Amy Y. Zhang, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Urology
School of Medicine
Associate Professor
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Population and Cancer Prevention Program
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

Teaching Information

Teaching Interests

  • Statistics
  • Research Methodology
  • Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Research Information

Research Interests

  • Intervention to Urinary Incontinence of Prostate Cancer Survivors
  • Psychosocial Behavioral Studies of Patients with Cancer: Depression in Cancer Patients
  • Quality of Life in Cancer Patients
  • Cancer Disparities

Research Projects

  • Principal Investigator, “Assessing Depression in Chinese Cancer Patients.” U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program (Research Award to China): 2017- 2019.
  • Principal Investigator, “Irritability, Depression and Their Biomarkers in African American Breast Cancer Patients.” ACES+ Advance Opportunity Grant at ǿմý (2017–2018)
  • Principal Investigator, "Improving Erectile Function and Quality of Life After Prostate Cancer Treatment," American Cancer Society (PEP-13-235-01–PCSM), 7/2013-6/2014.
  • Principal Investigator, “Economic Impact of Interventions Targeting Cancer Survivors and/or their Families.” National Institutes of Health / National Cancer Institute (Supplement, R01CA127493-01A2), 2010-2012.
  • Co-Investigator, "Teaching Resourcefulness to Women Caregivers of Elders with Dementia.” National Institutes of Health / National Institute for Nursing Research (R21NR010368-02), 2009-2012.
  • Principal Investigator, "Improving Urinary Continence and Quality of Life in Prostate Cancer Patients," National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (1R01CA127493-01A2), 1/2009-11/2012.
  • Principal Investigator, “Assessing Depression in African American Cancer Patients,” National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute (R03 CA115191-01A2), 2006-2008.
  • Principal Investigator, "Psychosocial Intervention for Functional Impairment in Cancer Patients," American Cancer Society (Ohio Division, Inc.).
  • Principal Investigator, "A Tool to Measure Family Concordance on End-of-Life Care," American Cancer Society (Institutional Research Grant #IRG-91-022-06).
  • Co-Principal Investigator, "Family Conflicts and Decision-Making for Advanced Cancer," PI:  Laura Siminoff. National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute (RO1 CA89513-01), 2001-2005.
  • Co-Investigator, “Culturally Sensitive Electronic Nursing Interventions,” PI: Shirley Moore. National Institutes of Health, National Institute for Nursing Research (R03 NR08551), 2003-2006.


  • Zhang, A.Y., Bodner, D.R., Fu, A.Z., Moore, S., Zhu, H., Strauss, G., Kresevic, D., Klein, E., Ponsky, L., & Bodner, D.R. (2017). Is a behavioral treatment for urinary incontinence beneficial to prostate cancer survivors as a follow-up care? Journal of Cancer Survivorship– Research and Practice, 11(1): 24-31.
  • Zhang, A. Y. & Fu, A. Z. (2016). Cost-effectiveness of a behavioral intervention for persistent urinary incontinence on prostate cancer patients. Psycho-oncology, 25: 421-427.
  • Zhang, A.Y., Bodner, D.R., Fu, A.Z., Ganzler, D.D.., Klein, E., Kresevic, D., Moore, S., Ponsky, L., Purdum, M., Strauss, G., & Zhu, H. (2015). Effects of patient-centered interventions on persistent urinary incontinence after prostate cancer treatment: A randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Urology, 194(6): 1675-81.
  • Zhang, A.Y., Gary, F., Zhu, H. (2015). Exploration of Depressive Symptoms in African American Cancer Patients. Journal of Mental Health, 24(6): 351-356.
  • Pepper, J., Zhang, A.Y., Li, R., & Wang, X. H. (2015). Usage and results of a mobile app for managing urinary incontinence. The Journal of Urology, 193: 1292-1297.
  • Zhang, A.Y., Gary, F., Zhu, H. (2014). Attitudes toward cancer and implications for mental health outcome in African American cancer patients. Journal of Cancer Education, 30(1):138-144 (2015).
  • Zhang, A. Y., Gary, F. (2013). Discord of Measurements in Assessing Depression among African Americans with Cancer Diagnoses. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 6(1): 58-71.
  • Zhang, A. Y., Gary, F., & Zhu, H. (2012). What precipitates depression in African American cancer patients? Triggers and stressors. Palliative & Supportive Care, 10(4), 279-286.
  • Zhang, A. Y., Zyzanski, S. J, & Siminoff, L. A. (2012). Ethnic Differences in the Caregiver’s Attitudes and Preferences for the Treatment and Care of Advanced Lung Cancer Patients. Psycho-Oncology 21: 1250-1253.
  • Zhang, A. Y., Zyzanski, S. J, & Siminoff, L. A. (2010). Differential patient-caregiver opinions of treatment and care for advanced lung cancer patients. Social Science & Medicine, 70 (2010), 1155–1158.


Doctor of Philosophy
Cross-Cultural Studies in the Behavioral and Social Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
Master of Science
Clinical Psychology
The Pennsylvania State University
Bachelor of Arts
Peking University, Beijing, China

Residencies, Internships and Fellowships

Postdoctoral Fellowship, AHCPR Fellow, NIMH Fellow
University of California-Berkeley