
  1. Every parker charged and fined has the right of appeal.
  2. Appeals must be made online at . No oral or written appeals will be considered. A judgment decision will be sent via email within 30 days after receipt of appeal.
  3. Each appeal requires a full name, return address, and hang tag number (for permit holders) in order for the appeal to be processed.
  4. Appeals will not be considered and will be discarded in the following circumstances:
    • The appeal is received by the Parking Management Company after the tenth (10th) calendar day after the date of violation. Weekends and legal holidays are included in the ten (10) calendar day limit.
    • The appeal is incomplete.
    • The parker has any outstanding citations on file.
  5. The appeal committee meets to review and adjudicate appeals. All appeal decisions are final. Refused appeals will incur a late fee (as stated on the citation) if the fine is not paid within ten (10) days from the date of violation.