Departmental Admin Center Newsletter - Volume 2

Topics include:

Did you know there is now a shortcut to the DAC? From your Staff Home page, just click the Departmental Admin Center tile!


Finding GPAs

Need to quickly find the cumulative GPA for one or all of your students, for example, for rankings or awards?

From your DAC, click on the Additional Info tab to see the column Career Cum GPA. You can sort students by GPA by clicking the Career Cum GPA header once to sort in ascending order, and clicking again to sort in descending order. (The DAC grid can be sorted on any column by clicking the header.)

Want to save this data as a spreadsheet? Click the icon to Download to Excel. Save the file to your computer and open it in Excel.


Last Term Enrolled

Want to see which of your students have registered for Summer 2021 or which haven’t been registered since Fall 2019?

From your DAC, click on the Additional Info tab to see the column Last Registered. You can sort students by the term in which they were last registered by clicking the Last Registered header once to sort in ascending order, and clicking again to sort in descending order. (The DAC grid can be sorted on any column by clicking the header.)


Tableau and Additional Reporting

As you may know, the Data Warehouse, and the BusinessObjects reports, was decommissioned last March. Tableau has been selected as the enterprise analytics solution. Dashboards and reports have begun to be released. If you had access to the Data Warehouse, you may also have access to Tableau. Find the new platform by going to .

Because there are multiple ways to find data, we’ve created an Additional Reporting page to help you decipher the best place to find what you’re looking for. The page is organized by data category and then system. Here you will find instructions for locating data in SIS, Tableau and Qlik.


Report Spotlight

Advisors with Count of Advisees

While not a part of the DAC, we have created some reports that are available specifically for DAC users. From your Staff Home page, click the Reporting Center tile, then click Admin Center Reports.

The first page to appear contains a list of queries that may be helpful to you such as CW_SR_ADVISORS_COUNT_ADVISEES. This query will return a list of all advisors within a department (academic organization) and a count of advisees assigned to them.

You can choose to view the data on the screen in HTML or download it in Excel.


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