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76.1287 694.851 l 75.8212 694.2857 75.134 694.0464 74.542 694.2979 c 73.9485 694.5507 73.6447 695.2109 73.8387 695.825 c 66.4387 672.395 l 66.2947 671.9359 66.4255 671.4342 66.777 671.1057 c 67.1285 670.7762 67.6375 670.6785 68.0855 670.8542 c 147.009 701.6832 l 146.4815 701.477 145.884 701.6502 145.5465 702.1067 c 145.214 702.562 145.2265 703.186 145.579 703.6277 c 140.6465 697.4619 l 140.759 697.6035 140.9015 697.7182 141.064 697.799 c 69.5382 662.0385 l 69.3235 661.9297 69.144 661.7624 69.0217 661.5549 c 63.1367 651.5977 l 62.7865 651.0032 62.983 650.238 63.5775 649.8862 c 64.172 649.5347 64.9385 649.7324 65.2902 650.3257 c f 38.4382 631.179 m 38.0525 688.0577 l 38.0538 687.7914 37.9707 687.5314 37.8145 687.3167 c 63.7117 723.0784 l 63.6507 722.9955 63.5813 722.9197 63.5017 722.8536 c 89.7835 744.8959 l 90.2707 745.3049 90.3732 746.0129 90.0227 746.5439 c 89.6725 747.0737 88.9802 747.257 88.414 746.9687 c 57.1992 731.0912 l 57.5705 731.2792 58.011 731.2704 58.375 731.0679 c 58.7387 730.8652 58.978 730.4955 59.012 730.0804 c 56.545 759.6762 l 56.4925 760.3074 55.9775 760.7994 55.345 760.8214 c 54.7115 760.8444 54.1622 760.3904 54.0645 759.7654 c 47.8987 720.3049 l 47.9292 720.4966 48.0037 720.6797 48.116 720.8384 c 35.7845 703.574 l 35.3842 703.0124 35.5135 702.2312 36.0762 701.8297 c 36.6377 701.4292 37.4178 701.5587 37.8195 702.1215 c 50.151 719.3845 l 50.2645 719.5432 50.339 719.7264 50.3682 719.918 c 56.5353 759.3797 l 56.4375 758.7547 55.887 758.3007 55.2548 758.3237 c 54.6225 758.3457 54.106 758.8376 54.0535 759.4687 c 56.5207 729.873 l 56.5547 729.4577 56.794 729.0867 57.1578 728.8852 c 57.5215 728.6815 57.9623 728.6742 58.3335 728.8622 c 89.548 744.7397 l 88.9802 744.4517 88.2882 744.6347 87.938 745.1647 c 87.5875 745.6945 87.69 746.4037 88.177 746.8124 c 61.8955 724.7692 l 61.8173 724.7032 61.7465 724.6274 61.6868 724.5444 c 35.7895 688.7827 l 35.6345 688.5667 35.5502 688.308 35.5525 688.0404 c 35.9383 631.1619 l 35.942 630.4709 36.506 629.9154 37.197 629.9205 c 37.8865 629.9254 38.442 630.4879 38.4382 631.179 c f 150.094 706.9712 m 150.094 706.9712 l 150.1365 707.0529 154.4165 715.1474 160.4215 719.0697 c 166.219 722.8562 173.574 720.9422 173.649 720.9227 c 173.0565 721.0814 172.669 721.6451 172.7315 722.2544 c 172.724 722.1762 171.8565 714.2369 167.054 709.7752 c 161.0665 704.2137 156.8115 705.4366 153.3915 706.4182 c 152.349 706.7174 151.3665 707.0004 150.4315 707.058 c 149.7415 707.1006 149.149 706.577 149.1065 705.8872 c 149.064 705.1987 149.589 704.6055 150.2765 704.5627 c 150.939 704.5224 151.754 704.2869 152.7015 704.0159 c 156.299 702.9819 161.734 701.4207 168.754 707.9442 c 174.259 713.0565 175.1815 721.6404 175.219 722.0042 c 175.279 722.6122 174.8915 723.1749 174.3015 723.3359 c 173.959 723.4287 165.8065 725.5747 159.054 721.1631 c 152.494 716.8784 148.064 708.4836 147.879 708.1285 c 147.559 707.5157 147.7965 706.7612 148.409 706.4414 c 149.0215 706.1229 149.7765 706.3597 150.094 706.9712 c f 77.2897 698.4995 m 77.2897 698.4985 77.2897 698.4985 y 77.308 698.5887 79.2232 707.5424 83.9352 712.9502 c 88.4848 718.1699 96.0835 718.33 96.1592 718.3312 c 95.5465 718.3224 95.0205 718.7594 94.9142 719.3627 c 94.9275 719.2857 96.2532 711.4097 92.845 705.8092 c 88.597 698.8292 84.1695 698.8487 80.6112 698.8635 c 79.5273 698.8682 78.5042 698.8719 77.59 698.6742 c 76.915 698.5277 76.4865 697.8624 76.633 697.1872 c 76.7795 696.5122 77.4448 696.0849 78.1197 696.2314 c 78.1197 696.2302 l 78.7667 696.3719 79.6163 696.3682 80.6003 696.3634 c 84.343 696.3474 89.9997 696.3229 94.9812 704.5102 c 98.8862 710.9262 97.4397 719.4395 97.3762 719.7985 c 97.2702 720.4001 96.744 720.8372 96.1325 720.8312 c 95.776 720.8275 87.3507 720.6737 82.0505 714.5932 c 76.904 708.6852 74.924 699.4017 74.8423 699.0087 c 74.7017 698.3334 75.1352 697.6707 75.8115 697.5302 c 76.4865 697.39 77.1493 697.8232 77.2897 698.4995 c f 92.0883 744.1257 m 92.087 744.1257 92.0883 744.1257 92.087 744.1257 c 92.1065 744.215 94.0217 753.1686 98.7337 758.5765 c 103.282 763.7974 110.881 763.9562 110.9567 763.9572 c 110.345 763.9487 109.819 764.3857 109.7115 764.9901 c 109.7262 764.912 111.052 757.0359 107.6437 751.4365 c 103.3957 744.4554 98.967 744.4749 95.4085 744.4907 c 94.3257 744.4957 93.3028 744.4992 92.3872 744.3015 c 91.7135 744.155 91.285 743.4897 91.4302 742.8147 c 91.5767 742.1396 92.242 741.7112 92.917 741.8577 c 93.5652 741.9982 94.4137 741.9944 95.3975 741.9907 c 99.1403 741.9749 104.797 741.9504 109.7787 750.1364 c 113.6837 756.5537 112.2373 765.0659 112.1737 765.4247 c 112.0675 766.0266 111.5415 766.4635 110.931 766.4575 c 110.5745 766.4537 102.148 766.3011 96.8478 760.2194 c 91.7012 754.3124 89.7225 745.028 89.6407 744.6359 c 89.4992 743.9597 89.9337 743.2982 90.6087 743.1564 c 91.285 743.0162 91.9467 743.4494 92.0883 744.1257 c f 56.9993 757.1555 m 56.9993 757.1555 l 56.9747 757.2435 54.5675 766.079 56.2727 773.0455 c 57.9195 779.7704 64.5992 783.3984 64.6665 783.435 c 64.1255 783.1469 63.458 783.2933 63.0855 783.7805 c 63.1332 783.7181 67.9257 777.3278 67.4668 770.7885 c 66.8942 762.6389 62.9513 760.6237 59.7835 759.0037 c 58.818 758.5117 57.9073 758.0454 57.1847 757.4485 c 56.6525 757.0092 56.578 756.2217 57.0175 755.6895 c 57.457 755.1572 58.2442 755.0817 58.7765 755.521 c 59.288 755.9434 60.0447 756.3304 60.9212 756.7784 c 64.2537 758.4812 69.2893 761.0544 69.9605 770.6139 c 70.4855 778.1078 65.295 785.0072 65.074 785.2966 c 64.703 785.7823 64.0352 785.9288 63.4957 785.6432 c 63.1807 785.4772 55.7637 781.4745 53.8447 773.64 c 51.982 766.0302 54.4833 756.8724 54.5907 756.4854 c 54.775 755.8202 55.4648 755.4319 56.13 755.6162 c 56.7952 755.8017 57.1847 756.4902 56.9993 757.1555 c f 27.9427 738.5815 m 27.9427 738.5815 l 27.9183 738.6692 25.511 747.5035 27.2165 754.4699 c 28.8645 761.1962 35.5428 764.8242 35.61 764.8608 c 35.0692 764.5714 34.4015 764.7191 34.0292 765.2062 c 34.0767 765.1427 38.868 758.7535 38.4103 752.2142 c 37.839 744.0634 33.895 742.0482 30.726 740.4294 c 29.7615 739.9365 28.851 739.4712 28.1283 738.8754 c 27.596 738.4349 27.5215 737.6474 27.961 737.1152 c 28.4005 736.5829 29.188 736.5074 29.72 736.9469 c 30.2315 737.3692 30.9885 737.7562 31.8637 738.2029 c 35.1962 739.9057 40.2327 742.4789 40.9042 752.0385 c 41.429 759.5334 36.2387 766.4318 36.0178 766.7224 c 35.6465 767.2081 34.979 767.3546 34.4393 767.069 c 34.1245 766.903 26.7075 762.9002 24.7885 755.0645 c 22.9257 747.4547 25.427 738.2982 25.5342 737.9124 c 25.7187 737.2472 26.4082 736.8577 27.0735 737.042 c 27.739 737.2277 28.127 737.916 27.9427 738.5815 c f -0.3435 757.2324 m -0.3435 757.2324 -0.3423 757.2324 v -0.3665 757.3204 -2.7738 766.1559 -1.0685 773.1225 c 0.5782 779.8474 7.2567 783.4752 7.3237 783.5118 c 6.783 783.2238 6.1152 783.3703 5.7443 783.8573 c 5.792 783.7951 10.5832 777.4047 10.1242 770.8654 c 9.5527 762.7147 5.6088 760.7004 2.441 759.0807 c 1.4767 758.5874 0.5647 758.1224 -0.1565 757.5267 c -0.6888 757.0872 -0.7645 756.2987 -0.3238 755.7664 c 0.1155 755.2342 0.903 755.1597 1.4352 755.5992 c 1.9467 756.0202 2.7022 756.4072 3.5787 756.8539 c 6.9113 758.5569 11.948 761.1302 12.618 770.6909 c 13.1442 778.1835 7.9525 785.0842 7.7315 785.3734 c 7.3605 785.8593 6.694 786.0058 6.1533 785.7202 c 5.8382 785.5541 -1.5788 781.5514 -3.4965 773.717 c -5.3605 766.1071 -2.8593 756.9492 -2.7518 756.5635 c -2.5662 755.8982 -1.8778 755.509 -1.2125 755.6932 c -0.5473 755.8787 -0.1578 756.5672 -0.3435 757.2324 c f Q Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 239.4173 728.4066 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (S)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 249.6744 728.4066 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc [(chuber)30(t)]TJ ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 324.5767 728.4066 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (C)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 338.7673 728.4066 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc (enter)Tj ET Q q BT /F1 1 Tf 71.998 0 0 72 396.2108 722.8328 Tm /CS1 cs 0.5 scn 0.009 Tc (for)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 422.6577 709.3832 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (C)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 436.8485 709.3832 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc (hild)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 18.999 0 0 19 479.7829 709.3832 Tm 0 0 0 0 k (S)Tj ET Q q BT /F0 1 Tf 17.999 0 0 18 490.0401 709.3832 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.051 Tc (tudies)Tj ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 36.9173 671.8868 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.026 Tw [(Policy Brief 1)104(3 | Februar)-6(y 2009)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 9.5 0 0 9.5 396.3206 671.8868 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.026 Tw [(A Series of Resear)20(ch and Policy Publications of)]TJ 3.32681 -1.26316 TD (The Schubert Center for Child Studies)Tj 4.11657 -1.26316 TD (College of Arts and Sciences)Tj -1.78021 -1.26316 TD [(Case W)85(ester)-12(n Reser)-10(ve University)]TJ ET /CS1 cs 0.3 scn 35.998 108 540.002 504 re f Q /GS2 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 19.999 0 0 20 63.9173 574.1843 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.017 Tc 0.029 Tw (Effects on Emotional and Behavioral Problems from )Tj 0 -1.05 TD (Early Childhood through Adolescence)Tj ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 63.9173 526.984 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Emotional and behavioral problems are a common concern)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (of parents. T)Tj 5.20692 0.00001 TD (he types of problems often differ by the age of)Tj -5.20692 -1.44445 TD (the child, and include a wide variety of issues such as con-)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD [(duct problems, agg)-21(ression, anti-social behavior)41(, anxiety)40(,)]TJ T* (depression, and substance use. Research indicates that emo-)Tj T* (tional and behavioral problems in early childhood tend to)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (continue into middle childhood and adolescence and may)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (predict later social and academic problems or other difficul)Tj 24.57172 0 TD (-)Tj -24.57172 -1.44445 TD (ties such as substance use.)Tj 0 -2.33334 TD (F)Tj 0.43798 0 TD [(ur)-21(thermore, emotional and behavioral problems tend to co-)]TJ -0.43798 -1.44445 TD (occur in children, and children who suffer from both are at)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (increased risk compared to children who suffer from either)Tj T* (emotional or behavioral problems alone. T)Tj 17.75239 0 TD (hese increased)Tj -17.75239 -1.44445 TD [(risks include substance use, high-risk sexual activity)41(, poor aca-)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (demic outcomes, and suicide. Y)Tj 13.26557 0 TD (outh suffering from co-occur-)Tj -13.26557 -1.44445 TD (ring emotional and behavioral problems are also more likely)Tj T* (to be involved with the mental health and juvenile justice)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (service systems.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 124.201 301.5465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 63.9173 276.984 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Because of the prevalence of emotional and behavioral disor-)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD [(ders and the seriousness of their effects, it is impor)-21(tant to)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (understand more about their prevention and treatment.)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (Research has shown that family relationships and parenting)Tj T* [(play a key role in children\325s development. F)20(amily processes,)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (in par)Tj 2.40461 0.00001 TD (ticular parent-child relationships, seem to be an impor)Tj 22.60386 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -25.00848 -1.44446 TD [(tant par)-21(t of the development of emotional and behavioral)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD (problems in young children and in predicting emotional and)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD [(behavioral disorders in later childhood and adolescence. F)20(or)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD (example, coercive social interactions within families have)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD [(been shown to suppor)-21(t the early development of problem)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD (behavior in the family setting,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 174.6614 137.5465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 180.1744 133.984 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (while parental monitoring of)Tj 14.98062 43.66667 TD [(children is impor)-21(tant for the prevention of behavioral prob-)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD 0 Tw (lems.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 334.8649 517.5465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (3)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 340.3779 513.984 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (However)Tj 3.66883 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw (, it has been demonstrated that parents tend)Tj -6.4886 -1.44445 TD (to decrease monitoring of children and adolescents who are)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (at highest risk and who are therefore most in need of super-)Tj T* [(vision. Additionally)41(, research suggests that youth with co-)]TJ T* [(occurring emotional and behavior problems are par)-21(ticularly)]TJ 0 -1.44445 TD (likely to experience substantially disrupted family relation)Tj 23.67813 0 TD (-)Tj -23.67813 -1.44445 TD 0 Tw (ships,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 336.0008 439.5465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 341.5138 435.984 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (and therefore may be par)Tj 10.78738 0 TD (ticularly likely to benefit from)Tj -13.73335 -1.44445 TD (intervention effor)Tj 7.1364 0 TD (ts designed to improve family functioning.)Tj -7.1364 -2.33334 TD (It is clear that family is an impor)Tj 13.43373 0 TD (tant focus for prevention and)Tj -13.43373 -1.44445 TD (treatment of emotional and behavioral problems among chil-)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (dren. In fact, interventions that target parenting have had the)Tj T* (most consistent success in addressing these disorders, and)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (studies suggest that parents of children with co-occurring)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (emotional and behavioral disorders are responsive to family-)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (focused interventions.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 4.5 0 0 4.5 397.0447 327.5465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 402.5577 323.984 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Since emotional and behavioral prob)Tj 15.41076 0 TD (-)Tj -25.13939 -1.44445 TD (lems in early childhood tend to predict problems in later)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (childhood and adolescence and later in life, interventions)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (aimed at families of young children hold potential for preven-)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (tion. Additionally parenting interventions, aimed at families of)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD (older children and adolescents, have been shown to have)Tj T* [(positive effects on parenting abilities, and subsequently)41(, on)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (youth mental health and substance use. )Tj 0 -2.33333 TD 0 Tw (However)Tj 3.66883 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw (, despite these positive results, there remains work)Tj -3.66883 -1.44445 TD (to be done to develop and implement such interventions so)Tj T* (that they can reach the largest number of families in need)Tj 0 -1.44444 TD (and have the broadest possible public health impact.)Tj 0 -1.44445 TD [(Researchers at Case W)20(estern Reserve University are doing)]TJ 0 -1.44444 TD (such work. )Tj ET 0.5 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 575.9985 36.25 m 35.9985 36.25 l S 575.9985 93.5 m 35.9985 93.5 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 6.141 0 0 6.141 36.9982 79.356 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.087 Tc 0.043 Tw [(TH)-21(E S)19(CH)-21(U)-21(B)-22(ERT CENTER FOR CH)-21(I)-21(LD S)19(TU)-20(DI)-22(E)20(S)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.1 0 0 7.1 187.0603 79.356 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.012 Tc 0.043 Tw (strives to bridge research, practice and policy and to promote educational initiatives across disciplines. Our focus is on children)Tj -21.13551 -1.39906 TD 0.029 Tw (and childhood from infancy through adolescence and in local, national, international and global contexts.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 359.3398 69.4227 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.056 Tc (PH)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.953 0 0 6.953 369.6046 69.4227 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(2)20(1)41(6.3)19(68.05)20(40)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 415.7149 69.9249 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 421.0218 69.4227 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.035 Tc (WEB)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.953 0 0 6.953 435.6682 69.4227 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(www)40(.case.edu/ar)-21(tsci/schuber)-21(t/)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 36.9982 56.5094 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.035 Tw (Jill E. K)Tj 2.82478 0.00001 TD (orbin, Ph.D.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 94.2064 56.5094 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.035 Tc (DI)Tj 1.00755 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (R)Tj 0.61761 0.00001 TD (E)Tj 0.53621 0.00001 TD 0.035 Tc (CT)Tj 1.11204 0.00001 TD 0.034 Tc (OR)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 125.8185 57.0115 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 131.1649 56.5094 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.035 Tw (Molly Irwin, M.P)Tj 6.42884 0.00001 TD -0.007 Tc 0 Tw (.H.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 187.78 56.5094 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.035 Tc (DI)Tj 1.00755 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (R)Tj 0.61761 0.00001 TD (E)Tj 0.53621 0.00001 TD 0.035 Tc (CT)Tj 1.11204 0.00001 TD 0.035 Tw [(OR, CH)-21(I)-21(LD POLICY I)-21(N)-21(ITIA)82(TIVE)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 292.4772 57.0115 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 297.8236 56.5094 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.035 Tw (Elizabeth Shor)Tj 5.86476 0.00001 TD (t, Ph.D.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 363.6198 56.5094 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.035 Tc (ASS)Tj 1.68881 0.00001 TD (OCIA)Tj 2.18121 0.00001 TD 0.035 Tw (TE DI)Tj 2.46008 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (R)Tj 0.61763 0.00001 TD 0.015 Tc 0 Tw [(EC)-20(T)41(O)-19(R)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 427.5985 57.0115 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 432.9449 56.5094 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.035 Tw (Eileen Anderson-Fye, Ed.D.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 514.667 56.5094 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.035 Tc (ASS)Tj 1.68884 0.00001 TD (OCIA)Tj 2.18119 0.00001 TD 0.035 Tw (TE DI)Tj 2.4601 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (R)Tj 0.61763 0.00001 TD 0.015 Tc 0 Tw [(EC)-20(T)41(O)-19(R)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 36.9982 46.5761 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.001 Tc 0.029 Tw (Jessica McRitchie)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 90.8647 46.5761 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.046 Tc [(ADM)-21(I)-21(N)-22(I)-21(S)19(TR)-21(A)81(T)61(OR)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 141.0258 47.0783 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 146.3327 46.5761 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.001 Tc 0.029 Tw [(Gayle Channing T)102(enenbaum, M.S.W)80(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 256.5807 46.5761 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.046 Tc [(C)19(ON)-21(S)-1(U)-22(L)102(T)81(ANT)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 297.7984 47.0783 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 303.1053 46.5761 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.001 Tc 0.029 Tw [(Donald F)19(reedheim, Ph.D.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 380.6602 46.5761 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.046 Tc 0.029 Tw [(FOU)-21(N)-22(DI)-21(NG DI)-21(R)-21(E)19(CT)61(OR)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 447.0803 47.0783 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.094 0 0 7.094 452.3872 46.5761 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.001 Tc 0.029 Tw [(Michelle McT)81(ygue)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 6.081 0 0 6.081 508.3437 46.5761 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.047 Tc (DESIGN)Tj /F6 1 Tf 1 0 0 1 -1000 1792 Tm 1 g -0.292 Tc ( )Tj /F7 1 Tf ( )Tj /F8 1 Tf -0.259 Tc ( )Tj /F9 1 Tf ( )Tj /F10 1 Tf -0.254 Tc ( )Tj /F11 1 Tf -0.00397 0 Td -0.113 Tc ( )Tj /F12 1 Tf -0.287 Tc ( )Tj /F13 1 Tf -0.292 Tc ( )Tj /F14 1 Tf ( )Tj /F15 1 Tf ( )Tj /F16 1 Tf -0.25 Tc ( )Tj /F17 1 Tf 0 Tc ( )Tj ET Q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /Width 87 /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK /Filter/DCTDecode /Subtype/Image /Height 122 /Type/XObject /Length 3692 /BitsPerComponent 8 >> stream JFIFAdobeeC  $, !$4.763.22:ASF:=N>22HbINVX]^]8EfmeZlS[]YC**Y;2;YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYzW"" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz?4J|<֊(R~.8͜dir`YpTŒJ|;`^ꊹ81ݽccq7(%T;qڔ?ݯ^WJ+w=jy}-u9;M:[P>_δrުYcQ=PYO~Mu[3Kleu>\E,),EYrE\ݙ\fơHYwVwrywM=ӥ]ьdtRr Pྲྀ*c&*ZKLg^*rpS98Kshڮ&rco#GZ3E3 (4xWvFc(7[)3Zm`Y\ 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0 0 8.75 144.9154 497.152 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (T)Tj 0.48022 0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw [(he F)20(amily Check-Up is a brief intervention that)]TJ -0.48022 -1.45716 TD -0.006 Tc (assesses family context and parenting practices. Unlike)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD 0 Tc (many other interventions, it is tailored to each fami-)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (ly\325s individual needs which are determined collabora)Tj 21.92749 0 TD (-)Tj -21.92749 -1.45715 TD (tively with the family)Tj 8.52558 0 TD (. T)Tj 1.00915 0 TD (he F)Tj 1.82211 0 TD (amily Check-Up is based)Tj -11.35685 -1.45716 TD (on a health maintenance model, which emphasizes)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD (periodic contact with families, and aims to motivate)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (families to engage with services and enact changes)Tj T* (in behavior)Tj 4.59352 0 TD (. T)Tj 1.00915 0 TD (he F)Tj 1.82211 0 TD (amily Check-Up has been used)Tj -7.42479 -1.45715 TD -0.006 Tc (with several populations, including families with young)Tj T* 0 Tc (children in the Early Steps Project, and families with)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD -0.018 Tc (young adolescents in the Adolescent T)Tj 15.44327 0 TD (ransitions Project.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 144.9154 331.402 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.058 Tc (TH)Tj 1.34526 0 TD 0.029 Tw (E EAR)Tj 2.92496 0 TD 0 Tc (L)Tj 0.43424 0 TD 0.058 Tc [(Y S)20(TEP)-21(S P)-21(ROJ)-22(E)20(CT)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 144.9154 314.652 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(In an ongoing multi-site collaborative study)41(, Dr)40(. Connell)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD (and colleagues have been examining the effectiveness)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD 0 Tc (of the F)Tj 3.22726 0.00001 TD (amily Check-Up among low-income families)Tj -3.22726 -1.45715 TD (with young children enrolled in the W)Tj 15.76264 0.00001 TD (omen, Infants)Tj -15.76264 -1.45715 TD [(and Children Nutrition Prog)-21(ram (WIC). F)20(amilies were)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD (recruited when children were two years old. Children)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD (were considered to be at-risk for behavioral and/or)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (emotional difficulties on the basis of socio-demo-)Tj (g)' 0.49975 0.00001 TD (raphic, family)Tj 5.44554 0.00001 TD (, or child risk factors. )Tj -5.94529 -2.37145 TD [(In this study)41(, half of the children were randomly)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD -0.012 Tc (selected to receive the F)Tj 9.95565 -0.00001 TD (amily Check-Up, and half were)Tj -9.95565 -1.45714 TD 0 Tc [(not. T)20(he researchers followed up with the children at)]TJ T* [(ages three, four)41(, and five years to analyze conduct)]TJ T* (and internalizing problems, which are markers of)Tj T* (behavioral and emotional disorders. Early results, col)Tj 21.88648 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -21.88648 -1.45715 TD (lected by way of observations of family interactions)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD [(and through parental self-repor)-21(t, indicate that par)-21(tici-)]TJ T* (pation in the F)Tj 6.06863 0.00001 TD (amily Check-Up led to improvements)Tj -6.06863 -1.45715 TD (in early parenting behaviors such as positive rein)Tj 20.33468 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -20.33468 -1.45715 TD (forcement, attentive involvement, structuring and)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (prompting. In turn, these improved parenting behav)Tj 21.63844 0.00001 TD (-)Tj 2.94254 52.85429 TD (iors led to reductions in early emotional and behav-)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD [(ioral problems among young children in the study)41(. )]TJ 0 -2.37143 TD (Subsequent analyses revealed that youth with co-)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD -0.018 Tc (occurring emotional and behavioral problems appeared)Tj T* 0 Tc [(to benefit the most from the family intervention. F)20(or)]TJ 0 -1.45715 TD (these multi-problem youth, results demonstrated that)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD 0 Tw (par)Tj 1.3337 0 TD 0.029 Tw (ticipation in the F)Tj 7.19311 0 TD (amily Check-Up increased the)Tj -8.52681 -1.45715 TD (likelihood that a child would transition from being)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD -0.018 Tc (classified as having co-morbid emotional and behavioral)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD 0 Tc (difficulties to being classified as normal by the time)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD [(they reached four years of age. T)20(he results suggest)]TJ T* [(that the F)20(amily Check-Up has an effect on improving)]TJ T* -0.012 Tc (parenting skills in high-risk families, which in turn yields)Tj T* 0 Tc (benefits for youth, reducing the likelihood of develop)Tj 22.17031 0 TD (-)Tj -22.17031 -1.45715 TD (ing early emotional and/or behavioral problems. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 359.999 302.1271 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.058 Tc 0.029 Tw [(TH)-21(E ADOLES)19(CENT TR)-21(AN)-21(SITION)-21(S P)-21(ROGR)-21(AM)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 359.999 285.3771 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(T)20(he Adolescent T)103(ransitions Prog)-22(ram is a multi-level)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD (intervention that uses the F)Tj 11.41359 0.00001 TD (amily Check-Up and is)Tj -11.41359 -1.45715 TD (designed to target parenting factors that affect the)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (development of emotional and behavioral disorders)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD (in young adolescents. T)Tj 9.84123 0.00001 TD (he prog)Tj 3.25983 0.00001 TD (ram is designed to be)Tj -13.10105 -1.45716 TD (implemented in a middle school setting. Y)Tj 17.65565 0.00001 TD (outh in this)Tj -17.65565 -1.45715 TD [(age g)-21(roup are in an impor)-21(tant transition period for)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD (social and emotional development, and are at height)Tj 22.14371 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -22.14371 -1.45715 TD (ened risk for a range of problems including conduct)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (problems, substance use behaviors, and depression.)Tj (T)' 0.45692 0.00001 TD -0.023 Tc (he intervention design was adaptive in nature, meaning)Tj -0.45692 -1.45715 TD 0 Tc (that it was tailored to the individual needs of each)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD -0.018 Tc [(family)41(. As shown in )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F19 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 430.3329 132.3771 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw (Figure 1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 459.6234 132.3771 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw (, the intervention consisted)Tj -11.38565 -1.45714 TD 0 Tc (of three levels: )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 416.7502 119.6271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1\))Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 427.2225 119.6271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (a resource center available to all)Tj -7.68269 -1.45714 TD -0.006 Tc 0 Tw (families, )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 391.8087 106.8771 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc (2\))Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 402.1368 106.8771 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw [(the F)20(amily Check-Up, a three session inter)-1(-)]TJ -4.81575 -1.45714 TD 0 Tc (vention in which families collaborate with a therapist)Tj T* 0 Tw (to )Tj 1.13415 0.00001 TD -0.006 Tc 0.029 Tw (explore the services that would suppor)Tj 15.99379 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (t)Tj 0.58634 0.00001 TD (the family)Tj 4.07133 0.00001 TD (,)Tj -21.7856 -1.45717 TD 0 Tw (and )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 376.483 68.6271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (3\))Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 386.9553 68.6271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(the Adolescent T)103(ransitions Prog)-21(ram, a 1)40(2 ses-)]TJ -3.08072 -1.45714 TD [(sion prog)-21(ram designed to improve parenting s)23(k)23(i)23(l)23(l)23(s)23(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 9.25 0 0 9.25 144.9173 639.7026 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(D)1(r)41(. Arin Connell is an Assistant Professor of Psycholog)-21(y at Case W)20(estern Reserve University)40(. His)]TJ 0 -1.94595 TD (research interests include the causes and prevention of emotional and behavioral disorders among)Tj T* (children and adolescents. He is using research to develop interventions for at-risk children and)Tj T* [(youth. In par)-21(ticular)40(, his work has focused on refining our understanding of family processes related)]TJ T* (to the risk for depression in youth, and on developing a family-focused intervention for depressive)Tj T* (disorders in youth.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 23.999 0 0 24 144.9173 675.1667 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.011 Tc 0.026 Tw [(Focus on Resear)20(ch)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 16 0 0 16 326.0627 675.1667 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.026 Tw [(at Case W)85(ester)-12(n Reser)-10(ve University)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 36.9173 542.0989 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw (Arin M. Connell, Ph.D.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 36.9173 527.0989 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Assistant Professor )Tj 0 -1.46666 TD [(of Psycholog)-21(y)]TJ 0 -2 TD [(College of Ar)-21(ts and)]TJ 0 -1.46666 TD 0 Tw (Sciences )Tj 0 -2 TD 0.029 Tw (Case W)Tj 3.1546 0 TD 0 Tw (estern )Tj -3.1546 -1.46667 TD 0.029 Tw (Reserve University)Tj ET 36 560.785 62.374 87.215 re f q 36 560.785 62.374 87.215 re W n /GS2 gs q 62.7401 0 0 87.577 35.79 560.626 cm /Im2 Do Q Q /CS0 cs 1 scn -18 756 684 54 re f q -18 756 684 54 re W n /GS2 gs q -612.78851 0 0 36.53772 612.3945 755.7589 cm /Im3 Do Q Q Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F21 1 Tf 0 7 -7 0 33.0613 45.9269 Tm /CS0 cs 0.6 scn 0.1147 Tc (F)Tj 0.62267 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD 0.0287 Tw ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (H)Tj 0.85567 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (A)Tj 0.72694 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78566 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (W)Tj 1.10967 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89766 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.70804 0 TD (V)Tj 0.77167 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43036 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72568 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (Y)Tj ET Q endstream endobj 15 0 obj << /Width 76 /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK /Filter/DCTDecode /Subtype/Image /Height 51 /Type/XObject /Length 920 /BitsPerComponent 8 >> stream JFIFAdobeeC  $, !$4.763.22:ASF:=N>22HbINVX]^]8EfmeZlS[]YC**Y;2;YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY3L"" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz?*LQ^'jJvi(SiJ;ҞQE ER{QAz{@ҏҁɣ)>R掴QK@ QE&haILjњ=GJS֐õh9JZ-74Ki(>斒Pi -0K'z)3GRR4RvZ(J(Ru{QҔнh4/Z(=)})Դq/lihIڗ}){zQޒJi&zPMփIޝozu4 _JBy !_ endstream endobj 16 0 obj << /Width 313 /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK /Filter/FlateDecode /Subtype/Image /Height 177 /Type/XObject /Length 9689 /BitsPerComponent 8 >> stream Xwp DDo{߂{ERE,IV;ի8qι;g&d&3#3g& 2Pic=XW~$gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&33seee}}e8p ѣ+**VUUT;viem}Cp(9osyؚ |~1@QQ>v~8Ϭo7;r52w^^^ơC2s+++7-DYLR)en1C69f5^k6dfVn6hڬWk-jPlFa8&emcՆ6]G1Bx85vQcekѫuƬרϨ[Ll2R!J%:|ttt>ZS~s/#Ac,X^.))Gs1Y3:22ŸX\\. iR&5jUHi*fg)%\hHL*Q)4ȗz2~^vt ]la2~毒I<+ԺuzqRQ)4'i٤SpqߖpTҠRHŒe̒?0? 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Connell and)Tj -9.45749 -1.45715 TD (colleagues have been examining the)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (long-term effects of the Adolescent)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.38555 0 TD -0.012 Tc (ransitions Prog)Tj 5.93925 0 TD (ram, delivered in three)Tj -6.3248 -1.45715 TD (urban middle-schools. A total of 998)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (students were randomly assigned in 6th)Tj 0 Tc (g)' 0.48809 0 TD -0.012 Tc (rade to a three-stage family-centered)Tj -0.48809 -1.45715 TD (intervention prog)Tj 6.89615 0 TD (ram, described above.)Tj -6.89615 -1.45715 TD [(T)102(eens and their families have been fol-)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD (lowed long)Tj 4.51658 0 TD [(itudinally from 6th g)-21(rade)]TJ -4.51658 -1.45715 TD (through young adulthood \(teens are)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD [(currently aged 2)20(2\). W)19(hile the families of)]TJ 0 -1.45715 TD (all students randomly assigned to inter-)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD [(vention had the oppor)-21(tunity to receive)]TJ 0 -1.45715 TD [(the F)20(amily Check-Up, high-risk students)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD (were identified through a school-based)Tj T* (screening assessment, and their parents)Tj T* [(were par)-21(ticularly encouraged to par)-21(tici-)]TJ 18.44446 34.42858 TD [(pate in the F)20(amily Check-Up. In a series)]TJ 0 -1.45715 TD [(of analyses, Dr)41(. Connell and colleagues)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD (have found that adolescents whose)Tj T* [(parents par)-21(ticipated in the intervention)]TJ T* [(showed less g)-21(row)-21(th in substance use)]TJ 0 -1.45715 TD [(and problem behaviors from ages 1)41(1)40(-)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD [(1)41(7)123(. Specifically)41(, the youth showed less)]TJ T* (alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use and)Tj T* (decreased chances of substance abuse)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD (diagnosis and police records of arrest. )Tj 0 -2.37143 TD [(F)20(or a subset of 1)40(06 high-risk students)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD [(in this study)41(, Dr)40(. Connell and colleagues)]TJ T* (were also able to examine the possible)Tj T* -0.018 Tc (impact of the F)Tj 6.07738 0 TD (amily Check-Up interven)Tj 9.80445 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -15.88183 -1.45715 TD -0.012 Tc (tion on the development of symptoms)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (of depression across early adolescence.)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD (Results demonstrated that the interven-)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD (tion led to a significant reduction in)Tj 0 -1.45715 TD (depressive symptoms of youth over the)Tj 0 -1.45714 TD [(three years of the study p)6(e)6(r)6(i)6(o)6(d)6(.)6( )6(T)26(h)6(i)6(s)]TJ 0 -1.45715 TD -0.018 Tc [(suggests that improvements)-310(i)-6(n)-6( )-6(p)-6(a)-6(r)-6(e)-6(n)-6(t)-6(-)]TJ 0 -1.45714 TD -0.012 Tc [(youth relationships can have p)11(o)11(s)11(i)11(t)11(i)11(v)11(e)]TJ T* -0.023 Tc (effects for youths\325 mental health.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 377.6954 518.279 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 382.1954 515.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0036 Tc (M)Tj 0.85042 -0.00001 TD -0.004 Tc 0.029 Tw (iller, T. R. (2004). The social costs of adoles)Tj 19.31691 0.00002 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -20.16732 -1.48149 TD -0.0031 Tc (c)Tj 0.45487 -0.00001 TD -0.003 Tc (ent problem behavior. In A. Biglan, P. A.)Tj -0.45487 -1.48147 TD -0.0015 Tc (B)Tj 0.62347 -0.00001 TD -0.002 Tc (rennan, S. L. Foster, & H. D. Holder (Eds.),)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 382.1954 485.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Helping adolescents at risk: Prevention of)Tj 0 -1.48148 TD -0.023 Tc (multiple problem behaviors.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 465.1074 475.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.027 Tc 0.029 Tw (New York: Guilford.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 377.6954 465.279 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 382.1954 462.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0024 Tc (P)Tj 0.58064 -0.00001 TD -0.002 Tc 0.029 Tw (atterson, G. R., Reid, J. B., & Dishion, T. J.)Tj -0.58063 -1.48147 TD -0.006 Tc 0 Tw ((1992). )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 406.7122 452.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Antisocial boys.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 455.3107 452.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Eugene, OR: Castalia.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 377.6954 442.279 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (3)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 382.1954 439.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0024 Tc (D)Tj 0.70559 -0.00001 TD -0.002 Tc 0.029 Tw (ishion, T., Nelson, S., & Bullock, B. (2004).)Tj -0.70559 -1.48147 TD -0.001 Tc (Premature adolescent autonomy: Parent dis)Tj 19.6538 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -19.6538 -1.48148 TD (engagement and deviant peer process in the)Tj T* -0.001 Tc (amplification of problem behavior. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 488.2846 409.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Journal of)Tj -15.71692 -1.48148 TD -0.002 Tc 0 Tw (Adolescence,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 423.2983 399.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.022 Tc 0.029 Tw (27, 515-530.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 377.6954 389.279 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 382.1954 386.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.002 Tc 0.029 Tw (Thomas, J., & Guskin, K. (2001). Disruptive)Tj 0 -1.48148 TD -0.001 Tc (behavior in young children: What does it)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (mean? )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 404.3343 366.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.001 Tc 0.029 Tw (Journal of the American Academy of)Tj -3.27984 -1.48148 TD -0.002 Tc (Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 474.7767 356.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.002 Tc 0.029 Tw (40, 44-51.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 3.5 0 0 3.5 377.6954 346.279 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 382.1954 343.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.004 Tc 0.029 Tw (Beauchaine, T. P., Webster-Stratton, C., & Reid,)Tj 0 -1.48148 TD -0.001 Tc [(M. J. (2005). Mediators, moderators, and pre)-1(-)]TJ T* (dictors of 1-year outcomes among children)Tj T* 0 Tc (treated for early-onset conduct problems: )Tj T* 0.001 Tc (A latent growth curve analysis. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 476.3927 303.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw (Journal of)Tj -13.95515 -1.48148 TD -0.03 Tc (Consulting and Clinical Psychology,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 484.2531 293.4977 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.044 Tc 0.029 Tw (73, 371-388.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 404.2727 749.7799 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 Tc 0.026 Tw (schubert center for child studies)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 516.4153 749.7799 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (|)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F22 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 523.8054 749.7799 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.05 Tc 0.025 Tw (policy brief 13)Tj ET /CS0 cs 1 scn -630 756 684 54 re f q -630 756 684 54 re W n /GS2 gs q -54.49329 0 0 36.53772 54.2614 755.7589 cm /Im4 Do Q Q Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F21 1 Tf 0 7 -7 0 583.5733 46.0291 Tm /CS0 cs 0.6 scn 0.1147 Tc (F)Tj 0.62267 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD 0.0287 Tw ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (O)Tj 0.90267 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72567 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78567 0 TD (H)Tj 0.85567 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (A)Tj 0.72694 0.00001 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (C)Tj 0.78566 0 TD (A)Tj 0.78167 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (W)Tj 1.10967 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89766 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43035 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72566 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.70804 0.00001 TD (V)Tj 0.77167 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD ( )Tj 0.43036 0 TD (U)Tj 0.83667 0 TD (N)Tj 0.89767 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (V)Tj 0.77168 0 TD (E)Tj 0.65667 0 TD (R)Tj 0.72568 0 TD (S)Tj 0.67067 0 TD (I)Tj 0.42167 0 TD (T)Tj 0.70767 0 TD (Y)Tj ET /CS1 cs 0.3 scn 63.23 549.7399 224.77 127.221 re f q 63.23 549.7399 224.77 127.221 re W n /GS2 gs q 225.4153 0 0 127.6919 62.903 549.5071 cm /Im5 Do Q Q /CS0 cs 1 scn 54 45.002 467.999 143.998 re f Q /GS2 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 68.4173 172.0706 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.017 Tc 0.029 Tw [(F)19(or More Information on Dr)62(. Connell\325s work see:)]TJ ET Q q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 68.6341 158.0706 Tm 0 0 0 0 k -0.001 Tc 0.029 Tw [-680(Connell, Arin, Bernadette Marie Bullock, Thomas J. Dishion, Daniel Shaw, Melvin Wilson and Frances Gardner. (2008). Family Intervention)]TJ 1.01204 -1.48148 TD (Effects on Co-occurring Early Childhood Behavioral and Emotional Problems: A Latent Transition Analysis Approach. )Tj ET Q q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 425.7157 148.0706 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.029 Tw (Journal of Abnormal Child)Tj -51.88894 -1.48148 TD -0.004 Tc 0 Tw (Psychology,)Tj ET Q q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 112.3332 138.0707 Tm 0 0 0 0 k -0.015 Tc 0.029 Tw (36(2): 1211-1225.)Tj -6.47394 -1.48148 TD -0.001 Tc [-680(Connell, Arin and Thomas J. Dishion. (2008). Reducing Depression Among At-Risk Early Adolescents: Three-Year Effects of a Family-Centered)]TJ 1.01204 -1.48148 TD (Intervention Embedded Within Schools. )Tj ET Q q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 196.8784 118.0706 Tm 0 0 0 0 k -0.002 Tc 0.029 Tw (Journal of Family Psychology,)Tj ET Q q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 287.6125 118.0706 Tm 0 0 0 0 k -0.009 Tc 0.029 Tw (22(3): 574-585.)Tj -32.44125 -1.48148 TD 0 Tc Tj 1.01204 0.00001 TD -0.001 Tc (Connell, Arin M., Thomas J. Dishion, Miwa Yasui, and Kathryn Kavanagh. (2007). An Adaptive Approach to Family Intervention: Linking)Tj 0 -1.48149 TD 0 Tc (Engagement in Family-Centered Intervention to Reductions in Adolescent Problem Behavior. )Tj ET Q q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 356.5198 98.0706 Tm 0 0 0 0 k -0.001 Tc 0.029 Tw (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,)Tj ET Q q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 75.4654 88.0706 Tm 0 0 0 0 k -0.01 Tc 0.029 Tw (75(4): 568-579.)Tj -1.01204 -1.48148 TD -0.002 Tc [-681(Dishion, Thomas J., Daniel Shaw, Arin Connell, Frances Gardner, Chelsea Weaver, and Melvin Wilson. (2008). The Family Check-Up With High-)]TJ 1.01204 -1.48148 TD 0 Tc (Risk Indigent Families: Preventing Problem Behavior by Increasing Parents\325 Positive Behavior Support in Early Childhood. )Tj ET Q q BT /F20 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 441.1246 68.0706 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.029 Tw (Child Development,)Tj ET Q q BT /F18 1 Tf 6.75 0 0 6.75 75.4654 58.0706 Tm 0 0 0 0 k -0.014 Tc 0.029 Tw (79(5): 1395-1414.)Tj ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 5.6 0 0 5.6 54.9038 539.0782 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.0582 Tc (F)Tj 0.57915 -0.00001 TD 0.058 Tc 0.029 Tw (igure 1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.144 0 0 8.144 92.0353 688.2928 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.058 Tc (A)Tj 0.66197 -0.00001 TD 0.029 Tw [( M)-21(U)-21(L)102(TI-LEVEL MODEL FOR P)61(AR)-21(ENTI)-21(NG )]TJ -2.13544 -1.1333 TD [(I)-21(NTERVENTION)-21(S WITH)-21(I)-22(N A S)20(CHOOL E)20(C)19(OL)40(OG)20(Y)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 5.429 0 0 5.429 136.3691 619.5109 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.029 Tc 0.029 Tw [(F)62(AM)-22(I)-21(L)103(Y CH)-21(E)19(CK-U)-21(P \(SELE)20(CTED\))]TJ ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 7.058 0 0 7.058 142.9953 604.1327 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.029 Tw [(F)20(amily Appraisal and)]TJ -0.34382 -1 TD -0.0001 Tc (M)Tj 0.85387 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (otivation for Change)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 5.429 0 0 5.429 122.3377 580.3442 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.058 Tc 0.029 Tw [(F)61(AM)-21(I)-21(L)102(Y R)-21(ES)20(OU)-21(RCE ROOM \(U)-21(N)-21(IVER)-21(SAL\))]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 7.601 0 0 7.601 99.1363 566.8398 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.029 Tw (Norm-Setting and Information Dissemination)Tj ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 5.972 0 0 5.972 127.4272 553.7703 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.087 Tc 0.029 Tw [(SIZE OF POP)-21(U)-21(L)-22(A)82(TION AF)-21(F)-21(E)19(CTED)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 0 5.972 -5.972 0 64.0822 605.1069 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.0873 Tc (L)Tj 0.54526 0 TD (E)Tj 0.60826 0 TD (V)Tj 0.62925 0 TD (E)Tj 0.60826 0 TD (L)Tj 0.54526 0 TD 0.0292 Tw ( )Tj 0.40846 0 TD (O)Tj 0.81626 0 TD (F)Tj -8.16486 -1.00002 TD 0 Tc (P)Tj 0.65037 0 TD 0.087 Tc (R)Tj 0.64903 0 TD (O)Tj 0.81603 0 TD (F)Tj 0.56639 0 TD 0.0873 Tc (E)Tj 0.6083 0 TD (S)Tj 0.6083 0 TD (S)Tj 0.6083 0 TD (I)Tj 0.3163 0 TD (O)Tj 0.8163 0 TD (N)Tj 0.7753 0 TD (A)Tj 0.6493 0 TD (L)Tj 0.5453 0 TD ( )Tj 0.4085 0 TD (S)Tj 0.6083 0 TD (U)Tj 0.77539 0 TD 0 Tc (P)Tj 0.65037 0 TD 0.0872 Tc (P)Tj 0.62915 0 TD (O)Tj 0.81615 0 TD (R)Tj 0.62966 0 TD 0 Tc (T)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 5.429 0 0 5.429 126.9906 662.2266 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (F)Tj 0.47554 -0.00001 TD 0.058 Tc 0.029 Tw [(AM)-21(I)-22(L)103(Y I)-21(NTERVENTION \(I)-21(N)-21(DIC)-21(A)81(TED\))]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 7.058 0 0 7.058 134.3669 645.0356 Tm 0 0 0 0 k -0.0002 Tc (D)Tj 0.70782 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.029 Tw [(irect Suppor)-21(t for Change)]TJ ET /CS1 cs 1 scn 61.196 638.265 1.524 22.891 re f 59.4736 659.4033 m 61.9506 664.4117 l 64.4452 659.404 l f* 61.196 561.8289 1.524 38.078 re f 228.5871 555.0031 41.569 1.5251 re f 268.4207 558.2473 m 273.4283 555.7697 l 268.4199 553.2757 l f* 81.1607 555.0032 41.569 1.524 re f 82.8984 553.282 m 77.8899 555.759 l 82.8977 558.2537 l f* /GS1 gs 1 w 0 0 0 1 K 283.658 547.243 m 54 547.243 l S /GS2 gs /CS0 CS 1 SCN 283.658 675.372 m 54 675.372 l S Q endstream endobj 18 0 obj << /Width 263 /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK /Filter/FlateDecode /Subtype/Image /Height 42 /Type/XObject /Length 8937 /BitsPerComponent 8 >> stream X]wt\We4f4MSԋUnIVn^$q$qRH'6Ip؄]g g/`P٥%̛&`E޹}VX.ѫ=䲑6$'9I ?DX-([F S:zb=.']dxK O3WGq[a҂Ɔ?G&}&0 6x[Kڋ(E#rnVrtHt8BU;w0shKI#MA1 hqu%3MاG7R뎑}-Kɡk+:b ;,>sA ?Dž9sQo<[>Će<[O?Я9E{x d9}( I&-+f`h τT/$Μ{Jq]M.bS+֌y&?"8'\cEmy(ᇯU>]1C΂z|}7nܺMˤMݳo|PkN{F,}!y70i9} ǮSNT\}zVv81;m w?=!^; 0NfoVVh3%tp8\E ŅKߋ+>q;Qlug,n\m,FSk(Đbt2;|\?W5ĔN:ςB8bB]c a5_fxWK!;Rlj~O)u@C9q`*^a/y ?o覈Ć"ן0ƓEGh#_ ~2. d)N/VݵgYӮo۹և90"^ǐ0v3 }GC3Nc(<L=%~=yģ'vMP9zVJd {-6H[KƆL'+n_=pfUS6Ņcƈ]>ܧ:e†`anN1pQн7OBW\ ¼f,>#zOU?#:NιϘ"_ӫ=~.fȄ Ѡ12gKƼEjof#IqHrg 2ƒX"6 bCrh&{bI@8Mk٣Q6Lt޸7 F\ cn3[+0`Cbj=1͸pEaq o,.7ltЌ\YQ>?al 6%q鰁\ώ%qx6r9 6ж@$._%UYӧK#X#`Iŋ{9TIVg_ay\;.I}eu;cM>8m?ʴ5/̊!!/ܴ蕆x!,'7Æ1z6ʱ;s?>ԱR&g֘p?VՅ02X<7+$ {F7}ܧ{Wƒl.uyۨ'? w @l(!C'rs8M1Ƌf ? nݸQL7@˲R'?|6'l`.?/?aU]ǘDͰ@&>a9קyb蒄@kmo[ϐmURXcB ⲱ6)}`!.!ߟOh7F>\94˜6ޔӐkq>FO:=H[7^g 2Aw!1uLY)'{y'}I\}[̳PBꊙ[D۠8M~)9Ea5yҷʜblJ(̅ Esv@a< t)$=52-|4C#mS蚦S7%6-%ڧԿP*v&/@?f~ CFXfp} dGunv\N'Hܛ s<3Y֭B!Fj|bC&[}` `@Xy1x`;c >36 ژ_򻧗$5@Є) IIQ˘ZB:{+2yiƜ ۈfQw$} y& "|ܜf|2Dl,q'9p;e]19r(|?]S!/s tSjh ;˨ǽgޔ\$ݾ+=n(6QQ=|/ ݄I7* X')굑c}.PΘq<$>5 Lv/뉃yS܎~} 䶈w׬,%ǕϷžŞy4k/<깬 #o؀ǘKKi lB{Ǘ9%HXI/`y:tčXN}5/~xc1UԃCS%9yEݿ}xt tTGyg J.Aզx|]{Xz _]"FJx3L$Rțџ܍:*i^qy޴>FXo렍 . 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Connell\325s research has many implications for practice and policy)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (aimed at the prevention of emotional and behavioral problems in chil-)Tj T* (dren and adolescents.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 36.9173 644.1271 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(he Impor)-21(tance of Understanding the Child in the Context of the)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD 0 Tw [(F)20(amily:)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 66.0779 632.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(his research demonstrates that family-focused interventions not)]TJ -3.33264 -1.37143 TD (only improve parenting skills, but also have measurable effects on chil-)Tj -0.0117 Tc (d)' 0.53026 0.00001 TD -0.012 Tc (ren\325s health and well-being. Additionally it shows that family-focused)Tj -0.53026 -1.37144 TD -0.0117 Tc (i)Tj 0.1963 0.00001 TD -0.012 Tc [(nterventions can be very brief)41(, yet have long-term effects on children)]TJ -0.1963 -1.37144 TD [(with emotional and/or behavioral difficulties. Among families par)-21(ticularly)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD [(at risk, interventions such as the F)20(amily Check-Up could be used to)]TJ T* (improve family functioning and to reduce emotional and/or behavioral)Tj T* (problems among children and adolescents. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 36.9173 530.1271 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(he Impor)-21(tance of Intervention During Sensitive Developmental)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD 0 Tw [(T)81(ransitions:)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 81.9569 518.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.018 Tc 0.029 Tw [(Early childhood may be a challeng)-21(ing time for many families,)]TJ -5.14738 -1.37144 TD [(par)-21(ticularly those with limited resources or access to intervention services.)]TJ T* -0.012 Tc [(T)19(he development of emotional and behavioral difficulties in early child)1(-)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (hood may place youth on a pathway towards continuing difficulties as)Tj T* (they enter school, and in later childhood. T)Tj 17.42717 0 TD (his research suggests that by)Tj -17.42717 -1.37143 TD (intervening early)Tj 6.58291 0 TD (, it may be possible to limit long term psycholog)Tj 19.67359 0 TD (ical and)Tj -26.25651 -1.37144 TD (behavioral problems for children who demonstrate early risk for such dis-)Tj 0 -1.37143 TD (orders. Results of research by Dr)Tj 13.20625 0 TD (. Connell and colleagues indicate that)Tj -13.20625 -1.37143 TD 0 Tw (suppor)Tj 2.82797 0 TD 0.029 Tw (ting positive parenting across early childhood may reduce the)Tj -2.82797 -1.37143 TD (occurrence of emotional and behavioral difficulties, and they are currently)Tj T* -0.018 Tc (examining whether these reductions lead to improvements in other areas)Tj T* -0.012 Tc (of functioning, such as early school readiness. F)Tj 19.32711 0 TD [(ur)-21(ther)41(, the implications of)]TJ -19.32711 -1.37143 TD (these findings are that emotional and behavioral problems in early child-)Tj T* (hood may be transitory for some children, and that tailored interventions)Tj T* [(may be impor)-21(tant for facilitating the transition among young children. )]TJ 0 -2.05715 TD [(Similarly)41(, the transition into adolescence marks a time of heightened risk)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD [(for the development of emotional and behavioral problems. F)20(or many)]TJ T* (youth, early adolescence marks the onset of problems with delinquency)Tj 29.30287 0 TD 0 Tc (,)Tj -29.30287 -1.37143 TD -0.018 Tc [(substance use, and depression. F)20(ur)-21(ther)40(, adolescents who develop serious)]TJ T* -0.012 Tc (emotional and behavioral difficulties have serious negative long-term)Tj 0 -1.37144 TD -0.023 Tc [(consequences in a variety of domains of adult functioning. Y)62(et this research)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD -0.012 Tc (suggests that parent-focused interventions can prevent this increase in)Tj T* (depressive symptoms and other emotional and behavioral problems)Tj T* [(among at-risk youth. T)20(hese results, and others in the literature, suggest)]TJ T* (that family-focused interventions implemented during this developmental)Tj T* (transition period can have significant effects on depression in teens. )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 36.9173 194.127 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(he Impor)-21(tance of Interventions Aimed at the Specific Needs of the)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD 0 Tw (Child:)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 61.4268 182.127 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(he intervention effects shown in these studies for youth with co-)]TJ -2.80109 -1.37143 TD [(occurring symptoms are notewor)-21(thy because children with early co-)]TJ T* [(occurring emotional and behavior problems may be par)-21(ticularly at risk for)]TJ 31.57528 60.34287 TD [(continued and serious problems later in development. T)20(hese children)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (are often excluded from intervention studies because of their dual diag-)Tj T* (nosis. Results of this study indicate that these children may be respon-)Tj T* [(sive to early family intervention effor)-21(ts, showing significant reductions in)]TJ T* (the likelihood of continued problems.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 313.201 620.1271 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(he Impor)-21(tance of Interventions Aimed at the Specific Needs of)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD -0.0118 Tc (E)Tj 0.53019 0.00001 TD -0.012 Tc [(ach F)20(amily:)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 363.0675 608.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (T)Tj 0.46857 0.00001 TD -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw (he model used in these studies specifically links the inter-)Tj -6.1676 -1.37144 TD -0.0117 Tc (v)Tj 0.42629 0.00001 TD -0.012 Tc [(ention intensity to the needs and motivation of the family)41(. T)20(he goals of)]TJ -0.42629 -1.37144 TD [(the universal intervention are to suppor)-21(t parents\325 supervision, involve-)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (ment, and management of their children and to identify and motivate)Tj T* (the parents of high-risk youths to engage in, and stay engaged in, this)Tj T* (active family management process.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 313.201 530.1271 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(he Impor)-21(tance of Serving Children and F)20(amilies W)20(here T)19(hey Are:)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 313.201 518.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw [(T)19(hese studies show that reduction in child problem behaviors can be)]TJ 0 -1.37144 TD [(achieved using existing institutions and service prog)-21(rams. F)20(amilies of)]TJ T* (young children were recruited from WIC, a nationally available service)Tj 0 -1.37143 TD (delivery setting for low-income children who may be at risk for problem)Tj T* (behavior and whose families do not typically use mental health services,)Tj T* (especially this early in their child\325s development. Interventions were)Tj T* (implemented within schools for older children. Nearly all youths within)Tj T* (the United States attend middle school. T)Tj 16.89021 0 TD (he public school environment)Tj -16.89021 -1.37143 TD (is, therefore, an impor)Tj 8.98786 0 TD [(tant site for prevention effor)-21(ts.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 313.201 404.1271 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw (Next Steps:)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 8.75 0 0 8.75 358.7925 404.1271 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 Tc 0.029 Tw (Additional research is needed to understand the cause of)Tj -5.21046 -1.37143 TD [(early emotional and behavioral problems in young children. In par)-21(ticular)41(,)]TJ T* (more research is needed to understand youth with co-occurring emo)Tj 28.18423 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -28.18423 -1.37143 TD -0.012 Tc (tional and behavioral problems, as this population has often been)Tj T* (excluded from studies. A better understanding of the etiolog)Tj 24.49999 0 TD (y of these)Tj -24.49999 -1.37143 TD (disorders would suppor)Tj 9.59799 0 TD (t the development of interventions uniquely tar)Tj 19.19718 0 TD 0 Tc (-)Tj -28.79517 -1.37144 TD -0.012 Tc [(geted to the needs of these children and their families. Dr)41(. Connell is)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (currently conducting research aimed at refining our understanding of)Tj T* (family processes related to youth depressive symptoms, and to youths\325)Tj T* [(ability to regulate their emotions in stressful situations. T)20(he goal of this)]TJ T* [(research is to identify impor)-21(tant family relational processes that might be)]TJ 0 -1.37144 TD [(impor)-21(tant targets for future family-focused intervention.)]TJ 0 -2.05714 TD [(Additionally)41(, Dr)40(. Connell has been working on refining the F)20(amily Check-)]TJ 0 -1.37143 TD (Up model to better meet the needs of families of adolescents with)Tj T* [(depression. Although preliminary results indicate that par)-21(ticipation in the)]TJ T* [(F)20(amily Check-Up lead to improvements in depressive symptoms, the)]TJ T* [(F)20(amily Check-Up was designed primarily for the families of youth exhibit-)]TJ T* [(ing conduct problems and substance use behaviors. Adapting the F)20(amily)]TJ T* [(Check-Up model to meet the par)-21(ticular needs of families of depressed)]TJ T* (adolescents may lead to stronger intervention effects in future studies.)Tj ET Q endstream endobj 21 0 obj << /Nums[0<>] >> endobj 22 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[67/C 83/S 98/b/c/d/e 104/h/i 108/l 110/n 114/r/s/t/u] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 23 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 2715 /Length1 2715 >> stream GPOBKQ+AGaramond-RegularSC@K   A=^ tCopyright (c) 1989, 1992 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 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All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata MediumFormata|VSw 7 7   endstream endobj 48 0 obj << /XHeight 798 /FontName/HJTXYJ+Formata-Medium /Ascent 782 /FontFile3 47 0 R /FontBBox[-127 -251 1291 967] /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 163 /CapHeight 706 /StemH 0 /Descent -247 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 262178 >> endobj 49 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 48 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F6 /Encoding 46 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/HJTXYJ+Formata-Medium /Widths[292] >> endobj 50 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 51 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 296 /Length1 296 >> stream PPSCVC+Formata-Light@"<   n{Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata LightFormata|Vi-ݣv Ɏ  endstream endobj 52 0 obj << /XHeight 798 /FontName/PPSCVC+Formata-Light /Ascent 774 /FontFile3 51 0 R /FontBBox[-105 -252 1279 936] /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 62 /CapHeight 706 /StemH 0 /Descent -230 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 34 >> endobj 53 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 52 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F7 /Encoding 50 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/PPSCVC+Formata-Light /Widths[292] >> endobj 54 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 55 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 337 /Length1 337 >> stream QLTZSB+Berkeley-Book?5   ".Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle BookBerkeleyxx 7  endstream endobj 56 0 obj << /XHeight 712 /FontName/QLTZSB+Berkeley-Book /Ascent 705 /FontFile3 55 0 R /FontBBox[-86 -256 1062 841] /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 0 /CapHeight 635 /StemH 0 /Descent -246 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 34 >> endobj 57 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 56 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F8 /Encoding 54 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/QLTZSB+Berkeley-Book /Widths[259] >> endobj 58 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 59 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 341 /Length1 341 >> stream HNIQZL+Berkeley-Medium?.   # &2Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle MediumBerkeleyxx 7  endstream endobj 60 0 obj << /XHeight 712 /FontName/HNIQZL+Berkeley-Medium /Ascent 705 /FontFile3 59 0 R /FontBBox[-93 -255 1083 842] /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 0 /CapHeight 635 /StemH 0 /Descent -246 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 34 >> endobj 61 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 60 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F9 /Encoding 58 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/HNIQZL+Berkeley-Medium /Widths[259] >> endobj 62 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 63 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 374 /Length1 374 >> stream DQESLE+AGaramond-RegularSC@K   @=COCopyright (c) 1989, 1992 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Adobe Garamond is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Adobe Garamond Small Caps & Oldstyle FiguresAdobe Garamond$${(F֋  yXO  endstream endobj 64 0 obj << /XHeight 676 /FontName/DQESLE+AGaramond-RegularSC /Ascent 715 /FontFile3 63 0 R /FontBBox[-183 -269 1099 851] /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 76 /CapHeight 660 /StemH 0 /Descent -255 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 34 >> endobj 65 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 64 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F10 /Encoding 62 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/DQESLE+AGaramond-RegularSC /Widths[250] >> endobj 66 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 67 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 383 /Length1 383 >> stream YAOYVP+LaFigura@"P      1998 [T-26] a digital type foundry 1110 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60622 USA T0323 ID#5092594 Designer: Jim Marcus/Gomiko All rights reserved.LaFigura "fJ_ O2A(yrztb O ub O2  _  TaO  endstream endobj 68 0 obj << /XHeight 357 /FontName/YAOYVP+LaFigura /Ascent 329 /FontFile3 67 0 R /FontBBox[-654 -444 896 550] /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 13 /CapHeight 329 /StemH 0 /Descent -372 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 34 >> endobj 69 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 68 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F11 /Encoding 66 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/YAOYVP+LaFigura /Widths[113] >> endobj 70 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 71 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 310 /Length1 310 >> stream OFZKLK+StoneSans-SemiboldAG}^     y Copyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.Stone is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Stone Sans SemiboldStoneSans$PhD/ endstream endobj 72 0 obj << /XHeight 747 /FontName/OFZKLK+StoneSans-Semibold /Ascent 735 /FontFile3 71 0 R /FontBBox[-179 -250 1405 970] /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 0 /CapHeight 700 /StemH 0 /Descent -250 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 34 >> endobj 73 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 72 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F12 /Encoding 70 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/OFZKLK+StoneSans-Semibold /Widths[287] >> endobj 74 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 75 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 309 /Length1 309 >> stream QAUOWW+Formata-RegularAT   n}Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata RegularFormata|V\$y  Ԕ z  endstream endobj 76 0 obj << /XHeight 798 /FontName/QAUOWW+Formata-Regular /Ascent 774 /FontFile3 75 0 R /FontBBox[-115 -250 1285 960] /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 105 /CapHeight 706 /StemH 0 /Descent -241 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 34 >> endobj 77 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 76 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F13 /Encoding 74 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/QAUOWW+Formata-Regular /Widths[292] >> endobj 78 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 79 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 311 /Length1 311 >> stream NCPDTM+Formata-LightItalicAMB    nCopyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata Light ItalicFormataxVi)٤v ɐ  endstream endobj 80 0 obj << /XHeight 797 /FontName/NCPDTM+Formata-LightItalic /Ascent 772 /FontFile3 79 0 R /FontBBox[-185 -255 1254 942] /ItalicAngle -13 /StemV 62 /CapHeight 706 /StemH 0 /Descent -230 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 98 >> endobj 81 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 80 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F14 /Encoding 78 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/NCPDTM+Formata-LightItalic /Widths[292] >> endobj 82 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 83 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 315 /Length1 315 >> stream PPENEX+Formata-ItalicAVL   n|Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.Formata is a trademark of H. Berthold AG.Formata ItalicFormatazVb#v  љ z  yXO  endstream endobj 84 0 obj << /XHeight 798 /FontName/PPENEX+Formata-Italic /Ascent 788 /FontFile3 83 0 R /FontBBox[-194 -253 1259 952] /ItalicAngle -13 /StemV 105 /CapHeight 706 /StemH 0 /Descent -237 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 98 >> endobj 85 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 84 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F15 /Encoding 82 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/PPENEX+Formata-Italic /Widths[292] >> endobj 86 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 87 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 342 /Length1 342 >> stream NQHDWN+Berkeley-Italic@   $!'3Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation.ITC Berkeley Oldstyle ItalicBerkeley$$u{ 7  endstream endobj 88 0 obj << /XHeight 712 /FontName/NQHDWN+Berkeley-Italic /Ascent 705 /FontFile3 87 0 R /FontBBox[-130 -260 1019 839] /ItalicAngle -8 /StemV 0 /CapHeight 635 /StemH 0 /Descent -248 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 98 >> endobj 89 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 88 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F16 /Encoding 86 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/NQHDWN+Berkeley-Italic /Widths[250] >> endobj 90 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 91 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 292 /Length1 292 >> stream FTWPMA+StoneSansAGW   y Copyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.Stone is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Stone SansStoneSans$PhD/ endstream endobj 92 0 obj << /XHeight 747 /FontName/FTWPMA+StoneSans /Ascent 735 /FontFile3 91 0 R /FontBBox[-179 -250 1297 963] /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 0 /CapHeight 700 /StemH 0 /Descent -250 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 34 >> endobj 93 0 obj << /LastChar 32 /FontDescriptor 92 0 R /Subtype/Type1 /Name/F17 /Encoding 90 0 R /Type/Font /FirstChar 32 /BaseFont/FTWPMA+StoneSans /Widths[287] >> endobj 94 0 obj << /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space 38/ampersand 40/parenleft/parenright 44/comma/hyphen/period 48/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/colon 63/question 65/A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N/O/P 82/R/S/T/U/V/W 89/Y 97/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i 107/k/l/m/n/o/p 114/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y 165/bullet 213/quoteright] /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding >> endobj 95 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 9283 /Length1 9283 >> stream SAGOQP+Formata-RegularAT   }$n}Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 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