 0 TD (hen tested on sayings which required)Tj -5.63108 -1.55556 TD [(specific prior knowledge, W)20(hite students averaged)]TJ T* (65% correct, while African American students)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD [(scored 48% correct. However)41(, the results were)]TJ T* (quite different when equal oppor)Tj 13.89201 0.00001 TD (tunity to learn the)Tj -13.89201 -1.55557 TD [(information was available. F)20(or sayings that required)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (only general knowledge, W)Tj 11.25522 0.00001 TD (hite students scored)Tj -11.25522 -1.55556 TD (7)Tj 0.54198 0.00001 TD (2% while African American students scored 80%)Tj -0.54198 -1.55557 TD [(correct. T)20(he authors also showed that individual dif-)]TJ 0 -1.55556 TD (ferences in specific comprehension were significant-)Tj T* (ly related to individual differences in general com-)Tj T* (prehension, demonstrating that the two constructs)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD (are related.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 274.5009 565.3284 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.029 Tw [(T)82(est Bias in Measures of Intelligence)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 274.5009 551.3284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(Drs. F)20(agan and Holland also found evidence for test)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (bias in the assessment of understanding sayings,)Tj 0 -1.55556 TD [(analog)-21(ies, and similarities based on specific infor-)]TJ T* [(mation. T)20(his was tested by comparing two samples)]TJ T* [(of W)20(hite and African American students with equiv-)]TJ T* [(alent scores on the tests of sayings, analog)-21(ies and)]TJ T* (similarities based on specific knowledge. Although)Tj T* [(these g)-21(roups had the same score on measures of)]TJ T* (specific knowledge, the African American students)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD (had significantly higher scores than W)Tj 15.73292 0 TD (hite students)Tj -15.73292 -1.55556 TD (on the measures of general knowledge. T)Tj 17.42956 0 TD (his indi-)Tj -17.42956 -1.55556 TD (cates that the test for specific knowledge is biased)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD (against African American students and provides evi)Tj 21.24095 0 TD (-)Tj -21.24095 -1.55556 TD (dence for bias in intelligence tests based on knowl)Tj 21.21807 0 TD (-)Tj -21.21807 -1.55556 TD (edge of sayings, analog)Tj 9.77504 0 TD (ies and similarities. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 274.5009 327.3284 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.029 Tw (Evidence against Genetic Explanations for)Tj 0 -1.47369 TD (Differences in IQ Scores)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 274.5009 299.3283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(An impor)-21(tant theoretical and practical finding of this)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (work is that racial differences in IQ scores should)Tj T* (not be attributed to genetic differences between)Tj T* [(races. T)20(he research results suppor)-21(t the hypothesis)]TJ T* (that traditional IQ tests measure both intellectual)Tj 0 -1.55556 TD (ability and exposure to socially valued information.)Tj T* [(T)20(he findings fur)-21(ther suggest that the use of stan-)]TJ T* (dard IQ testing may lead to the misclassification of)Tj T* (individuals as deficient in intelligence when in fact)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD [(they have had less exposure to socially leg)-21(itimated)]TJ T* (information. T)Tj 5.676 0.00001 TD (o counteract this, Dr)Tj 8.42573 0 TD (. F)Tj 0.96692 0.00001 TD (agan proposes)Tj -15.06865 -1.55558 TD (considering traditional IQ scores as a measure of)Tj 0 -1.55555 TD (knowledge of culturally sanctioned information and)Tj 0 -1.55556 TD (considering tests of intelligence as processing as)Tj T* [(measures of intelligence per se. Dr)41(. F)19(agan\325s work)]TJ 0 -1.55555 TD (makes a compelling case for racial equality in intelli-)Tj T* (gence and for the reconsideration of the ways in)Tj 0 -1.55556 TD (which intelligence is assessed.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 404.2727 749.7799 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 Tc 0.026 Tw (schubert center for child studies)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 516.4153 749.7799 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F19 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 523.8054 749.7799 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.05 Tc 0.025 Tw (policy brief 10)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 0 7 -7 0 584.3327 54.9173 Tm /CS0 cs 0.6 scn 0.1147 Tc (F)Tj 0.62267 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD 0.0287 Tw ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (H)Tj 0.85567 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (A)Tj 0.72692 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78566 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (W)Tj 1.10967 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89766 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.70805 0 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43036 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72568 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (Y)Tj ET Q endstream endobj 17 0 obj << /Width 526 /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK /Filter/FlateDecode /Subtype/Image /Height 84 /Type/XObject /Length 22075 /BitsPerComponent 8 >> stream Xw|\y&zS0L F 6{H"bꍒ(H{dS|7Ǝz&m7N6}̙9s0`RyOӿ~d&U8 0`L<  0` `   0`U UXVse%B|Z+raV[ ,2kg?^߽)<6^:޽}O#~ğaO$  0`7H>ɰ?%;oo0`:~|1xU}Na |qxjo0` ` H00x 0`z Q 0`*M?y%x1x 0` Pia7#okU.YXzd2-w@uwz{SbGgd-ZzM#OO>t`#{;n^ضƧ}>Z+2WO?~d[={Q_xroM+tia{ݳA_. _ -_cFag6y9) a E(>m`)>g!ҩ.'h>3Vհ-"!3*j˲Գ6"&1J#.V-a 62_^tĈgnޑ^'xlj[_t7TY+ jmݭ=/b~nAzE{]2` #o~yg+I"~_msN-f-/t:'UG,g9,[PgR`A4h~a['ݢP6 Q ՜fiz2nHzkQ)6` o_-Amo|0BҢ-f-მQŀ/p|;,7W7 X1[ھrcpj͠NHpTy@K] ]=.ŊbpHgS >Osҥh% ҹ ;']e. o+*_?> 1 _9"KA~;U /-_ԐWJ %J잨S2>u bs^| ~sYbrހvw}pd2`0@mw.DLdu3lox I7Iw%1 &[K/zD:C*(邎!:4-RȬ /Wij0-ϲ^t x׾ѥ.:4` xCIx{趀b1,5fl L/9lኢ5s-X}8 6%'_Q$ ^:4Jk6s).+K9caezєtĈ. g DS O y9݋JVil[;  ?1;g}O2K7~ɀ0[c6r5]/Ju97١Zb&Re5-ee[H_nm, cv`Es 5OB~Kӓ+p^>X`ڡ^&jy8jd؛lV!߽EN >Oe1qԚA7]wT?mwl)mXLbA\ڏhoe{lʝ7o r}߾?bVv%(Z=7G߲K KFvn|Sfꫬ]+xJW~SX Vme/QG]ض{vx;11~rXqhc^'&3;̯˚m,o>rj_ޱ~pSy5 Fr)"/zcݳc>O\?M+i~sw=큋'giTcK7NLEaW7:] wu;f/5rmKwPu]J_>5=(iCw^_inj{1SGؘϑ]n9zЖlPwZ =NSN伙'kLww|l Nk"b)ePtDn(IiC K薜6ذf&Sܴ^M[|;>Qht5E敋 3|dۅ^9CaYℛo?o; ٔD<aP^B{kDY*y%뗪oXz%b, ԕ\"^ݓ׌_c"C-+5P=}P9}i[u!c^@\kO/!)<'13Gϰ[s)yãur e<=8D>=Hqp0`e-o෮U WU0KTN@ O N]R=ok%{"|tmW o?EIso!K9|]8}0C3: u%Xu~Y[o§!"3:{SyOSxǢ;$}JNMk o<6$!? 6.ͨB?b|D/ Pw`  Oc\R;#v1&y|4t-JݨKrK{y- YTZ;O鐃 B -%ESR ]h/RO3ձ$.xs ig xl54v ;*$;W0[ހ9eyCA{)nI*jA:I8DRjOMbRq iw|Z4 hTW`LjӥZ V% =F ArjZL Djt)#nc1MϩnI+;)~逸ʓƐsnU1k[Fcv MtCO=T&# _FF3_8/k(@S9a4VECL?pH[ta34~p?tkX4d5)z t6=o -2 3-ggMbiUDtK]J .'jStFvJWN E/Yy7t5TYe{Bp:ѕ[ΛSgmO2o{?fJCM9 }H>. 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Several studies have)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (examined whether providing poor children with high quality pre-)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (schooling early in life had the potential to raise their IQs.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 249.7556 600.4908 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.124 Tc [(7,)-124(8)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 258.2689 596.9283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (Results)Tj -24.59462 -1.44445 TD 0.029 Tw [(showed that par)-21(ticipation in preschool did result in a significant)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD [(increase in IQ scores. Most impor)-21(tantly)41(, interventions seem to pro-)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD [(duce small but lasting effects on IQ scores among children. W)20(hen)]TJ T* (we think of IQ as a measure of both a child\325s ability to process infor-)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD [(mation and the information which the child has been g)-21(iven to)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD (process, it makes sense that educational intervention leads to an)Tj T* (increase in IQ. )Tj 0 -2.33334 TD (Research such as this suggests that there is an imperative to provide)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (children with appropriate information. Providing information as soon)Tj T* (as possible, as often as possible, as long as possible, and as clearly)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (as possible will lead to more knowledge. More knowledge is reflect-)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD [(ed in a higher IQ score. IQ scores suffer when there is delay)41(, disrup-)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD (tion, or disorder in providing information to children. However)Tj 25.80312 0 TD (, less)Tj -25.80312 -1.44445 TD (knowledge caused by a lack of access to information does not mean)Tj T* (that a child is unable to process information. )Tj 0 -2.33333 TD (If we define intelligence as information processing and the IQ score)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (as knowledge, the possibility of culture-fair tests of intelligence based)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (on estimates of information processing arises. A practical application)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (of this research is that it may be possible to develop culture-fair tests)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (of intelligence that will allow basic intellectual abilities to be recog-)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (nized. Evidence that existing tests of knowledge may be biased)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD [(against cer)-21(tain g)-21(roups suggests that alternative measures are neces-)]TJ T* [(sary)41(. Additionally)40(, the inequality of educational achievement among)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (races in our country highlights a need for culture-fair tests of intelli-)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (gence. Disparities exist not only in scores on IQ tests but on other)Tj T* (tests of knowledge as well such as the SA)Tj 17.48893 -0.00001 TD (T)Tj 0.41819 -0.00001 TD [(, the GR)-21(E, and the A)20(CT)81(.)]TJ -17.90712 -1.44443 TD [(T)20(hese disparities influence educational decisions made on behalf of)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD (the child throughout their educational careers. At young ages, African )Tj 30.89808 49.44444 TD (American students are more likely to be identified as having a cogni-)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD [(tive delay or learning disability)41(. At older ages, basing admission to)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD -0.02 Tc (higher education on such test scores results in fewer African American)Tj T* 0 Tc [(students being elig)-21(ible for or admitted to colleges and universities.)]TJ 0 -2.33333 TD [(Dr)41(. F)19(agan has created tests of intelligence as processing which can)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD [(be used as early as infancy to identify cognitive streng)-21(ths and weak-)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD [(nesses. T)20(hese early tests, which make use of visual memory)40(, are)]TJ T* (predictive of IQ scores later in childhood, and provide evidence for)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (early intervention for children who fall at either end of the cognitive)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD [(spectrum. W)20(hile intelligence testing for very young children is some-)]TJ T* (what controversial, there is evidence to suggest that some deficits)Tj T* [(can be overcome if identified early and addressed appropriately)41(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 556.6058 514.4909 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (7)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 315 489.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(P)20(erhaps one of the most impor)-21(tant implications of this work is the)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (evidence it presents to counter the idea that racial differences in IQ)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD [(are based on genetic differences in intelligence. Instead, Dr)41(. F)19(agan\325s)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (theory of intelligence as processing provides policymakers and prac-)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (titioners with oppor)Tj 8.12309 0 TD (tunities to address the achievement gap through)Tj -8.12309 -1.44445 TD (the use of early interventions, culture fair testing and a new perspec-)Tj T* (tive on what constitutes intelligence.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 315 379.7097 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 376.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc -0.023 Tw [(Nisbett, R.E. \(2)20(005\). Heredity)40(, environment, and race differences in IQ: A Commentary on)]TJ 0 -1.48148 TD 0.029 Tw [(Rushton and Jensen \(2)20(005\). )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 404.1083 366.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw [(Psychology)41(, Public P)19(olicy and L)20(aw)40(,)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 506.095 366.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw [(1)41(1)-1(\()1(2)-1(\),)1( 3)19(02-3)20(1)40(0.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 315 359.7097 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 356.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.035 Tc -0.019 Tw [(Hedges, L., & Nowell, A. \(1)41(998\). Black\320W)19(hite test score convergence since 1)41(965. In A. Phillips)]TJ 0 -1.48148 TD -0.029 Tc 0 Tw ((Ed.), )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 335.9534 346.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.029 Tc -0.025 Tw (The Black-White test score gap)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 424.0594 346.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.029 Tc -0.025 Tw [(\(pp. 1)41(49\3201)40(8)41(1\). W)41(ashing)-21(ton, DC: Brookings Institution.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 315 339.7097 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (3)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 336.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw (Jensen, A. R. \(1)Tj 6.53451 0.00001 TD 0 Tw [(98)40(1\). )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 380.8103 336.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw (Straight talk ab)Tj 6.67157 0.00001 TD (out mental tests.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 476.0498 336.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw (New Y)Tj 2.75569 0.00001 TD [(ork: T)20(he F)19(ree Press.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 315 329.7097 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 326.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (T)Tj 0.46273 0 TD -0.018 Tc -0.029 Tw (he Civil Rights Project, UCL)Tj 11.33071 0.00001 TD (A. Racial inequity in special education: Executive summary for)Tj -11.79344 -1.48148 TD -0.058 Tc 0.029 Tw (federal policy makers. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.5 0 0 6.5 378.3866 316.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.058 Tc (http://www)Tj 4.73037 0.00001 TD (.civilrightsproject.ucla.edu/research/specialed/I)Tj 18.09043 0.00001 TD (DEA_paper02.php)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 315 309.7097 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 306.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (F)Tj 0.44149 0 TD -0.018 Tc 0.234 Tw [(agan, J. F)82(. & Holland, C.R. \( 2)19(002\). Equal oppor)-21(tunity and racial differences in IQ.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 296.9283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc (Intelligence,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 356.288 296.9283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw [(3)20(0, 3)19(6)41(1)40(-3)19(8)41(7)123(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 315 289.7097 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (6)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 286.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.014 Tw [(F)20(agan, J. F)81(. & Holland, C.R. \( 2)20(00)40(7\). Racial equality in intelligence: Predictions from a the-)]TJ 0 -1.48148 TD 0.029 Tw (ory of intelligence as processing. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 415.5987 276.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc (Intelligence,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 452.3867 276.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw [(3)20(5, 3)19(1)41(9-3)19(3)19(4.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 315 269.7097 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (7)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 266.9283 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.134 Tw [(Ramey)41(, C. T)81(., Lee, M. W)82(., & Burchinal, M. R. \(1)41(989\). Developmental plasticity and pre)-1(-)]TJ 0 -1.48148 TD 0.173 Tw [(dictability: consequences of ecolog)-21(ical change. In M. H. Bornstein, & N. R. Krasnegor)]TJ T* -0.032 Tw [((Eds.), Stability and continuity in mental development; behavioral and biolog)-21(ical perspec-)]TJ T* 0.029 Tw [(tives. Hillsdale, N)-21(J: Earlbaum.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 315 229.7097 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (8)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 319.5 226.9284 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc (Ramey)Tj 2.89224 0.00001 TD 0.114 Tw (, C. T)Tj 2.20781 0.00001 TD (., & Ramey)Tj 4.67809 0.00001 TD [(, S. L. \(1)41(998\). 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All Rights Reserved.Adobe Garamond is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Adobe Garamond Small Caps & Oldstyle FiguresAdobe Garamond 4DIVCFSU$OJMET}-;T$5{kI=ML;f[J[ؐÂ}~qglA>,9RjM\Z_ObT7b||\Duqߋ)} T>FweZYdiO:;Nfhɀа{qd@--5׋勭\TВKJcmkАhlkkl` $zFtFaz $p`Dr<F`xz $t`tЏdlkkld $zFNqk'}Lϯ=J]mn~kunntk $}t'.(dG1*j!Џdlkkli $zF=T5 YF`xzz $Vg|upgfbZQPYx{JzssxF`xzxÓ۴\0\ZS:SSxzJ״KP@ ?}( XInjk]jqXH_ү|Vg}vȋ˼ً^gMcpƥXhish&SXBSdr{(F֋{(n֋ ב  yXO  endstream endobj 31 0 obj << /CapHeight 660 /FontName/CCLPRG+AGaramond-RegularSC /Flags 34 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-183 -269 1099 851] /XHeight 676 /FontFile3 30 0 R /Ascent 715 /StemV 76 /Descent -255 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 32 0 obj << /Widths[696 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 481 501 573 448 0 0 610 286 0 0 422 0 579 0 0 0 486 374 468 550] /LastChar 117 /BaseFont/CCLPRG+AGaramond-RegularSC /Name/F2 /Encoding 29 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 67 /FontDescriptor 31 0 R >> endobj 33 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[102/f 111/o 114/r] >> endobj 34 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 1460 /Length1 1460 >> stream HMTBAS+LaFigura@"P     P 1998 [T-26] a digital type foundry 1110 N. 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All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle BookBerkeleyxx 7  endstream endobj 47 0 obj << /CapHeight 635 /FontName/LSJHVO+Berkeley-Book /Flags 34 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-86 -256 1062 841] /XHeight 712 /FontFile3 46 0 R /Ascent 705 /StemV 0 /Descent -246 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 48 0 obj << /Widths[259] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/LSJHVO+Berkeley-Book /Name/F6 /Encoding 45 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 47 0 R >> endobj 49 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 50 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 341 /Length1 341 >> stream COTSUM+Berkeley-Medium?.   # &2Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle MediumBerkeleyxx 7  endstream endobj 51 0 obj << /CapHeight 635 /FontName/COTSUM+Berkeley-Medium /Flags 34 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-93 -255 1083 842] /XHeight 712 /FontFile3 50 0 R /Ascent 705 /StemV 0 /Descent -246 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 52 0 obj << /Widths[259] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/COTSUM+Berkeley-Medium /Name/F7 /Encoding 49 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 51 0 R >> endobj 53 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 54 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 296 /Length1 296 >> stream PMGVTG+Formata-Light@"<   n{Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata LightFormata|Vi-ݣv Ɏ  endstream endobj 55 0 obj << /CapHeight 706 /FontName/PMGVTG+Formata-Light /Flags 34 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-105 -252 1279 936] /XHeight 798 /FontFile3 54 0 R /Ascent 774 /StemV 62 /Descent -230 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 56 0 obj << /Widths[292] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/PMGVTG+Formata-Light /Name/F8 /Encoding 53 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 55 0 R >> endobj 57 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 58 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 400 /Length1 400 >> stream RZVFVH+AGaramond-RegularSC@K   A>DPCopyright (c) 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Adobe Garamond is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Adobe Garamond Small Caps & Oldstyle FiguresAdobe Garamond$${(F֋{(n֋ ב  yXO  endstream endobj 59 0 obj << /CapHeight 660 /FontName/RZVFVH+AGaramond-RegularSC /Flags 34 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-183 -269 1099 851] /XHeight 676 /FontFile3 58 0 R /Ascent 715 /StemV 76 /Descent -255 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 60 0 obj << /Widths[250] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/RZVFVH+AGaramond-RegularSC /Name/F9 /Encoding 57 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 59 0 R >> endobj 61 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 62 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 383 /Length1 383 >> stream YMQPBH+LaFigura@"P      1998 [T-26] a digital type foundry 1110 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60622 USA T0323 ID#5092594 Designer: Jim Marcus/Gomiko All rights reserved.LaFigura "fJ_ O2A(yrztb O ub O2  _  TaO  endstream endobj 63 0 obj << /CapHeight 329 /FontName/YMQPBH+LaFigura /Flags 34 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-654 -444 896 550] /XHeight 357 /FontFile3 62 0 R /Ascent 329 /StemV 13 /Descent -372 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 64 0 obj << /Widths[113] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/YMQPBH+LaFigura /Name/F10 /Encoding 61 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 63 0 R >> endobj 65 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 66 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 312 /Length1 312 >> stream DKLBSF+Formata-MediumA [   n|Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata MediumFormata|VSw 7 7   endstream endobj 67 0 obj << /CapHeight 706 /FontName/DKLBSF+Formata-Medium /Flags 262178 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-127 -251 1291 967] /XHeight 798 /FontFile3 66 0 R /Ascent 782 /StemV 163 /Descent -247 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 68 0 obj << /Widths[292] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/DKLBSF+Formata-Medium /Name/F11 /Encoding 65 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 67 0 R >> endobj 69 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 70 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 309 /Length1 309 >> stream WWRKED+Formata-RegularAT   n}Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata RegularFormata|V\$y  Ԕ z  endstream endobj 71 0 obj << /CapHeight 706 /FontName/WWRKED+Formata-Regular /Flags 34 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-115 -250 1285 960] /XHeight 798 /FontFile3 70 0 R /Ascent 774 /StemV 105 /Descent -241 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 72 0 obj << /Widths[292] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/WWRKED+Formata-Regular /Name/F12 /Encoding 69 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 71 0 R >> endobj 73 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 74 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 310 /Length1 310 >> stream FVXTSS+StoneSans-SemiboldAG}^     y Copyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.Stone is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Stone Sans SemiboldStoneSans$PhD/ endstream endobj 75 0 obj << /CapHeight 700 /FontName/FVXTSS+StoneSans-Semibold /Flags 34 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-179 -250 1405 970] /XHeight 747 /FontFile3 74 0 R /Ascent 735 /StemV 0 /Descent -250 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 76 0 obj << /Widths[287] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/FVXTSS+StoneSans-Semibold /Name/F13 /Encoding 73 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 75 0 R >> endobj 77 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 78 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 342 /Length1 342 >> stream UBPXIV+Berkeley-Italic@   $!'3Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle ItalicBerkeley$$u{ 7  endstream endobj 79 0 obj << /CapHeight 635 /FontName/UBPXIV+Berkeley-Italic /Flags 98 /ItalicAngle -8 /FontBBox[-130 -260 1019 839] /XHeight 712 /FontFile3 78 0 R /Ascent 705 /StemV 0 /Descent -248 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 80 0 obj << /Widths[250] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/UBPXIV+Berkeley-Italic /Name/F14 /Encoding 77 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 79 0 R >> endobj 81 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 82 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 292 /Length1 292 >> stream AVYNGX+StoneSansAGW   y Copyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.Stone is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Stone SansStoneSans$PhD/ endstream endobj 83 0 obj << /CapHeight 700 /FontName/AVYNGX+StoneSans /Flags 34 /ItalicAngle 0 /FontBBox[-179 -250 1297 963] /XHeight 747 /FontFile3 82 0 R /Ascent 735 /StemV 0 /Descent -250 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 84 0 obj << /Widths[287] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/AVYNGX+StoneSans /Name/F15 /Encoding 81 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 83 0 R >> endobj 85 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] >> endobj 86 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 315 /Length1 315 >> stream LVQTBG+Formata-ItalicAVL   n|Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata ItalicFormatazVb#v  љ z  yXO  endstream endobj 87 0 obj << /CapHeight 706 /FontName/LVQTBG+Formata-Italic /Flags 98 /ItalicAngle -13 /FontBBox[-194 -253 1259 952] /XHeight 798 /FontFile3 86 0 R /Ascent 788 /StemV 105 /Descent -237 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 88 0 obj << /Widths[292] /LastChar 32 /BaseFont/LVQTBG+Formata-Italic /Name/F16 /Encoding 85 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 87 0 R >> endobj 89 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space 38/ampersand 40/parenleft/parenright 44/comma/hyphen/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/colon/semicolon 63/question 65/A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N/O/P/Q/R/S/T/U 87/W 89/Y 95/underscore 97/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y 165/bullet 208/endash 213/quoteright] >> endobj 90 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 9869 /Length1 9869 >> stream RWAXUH+Formata-RegularAT   &\n}Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 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All rights reserved.Stone is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Stone Sans SemiboldStoneSans'0$64/3&")587*:+^ad!Ul$"vz!^P P!zzz~*"*k7eX(0]](0Xe7k'W W'* &[GB,;Sb-4֢dfwY|U:3$vyw!P@S.R:EG.`0 c&-%%ujK;,?-.`T_X>ݱϳ;[uԋ2-9Zƴ汹vPPPH34$PI45v!M!tñ> endobj 96 0 obj << /Widths[287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 671 0 542 508 0 741 307 0 0 0 0 783 788 0 0 611 556 593 722 657 995 0 630] /LastChar 89 /BaseFont/UPEAWQ+StoneSans-Semibold /Name/F18 /Encoding 93 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 95 0 R >> endobj 97 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space 48/zero/one 98/b/c 101/e/f 105/i 108/l 111/o/p 114/r 121/y] >> endobj 98 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 1607 /Length1 1607 >> stream CPDEWM+Berkeley-Italic@   %!@$Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle ItalicBerkeley QPMJDZCSFGDfiE'{$=h ܆OP~EmV8@y͢,tpEdrpz<{=-8v@(7G#Dkʐͥq>yhYOx(x4L !AY3 !AܤBҖ0U6iBDv'wwـH~Lz{ Mq5-gϙzet|Ě%(fdtudtgϙzet|DËq>yhYvmpknw{x iiXpZB| uzQv'4-LӬ=wwЬ'kIK.Ctx|rxvvn_v>xh[P.V(0sf0dއKpP]$OWww .~J\bh703p?=C&Im ffyhYxB`־ᨓpsy}}=$.춴{v{oa'#0!0?ԲekXfXCx#=2͓{zayJ2wBKptv4egw3~xq|{zq|@Zm*wQ}B{Pe|svLptMd|m~{5*xںtM2:F,u/Q,u@UAGN!(3DN3Ku{ 7  endstream endobj 99 0 obj << /CapHeight 635 /FontName/CPDEWM+Berkeley-Italic /Flags 98 /ItalicAngle -8 /FontBBox[-130 -260 1019 839] /XHeight 712 /FontFile3 98 0 R /Ascent 705 /StemV 81 /Descent -248 /Type/FontDescriptor /StemH 0 >> endobj 100 0 obj << /Widths[250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 463 407 0 407 278 0 0 278 0 0 278 0 0 463 481 0 389 0 0 0 0 0 0 481] /LastChar 121 /BaseFont/CPDEWM+Berkeley-Italic /Name/F19 /Encoding 97 0 R /Type/Font /Subtype/Type1 /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 99 0 R >> endobj 101 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space 44/comma/hyphen/period 65/A/B 73/I 76/L 80/P 83/S/T 87/W 97/a/b/c/d/e 103/g/h/i 107/k/l/m/n/o/p 114/r/s/t/u 119/w 121/y] >> endobj 102 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 3934 /Length1 3934 >> stream LKGFOP+Formata-ItalicAVL   5%n|Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 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