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After selecting a term, use the filters on the left, enter keywords in the search box at the top, or use the filters in combination with keywords to find the classes you want.
The fields searched by keyword are:
- Subject and catalog number (e.g., MATH121 or MATH 121)
- Course title, course description and topic
- Instructor last name
- Class number
- Campus and location
- Course Attribute (e.g., "Study Abroad", "XR Enabled", "Service Learning", etc.)
To search other fields, use the filters on the left.
Narrow your results by using the filters on the left. The available filters are:
- Class Status (Show Open Classes Only, Include Wait Listed Classes)
- Subjects
- Days
- Times
- Instructors
- Degree Requirements (undergraduate degree requirements only, e.g., SAGES Capstone or Global and Cultural Diversity)
- School (e.g., College of Arts & Sciences)
- Career (e.g., Undergraduate)
- Catalog Number
- Units
- Component (e.g., Lecture)
- Instruction Mode (e.g., In Person, Traditional)
- Session
- Building
- Campus
- Location
Click the filter title to expand the filter options or click Additional Search Filters to see more filters. Select the desired filter options and/or enter keywords and click Search, or click the magnifying glass to the right of the keyword search box. Results will appear below the keyword search box.
After performing a search, you may wish to further narrow the results before selecting a class. Most filters will now show only values that are contained in your search results. For example, if you initially searched for all classes in the subject MATH, you will now see only instructors teaching a MATH class (or a class that is cross-listed with MATH) in the Instructors filter. You may add one or more filter values, then click Filter Results. Uncheck one or more filter values and click Filter Results to go back to your previous results list. To start over, click the New Search button.
Undergraduates: To find all courses that meet particular general education requirements such as Communication Intensive courses or Capstone courses, use the Degree Requirements filter.
Class Details
To view more class information, click on one of the results. When you select a class, you will see:
- Class status (open, closed, waitlisted)
- Section number and class number
- Session in which the class is offered
- Meeting days, times, and dates
- Meeting location
- Instructor
- Course description
- Additional course details
If you select a class that requires more than one component type, e.g., a lecture and a lab, you will see a grid for each component type. If you are enrolling for classes, you will need to select one section from each component type by clicking the radio button to the left of the section into which you wish to enroll. You can limit the results in the grid to open sections only by sliding the Show Open Classes Only slider.
To view class availability, select the Availability tab.
- Class status
- Current enrollment total and enrollment capacity
- Combined section enrollment and capacity if this class is cross-listed
- Wait list places available if the class allows wait listing
To view when this class has been offered in the past, select the Previously Offered tab. You will see:
- Term(s) course was previously offered
- Link to course evaluations for that term
Note: if this is the first term the course is being offered, there will be no results displayed.