Departmental Admin Center Newsletter - Volume 1

Welcome to the first newsletter for users of the Departmental Admin Center (DAC) in SIS! This newsletter seeks to answer some of your common questions about accessing student data in SIS as well as bring you timely updates and information. Topics include:

Did you know there is now a shortcut to the DAC? From your Staff Home page, just click the Departmental Admin Center tile!


Additional Information Tab

Did you notice that there is a second tab of information in the DAC?

Departmental Admin Center header with the Additional Info Tab circled in red.


Click Additional Info to view the student’s career, career cumulative GPA and the last term in which they enrolled. You can still pull up the Student Services Center from this tab by clicking the student’s name.

This tab can be particularly helpful at the end of the academic year when you need to rank students for departmental awards. You can sort students by GPA by clicking the Career Cum GPA header once to sort in ascending order, and clicking again to sort in descending order. The DAC grid can be sorted on any column by clicking the header.


Download to Excel

Have you ever wanted to download the DAC grids to Excel in order to manipulate the data more than you can in SIS?

Click the icon to view all columns,

Departmental Admin Center Icon to Show All Columns.

then click the grid icon with red arrow in the upper right

Download to Excel icon. Grid with red arrow.

to download to Excel. Excel may display a file format warning--it is OK to click Yes.

Columns like Name and Email Address will be duplicated, but you can delete any columns that you don't want to see twice. You can also download the General Info or Additional Info grids individually.


View the Grades of All Students by Term

You can quickly review the grades of all students by selecting a term in the Display Grades drop down menu at the top of the page. There is nothing else to click after you select a term. Depending on the number of students, you may see the spinner in the upper right for a moment or two, then all students from your list who were enrolled in the term will be displayed with all of their classes and their grades.


Admin Reports

While not a part of the DAC, we have created some reports that are available specifically for DAC users. From your Staff Home page, click the Reporting Center tile, then click Admin Center Reports.

The first page to appear contains a list of queries that may be helpful to you such as CW_SR_ENRLD_HRS_GPA. This query will return a list of your students by program, plan, or career and includes the number of hours in which the student is enrolled in the current term, their cumulative hours, and their cumulative GPA.

The second tab on the left contains reports that return data in a formatted layout. You can choose to view the data in the formatted PDF layout, or change the selection in the Format drop list and view the list on the screen in HTML (HTM) or download it in Excel (XLS).


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