ࡱ> U )bjbjnn 7haa!*  84_t(^^^^^^^$`Ec^rrr^^r^r^6W4F]@ V8wFjY>^^0_YcFc|F]cF]@r\a^^_rrrrc B V:  FRANCES PAYNE BOLTON SCHOOL OF NURSING ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FUND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR RESEARCH FUNDS To: Applicant for FPB Alumni Association Research Award FROM: Helen M. Hurst, DNP, RNC-OB, APRN-CNM Chairperson, Research Fund If your application for a research award is approved, the following are the requirements of accepting this award: To allow a summary of the evidence-based practice project to be formulated from the application and/or the abstract on completion, to be published with your name periodically in the alumni magazine/newsletter. To send an abstract of your evidence-based practice project to the Alumni Association, c/o Chairperson of the Research Fund. To acknowledge the partial support given to you by the FPB Alumni Association in any public access to this work (i.e. thesis and dissertation acknowledgments, publication of papers and manuscripts, presentations). Please sign below and submit with your application (only one copy of this sheet needed) I agree to comply with the above requirements. Signed: ______________________________ Date: ________________________________ FRANCES PAYNE BOLTON SCHOOL OF NURSING ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FOR EBP PROJECT PROPOSAL DIRECTIONS: Please electronically submit a typed copy of application to the chairperson of the Alumni Research Fund Committee; email address is  HYPERLINK "mailto:helenhurst@louisiana.edu" helenhurst@louisiana.edu. Check to see that all questions are answered completely. 1. NAME: ________________________________________ DATE: _______________ 2. ADDRESS: Home: ____________________________ Business: _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Phone: ____________________________ _____________________________ Email: ____________________________ _____________________________ 3. REPLY TO BE SENT TO HOME_____ OR BUSINESS ADDRESS _____ 4. STATUS: ALUMNI: YEAR(S) _________ PROGRAM ___________________ STUDENT: YEAR _________ PROGRAM ___________________ 4a. ALUMNIS CURRENT EMPLOYER AND POSITION: ___________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4b. STUDENTS MAJOR ADVISOR: ____________________________________________ 5. DEGREES (LIST ALL): ______________________________________________________ 6. TITLE OF STUDY OR PROJECT: ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM AND PURPOSE OF PROJECT: (Provide a concise review and critique of current relevant empirical literature with citations as appropriate; link literature review to need for generating practice guideline or rationale for implementing practice change; clearly describe the purpose of the proposed project and identify the expected outcomes or clinical research questions to be addressed). 8. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE AND SETTING FOR PROJECT (Identify size and characteristics of proposed sample, including rationale for sample size; describe characteristics of the setting and evidence that the desired sample size can be recruited within a specified timeframe; describe how sample will be recruited, potential risks to participants and how these will be handled): 9. DESCRIPTION OF METHOD AND PROCEDURES (Identify design, describe steps to be used to implement and evaluate the practice change, describe each outcome measure, including number of items in the tool, scoring and potential range of responses where applicable. If using a standardized instrument, provide information on reliability/validity or sensitivity/specificity as appropriate). 10. DESCRIPTION OF DATA ANALYSIS TO BE CONDUCTED (describe plan for storage of data and protection of confidentiality; identify specific analyses to be conducted and relationship to project outcomes or questions): 11. DISSEMINATION PLAN (Describe plan for disseminating findings, including expected impact on future practice and future projects/research): 12. PROVIDE BRIEF GRAPHICAL TIMELINE FOR PROJECT COMPLETION. 13. STUDENT APPLICANTS SUBMIT STATEMENT FROM MAJOR ADVISOR AFFIRMING THAT STUDY/PROJECT HAS ADVISOR/COMMITTEE FINAL APPROVAL. 14. YOUNG ALUMNI APPLICANTS SUBMIT A STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FROM ADMINISTRATOR/CLINICAL EXPERT/RESEARCHER FOR CONDUCT OF PROJECT IN PROPOSED CLINICAL SETTING. 15. ATTACH IRB APPROVAL or PROVIDE ESTIMATED DATE FOR WHEN APPROVAL WILL BE OBTAINED _________________________________________ 16. ATTACH CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM (login to  HYPERLINK "https://spartacoi.case.edu" https://spartacoi.case.edu to complete training and form) 17. BUDGET AND JUSTIFICATION List all anticipated expenses for completion of study. Identify which specific expenses in budget you would like to be covered by the award (up to $1000), using Protocol for Disbursement of Research Funds as a guide. If travel expenses for data collection are included, please be specific about number of miles to be traveled at the University approved rate. Also if Xerox copies are needed, indicate number of copies and number of pages to justify amount. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL BUDGET: ______________ TOTAL AWARD REQUESTED ______________ If total study costs exceed $1000, how do you plan to cover the additional costs in order to assure that you are able to complete the study as planned? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 18. LIST OF KEY REFERENCES CITED IN APPLICATION: REMEMBER TO SAVE IN MICROSOFT WORD VERSION 1997-2003!!! REVIEW CRITERIA ON NEXT PAGE TO BE SURE ALL HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED REVIEW CRITERIA FOR EBP PROPOSALS Title: Clearly reflects problem and purpose of project. Background & Significance: Concise review and critique of current relevant empirical literature with reference citations. Background & Significance: Uses above to support need for generating practice guideline or implementing practice change.Purpose: Clearly stated purpose with well-defined identification of project outcomes or clinical questions to be addressed.Design: Relevance of design to address purpose, including steps to be used to implement and evaluate practice change.Design: Incorporates preferences of population of interest and how barriers will be addressed.Sample: Clearly describes sample characteristics and provides rationale for sample size.Setting: Identifies characteristics of the setting and support that sample can be recruited in specified timeframe.Outcomes &Measures: Clear description of each outcome measure, including no. of items, scoring & range of scores.Outcomes & Measures: Describes validity/reliability or sensitivity/specificity of measures where appropriate.Analysis of Outcomes: Identifies how data will be analyzed to address each question or specific outcome.Discussion of Outcomes: Compares results/outcomes of project to what research found in a more controlled setting. Data Handling: Clearly describes how confidentiality of data will be protected during storage and analysis. Human Subjects: Identifies, summarizes, and addresses potential risks to participants.Dissemination: Describes a plan for disseminating findings, including expected impact on future practice and research.Timeline: Graphical presentation of timeline for completion of project, including steps for implementing practice change, collecting outcome data, and analyzing data.Timeline: Clearly stated time for obtaining IRB approval if data collection involves human subjects.Budget: Request for funds is appropriate and well-justified.Overall Application: Is well-written and complete.      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