Peripheral Nerve Stimulation as a Tool to Study Emotional Touch

Event Date:
November 11th 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

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Meeting ID: 928 0482 8495 Passcode: 185518

Speaker: John Dylan Wright

Advisor: Prof. Graczyk

Title: Peripheral Nerve Stimulation as a Tool to Study Emotional Touch

Abstract: Humans can convey emotional meaning solely through touch. This ability likely relies on a combination of receptor organs in the skin and central processes to translate pressure and movement patterns into salient affective content. In intact sensation research, the delivery of different touch paradigms and resulting emotional content has been extensively investigated; however, it can be challenging to investigate the roles of individual components of the system. Using patterned peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) to generate perceived moving touch offers the opportunity to study individual components of the emotional touch system and how discriminative and affective components interact. This talk will explore the current state of affective and emotional touch research and how illusions of moving touch can be paired with PNS to further our understanding of emotional and affective touch.